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Can You Afford It?

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C;m you afford to work hard all day, nl read, study, or oourt vagarios of ociety nearly all night, thus vasting 'our vitality cxhausting your nervous vstt-in, and bïinging on premature iseasc, decay, and oid a go? Can you aït'ord to read fine print with poor light in a rail car, where the ïnoon disturb sthe proper focus of visión :ius weakening your cycs so as to nearly eprive you of tho power to uso th m itlior in :eading or in the daily dutios of ife 't Even though you do not have an culis} to p.iy, you may be obliged to vear g asses ten or fifteen ycars sooner han you otherwise would ; can you aiford uus to spoil your eyüj to save a littlo mie P Can you afford to eat hastily, and then usli to study or business, withdrawing ,he nervous energy from the digestivo ystom to tho braln and muscles, and hus inducing dyspepsia, in a few years t most, to seourge, and liaunt, and mako rou miserable tor years, or for your life ? Can you ufford to live on rioh and ïilily seasoned food, eat champagno uppors, because an artificial appetita is hus gratified, rendering gout, dyspepsia, r appoplexy, in the middlo of life, aluost a certainty. Can you aiford to commit suicide! lirough the indulgeuce of appetite and 3assion( adopting tlio fool's motto: "A hort lite and a happy one 'i " Can ysu uiford to Keep your brain boilng hot in reading sensational novela, hus tmbalancing and rendering morbid 'our mental and physieal constitution 'i Can you afford to indulge in fast livng, dressing beyond your means, driving ivory horses, or keej)iug a hors;; yours lf, when your income is not adequate to uch expenses! Can you aiford to sraoke and chew toaceo, thus spending from five to flfty .ollurs a luoiith, and inj uring your nervous syshjm, y.nd perverting your vh Ie onstitution, and thereby transmitting to hildreil a wu.x .ened constitution, thus naking them pony invalids for life ? Cen you aiford to burn your nervous ystem and demoialize your wholechar c er by tho use of aloohoiio liquors ? Cao you afford to indulge in habits of peoulation, gambling, and other tricky indmean modus of making monoy? Oan you aflbrd to make money at the apOBM of vuur Jimnhood, your ïuorals, our just respectability and your inti griy? Can you afford to gain even tho whole voild and thereby make yoursolf a moral vivck 'i Can you afford, for the sake of moinenary amusement, to waste yonr youthful )igjaratory years, whan by study you should beconio a scholar, or by industry a tradesman or a useful artisau ï Can you afford to rob your mind to clothe your back with silk and satina and jratify a ínere lovo lor display 'í Can you affurd to be trioky and therejy defraud your cmployer oí' tbo just ser vicos you owo him, evon thougli you do get your pap, thus uiaking yoursolf a moral bankrupt? Can you aftord to be otherwise than uprigbt, truthful, faithful, températe, courtoous, and in all respots correct ? Pupils in schools souiütimes í'ancy they are doing a smart thing by deeeiving tho teacher, that they may play iii6toad of study. often negleot their duty for f un and amusement, and fail to learn thcir trade, which is a lif'e-long inury to thein. Many pooplo do wrong knowingly, and tlius mar their moral nature aud make themselveg feel mean, unworthy and dcspicable, and because the world don't know it, tliuy tliiuk they have done thcmselves no harm ; but they Oarry the moral scar of wrong doing through Ufo. Can one afford to havo t motto adverse to the' oíd adage, thal " Honesty is the best policy." Reader, stop and consider whether what you are doing, or what you propuse to do, will pay ; whethor you can atforc to do it,. " Time is monoy ; " do not throw it oway, but make every day and everj hour tell either for yóur growth, health


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