
S "W i ? S . S z : fiS8 H I B UÍ :h ! B í R ör p 3 Sil è! Hgg Ö ce . 5 tóüoO ? $ Qd f' F? A O H O fe ■a Estáte Fot Salet. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, ConntyofW lahtenaw. ss. o lu the matter of 1 'f Ualvin IC 1. Notíce ::. t'íüli Ín piU'SWilliC'1 of nu ■ ■ entor of ite ol - '{ decea --i. by tJi6 Qob. .ím!ro of l'roir the '"uir j : wentytliirdday of Oetohi r, A . i1. willbesold at Public vendue, to Ü higheet bi store of ■ . i-i the ( 'ounty oí' iily;nt . r, A. p. 1871, at one o'olock ín tile jifteniimu of th. by mort) ige or oithe of the denth of said deeeased, wid dowerol 1 ■"■■ ' widoWOÏ Xilthnii Eollowingd scribed real estáte, Co-vrtt: Thft northweet (auteroí t&eüuir t w wil y-one, in tovntb of range throe 6 i;_; ono bündred tind Bixti Al-o a parcel of land coromencrag en the east line of BaidnorthweRtquarter on I ■■';■! runnis Sylvan Center twonly ohüins thenc i nd tweni y-flve links to i st ake and atonea 1 1 wenty nee north eihi tind twenty-ftve linlta to the place of ' tiüuing Bxt iilso a parcel of land con;' . of 1 ho nouthwest .'i:irit'i' ui the noztben tor oí' - chaina in longthandei ■ Lin&sin widtha coa.- n to be a partof iheoid form tormeriy owned !■■ Joseph Perxy, :inil Uu cf Olive Tioho riMi', I ril' 'i. A. I . Ift67, to x lid Calvin K. lïecker, reconled on pi of libe] ■ 'i tío olüce oí the ItogUter of - of said 'ounty. lOctobefSad.A. D.1H71. WBSLEY IÏUKCTTAIMX I3l7td i - outor. TheaboTesaleispostpoaedto Mond&y, the uiphth day of Junxiiiry, 1872, u the Borne plaoe and tinic of WEBLET BT7BCHJLBX), Executor. Doled, Decciabcr 27th, 1871. 'lïeal Éstate for Salo. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí V7aÁt nw,aa in the matter ol deoAftsed. Noticd is licreby giv oí' un ordex by the llon. of (V'asht n.iw, on of November, A. T). 1S7K t In i - wil! li: Bold at public vendue, tot! bidder, ut the dWlüng houBeon thi cril , ín : County ol W i '-'■■■ kw kisaid 8 tato. os H day, the wventeenth dayof Januury, A. I. is;2, atone o'cíoek in the afternoon oi th1 day (subject to ;11 encumbrt: nsting at the time pf Mie death ofaid d cea&ed, and alwï su 1 of dover ofhia widow therein), the Co ! real est;ite, to-wit: The wet huif of tbe suuilnvc-i . ■li.irti.T ui sefitl tahip two south oí ruiurc tour east, oontajfiing ei&Uty aores mure or leas, in snitl State. Üatod, Norembex Cth, A. T). 1871. JONAS FBEER, JAMES C. FHEEB, 350 Admiuiatratora. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE !■ M10HIÓAN, cóunty ö4 vToahtonaw, w. O En thft raattor of tile esluto oí' Casoline Kettner, Icceaawl : No) Lee ia tu - that in gursu ,n order gtanted to the undeivi] ncd, Adnunistxi by the Hon. Judge of Prontdfov the t-uuiity of Wiwhtonaw. on the twentyixtli iiiiy of December, Ai D. L871fthere will bcsold fheet bidder, tt the looroj tlie Couri Éoose, in the tdty of Aim Arlwr, in Qttw, in aaid Btate, on Tneeday, hethirteenth day of February , A. 1). 1878, it ten on of that day {subject to uil enumbranooB by mortgae or otherwise oxistín at the . the death ri , tïie foUowing deciil'.-il real i i A parool of land in the ity of Ann Arbor, county und State Bforesaldi decnibed as commencing seventy fbat east froi ut one in bloek two south of IIu■ - thenoe east on the north ui.' of - - - ace Bouth xt--ix i feet, thence nortn uxty■ beginninff. Dated, Qeceinber 2öth, è I n.lEJi F. HAU8ER, 13M Adminisir bherifts Salo. :■; OF MICHIGAN, County of "W By ' cution, issued out of and inder the seal of the Circuit Coortfor the county of ol Mtóhigan, datod the 26th day r May, A . I. L871tand tomediroetod and delivereoi 's, landa and te t s. Itchison ind Orson Atchiaon, defendants thereu ñamad, i dj I. on bhe ftfthdaj od ■'■■■., . D ion all the interest Orson Atchuon bta ín the tUowis ■ otttheaet qanrter of the northww - a township tnr soul h oi nd the BOuth . lartcr of section seventeen, nd the south hll -:YI'Mp one oui n ■ lie Connivo! W Itateof Michücan; 1 ubllo auction . ; the il tl"1 soul h nor of ' ■ '' :;i Arbor, on , lie 25thd iy of Detsmbttr, A.U. lS71,ut LOo'olook A. , i diiy. ■ Sheriff, I347tl ByJORTIW FOBS] I rilf. The al V' the aeoond day of anuary, 1872, al i ''■ and time of day. Dated, Deo.2Ath, L8G1. tharñt 1S64 By Joh tin Fobbia, Under-Bheriff. , FAMILIES righlng tobesnppiïed wlthKIILK regolarlj wiil toase ïeftve thelroiders for the same at my office, :or. Huron umi Piftfa t-trt-cts. 1840U íí. B. CQL3, ncery X.r npHEOIRcn uriyof W.i !- tenaw. LnCho taant, } . t ■ ■ unfcnov :;;)t be ■ ublicn: ■ ■ int, within I ■ IH r.-.ri:!■: VHAN, it Court Con.: iv T. VB ■ inr of tl ■ S'íjlícitors for Gomplainant. Íof tl ie uil Court te Uonflty : ■ orles; nnil the northeiv1 quartorol the Rontlm Min towTubip c o Nkidlan witli in Dot . . (871. E. BI ■ A..7. Saw ,, Miokixnn. I linnnt. ■ I ■ liriaifcwater, in Hie i oL Micliii, in, :ml mon pnTliculnHy known ai ■ rii nge nui ■■' "1. ■ One of the il i et Wiwbt amar, Michigan ;"' ■ 1344 el Mortgage fíalo. DT ' ' ■ ;;i tho condttii ani' itcdbyJuhu k. l'eaüny, au :rM' (!-uc the - Ddred nná i tv eiylll irde . i ■ 16, on whlch mrt pisethcre f cljiimed to 1m r( 'ill:iisiincl thirty-riiKi-ciTis, and l!i ■ ! m.irt ■ it Inw havlii ; morl ir any viri thvrcof; Notli ■ I ! powei ■. i ■)!" r h ! si i cnnni the sald mortgaec wfll b lorer! - : All tba' plecc or pure ':: ui" tforthfleld . In l of iVitgbiuniw, nnd frtate of Michisan known ■ lífí.pt .'ír.'iirttT (r i oi la&d, moN of ut tho toath door of ttie asbtenaw Cl y of Ann Arbor, u iioMic the C in Llio afurasald Oyn 3iij of Jannary. A. ï. o!:c ii. ■ I Dtj-two, v-t ecu u clutk hl üie rurc-QOOi] oí í :i:it l:l'. Novein PI Lawrenok FcAZErt, Atty for ïi.i. ■ ..e. ■ ■ ned bj ■ Lally Aun Pre; deceai i the !7th ñny . A. I. ' " ■ t her in no pv ■■ ■ - : ■ ■ ■ ■ jiowc-r a pubbidaer, on tfco nxnth dayoi beinjrt] Ctfurt for the i tract or par lows, tO ! ■Muiter ia township nui:1 öouth in range uumber - in &orthiield, in theouuiity of Waahtfcnaw, in the State of MicMgun. Ieiiaber7th, 1S71. XATJÏAN H. PRAT, Jotv X. fJoTT, Mortgagce. Attorney for Agsignee ui' Mortgagee. íortgago Sale. DEFAT'LT hnvin bu-en made in ílit1 con il i í - ins of ;t Ami J. M.nviH tO ■ -1 hirdday oí" Novembox, on ■ ■ i Bixtyeïght, and recorded in ■ ■ ■ I). 1863, in liber ' 110,00 wlik'lt moi I i be duo Éne . .-ilso an iTided in baid mortoage and n ftt biworin lángbeea Lnstitated to reOT6 the dobt . or any port thcreof; Notie u that by vfrtnoof the pow ' ■ and oí the srn! uto in sucb case made tmd provided, 1 sliall sell at public; niet ion, f the 2n%htet bidder, at the doorol Court House, in the oityof " anty [that being tlio Circuit Conrt for emd county)ron tv of Maieh, A. D. Í8í2,at doven opdoek a. m. ■ I tesexibed A strip oi landoneohain . nnd extending ucross the a twenty-oue, in townahip mts of range ftvo east, in I Michigan, thé'WBm side of vhioh is parallel I -ido of Boid Quarter sectiun, and töe s sixtcL'n chaina and öftyoveo links wst of the i trter line, containing LOO acres, mor or Ic-s ; also a pieoe on sec■ ut y-tvro, Mime tovii and ninpo, towit: The bouth sixteen chaina and seventy-one links wide, aiuï the eá1 sev nt n chaina and ninety-mne links alonpf , :mil seventooia ehains and ni:iety-six north side of Lhe piéce, in thé west half .. ;y-!v(), con. aerea, and beina All tho land owiiul by th( sala Selaen Marvin and Ann J. Marvin in ,iU Cüimty oi' WuihU-mnv ;it the tiiuo s;iid mpitgagS was ad ezecub d. liatud, Aun Albor Dcc. Utli, 1871 MXLAN GLOVEB, Mortgagea ■ D. CBASTEB, trutrix of saH Morigagce. Attorney forsaxddininiatratrix, ShorifiTa Sale. Ö By vïrtue i I undex tl ■■ nty oi naw, State oi klarchf A. D. 1871] livered, agaiost the -[ BJttd tan6i f WiUiam BL. Brown, defeodant I . l did, on tho twenty-ninth day of M, . 1). 1S7I, for the want of goot! "nd chattels, lery uppn all the right, title and tnteresi that V7ÜIiamM, Brown hos in the following J a ld d w al eetate, to-wit : All of f b No. l'our, live, six, seven and cight, in block one inGhñnger & ílorgun's Addition to Üi iter: also the Boathvest quairter of rauiweat gaarter of iv ■ . and soatSieast quarfcer of d ■■ ouartei of aeotionten, allin town tour Bouth oJ i brei e ist, all oí' tho abore ■ situated in the townshlp and Tillage of Manchester, county of Waahtemra , - which premises I shall expone for sale, at public ancnon te the hjgheel biddeif, al the soutb dooi of the Couii In the City of Ann Arbor, on theSOth day of . A. n. i;, at 10 o'olook A. M. of aaid day. ■ d.Aun Arlor. Ore. 7th, 1871. dff, By Justin Fobbbb, Under-Sheriff. Bheriff'a Saltf. STATE OF KXGHIO AN,couny of Wiuhteaaw, sa Br virtud of one execution( iwued on der the Bcal of tho Circuit Court fort] i:av and State of W i . lando and tenemen tki nnd to me for the want oi gooAa and chattles I have. thlB ' wmiy-lliiid day i ' ■■ Wl. Julia Bñk wit: Comxnencinir al ftbiackoak siuinj fottt and tïürty eeren links west of the eentiT oi ■ numbertwenty thence west along center line I .:m and I hüilis I propl benig in onty ól Washtenaw, and ■il e. in the city of - Janutl y, A. p. 1 '. 2, Dated, thia Ith, daj ■■ ■ A. Ü. 1871. L36] MVEi 'pjfiOPLE'B DUUG STOÜEi R, W.ELLIS& CO. Ie of Alioo D. C!,:,,. OTA' N, Cornil von '■lites,, . , 'iUÍ 'u LW ll,10(1I(I ,■'■ , ■ 'in of B.-,i,i , ; : ■■mliiv thí't ... .... ., .""Woc. tttlier p.'i ■ Ihu .ily i,{ . e.irurthenWL" W Estíito of Charles Bvhr TA ■ ■■ w , i . 1 Al ! ■- ■■"■ ' ' irl .„ ti ,', 1 tliü l'volwu iiil-n ■ T" ontt!ií7k7(I licycBronolhouKindciriit )7, . 1 '"■ ""'Wttáy ni llimjnJ. Ronkes, Jn& of Pmi . muttéi oi th wtutc! i, nd mw U :. ' n' ■.', :,l tai o'éto fr H1 ise, lí' iiK' tl:urt' be, wíij l! dema, thut I ;,ol the [iidwiej Z]? ■ ■ .'(■Ul.ll'jlt.' ' ÍA truc e,,],}-. H1KAM' .1 Estáte of Stephen "tt". Gnffij " ilreiliiii'l sevcnty■ ■ - r'iH'.-ii,.l ftBn#(h pi-fií.v,,,. í-v ' ■ !'■ ■■?' Túíí diod leijíid. ■ "lt"-tí i, t Jiii. jroiui inntli diiy of .l; wrxl liouii, Le lusigned íiir tin ulid thi1 ] nr pjrn ai! ■ shüW CUllit;, it :U1J' Ili.'iv 1 ■:-, ] potlnoncr Rhould m I oitluiwl, thatüiiul ptlitioncl .tkfÜr11 Imn, umi the lilis to be puljüshwl in ti newspaper priiital and cin foor snooaffiiv wctk previ. iríiS [Afaweopy.J iKAKü' Estáte of Priscilln - ST VT E OF IIICHIUA If . Mrat y of Wnrtina . ir at the Fro ni1 Waebtenov, holden at the I i il.'í L-ir k .-Iitk3! ■ ut, Uirnm J ■,, .,, lauttCT í the UMule n 1'KíCÍUa tkin-l ■ robuteanU Uml hi uui] boí Mon.lay tlsftiA-, ...iy ol Jiuiuorj' iKxt, iit i.-iiiiVluckinthelbiSr ■ [Jttition aiSi ■ ;'nil ni! U faithr '!.,l that niil potitiontT (tire i:o:ict"ti'í ■ ■'■ in ti Ha :■:■■.? HlltAM J. !.; t3-'j. J r..!ge of ÍM bate of Sarah C. Johnson. ■ n Brttumny, the hinM in oí r . ■ „ "unM Present, Úixam -i ■ Igeof Twtó# tlei uí tlio estáte oí .ir:di f jwi 1 4 lint 1 ■■ ■ '■ i. oYloek 'in ftt 1r■!:. ■ i ''■, I Mlï■ nou circtilutiog1 ia swi - (A ' Hl RAI Estafo of Rzra Cummins. QTATEOF ''nuntyof V.' O At a scerapn of th I of WiuhtennTfr', holden at tlic Probate Oíü, ñtM I Aïin Axbor, on Stttarday, the niiti i oí Ptcciufn-r, in the yeur uno tiiyuoaá yUto dred and sevenly-cw. . ufalge of I'mbutf. muiter ut' the vxi&Ui of Kua Coaow, ('m retuling uncí films 'i" I ■ rmtti,é .. ing ih.rr bruflr itate üt suid icflwujíutí ■.il j rtition. ipnn it is ordered, tbnt Ioiwlyf llie ctïit imuarynext, at ten o'ciock in the forenwa. l ixingof Bflid pt-titiim, ndthttki next vï kn i: ■ ut, and .v!l (rihcrpew interest iterare requiredtoapptátwn1 sionofsaid Couzt, tlu-u : ■ .: tbePne Offlco, Ín the City of Aun ihow ci.ii i be, why thE pmyerol the petitiuner atlj iiot begrimted : And it w fuvrhor ordurcütthat wo petitionfr give noticc to the ■I petitiofi, ;inJ the koj" in:r thereof, 1 e onïc-i te iind circulatinK in aai idday oí h (Atrut'copv J ' 2U11AM J.B1 1352 Judee of ProMt . . Estafce of Elisa Jítne Osgcod. OTATE OFMH E1QA X, I ionatyof WashtoMf."; Ij At a soesion of the Vrobutc Coiirt fir tiie t-fW of Wibh'.m.iw, holden at the Probate Ütfiee,aj City ui1 Aiui Arhor, on Suturdity, tí tfSjrr lay of Novemtftr, in the year uue thousaodtigiii'1' dred and BevBotyn Present Hiram J. üenkts, Jtulge ef r"1.! In the matter of tb .'.inewpw -od. _, . On reitding1 and fllinir the pet ii ion, dwl raay bo UccüaEd to sell eertaio ruul estáte wtuit1 1 -.lit d seized. j -' is orderxl, 'Vv. Vov' 'lay of Juuuary iu't, it ton .i'.-lfHjk in tiic;? ■ said rt'titioc-J hatthehciisát liiv oí aaij má ÍS Hjrsoiiís ■ Lütí, ;uc n luirt-'dtoiïrr ■ , then tohohi4d2 ui Ailll All; ■■ - ' '. '■ ■' :i::y fherc 1 ■, M'h Í '- Jig ï"?ü liuuld i '■':S teil pui.lir.!icd in the Üichioau Arfns, n inty, R)iirsn ii to Baad d;i I w, (A trueoopy.) UIUAM ï. BEAS Commissioners' Notiee. STATE OF MICHIUAX, ominíj inving been ipjintcd by Probate Cooi I md uhufi all claims iind SK t Lyjuao "■"" late ot' - ■ ive noUiiiJ ix inontlis fiüiu date are allïnved, oy 0I"Lm i i 'niirí. 1'tT C; ugain8t the estáte of aaid dect ased, md tha I Inde Sti ranc, ■i[;y. the tw ■■!:■ ii' Febniiy, nnd on 1J '■■ c!rjt day of iTune : . m. oí' e j ". davs, to reeeive, examine, iated, Uce. lfcth, A. J. is; t. , I353wi ■■ i;T'1i:a t : ' .f Alpheus Wooitcr. SI Uunt) oiW't?'S ivw, thit Irv nn ffl"JC'LS,0 'v''i?l ► :'.,■ twulttli dny ui Uc-cimbcr A. 1'. Ijji I thcir claims to c urt, t " 5 ■ Ltj oí Ann Arl mÏÏTj elf J;'; ' I . n bc ham "'Lil ook in the fowmoon e"" 1352w4 : :J, BUY A PIECE OF SUEETIB, SlIIliTIAG 03 WISTER ÜARMÏÏS FQK YOUR FAMILY
Old News
Michigan Argus