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Boston's New Coliseum

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lts ground plan willbe a paraueiogram S22 feetin length by 422L feet width, measuring 347,506 square feet in arca, or a trille less than eight acres, being 322 feet longer and 122 foet wider tluui the coliseum of 18G9, and containing more than doublé the área of that immense structure. Throughout the spaco not a singlo post, pillar or support of any kind will obstruct the view trom end to end. The roof, consisting of a doublé system of self-supporting trusses, the invention of Mr. Allen, will spring in a gentío curve directly f rom the foundations oonstructod on piles driven 35 feot into the ground and two sgments meeting at tho ridge and forminsr araceful arch, at an [ion ubove tíio tloor of 172 feet. Similar segments will spring f rom the ground at jither cnd, unitnig with tha two side seginciiis, forming ara immense Mansard pavilion, with the graoefnl liues peculiar to that style of arohiteoture. The trasaes supporting the end segmenta of the rooi will run the entire length of tho building, having a clear span of ovor 800 foet, and knittiiig the whole roof into a, gelf-Bupportingutruoture. From the ot of tho archos on either side and end will rise perpendicular buttresses 53 feet high, at whioh elevation the curve of the russes will leave a space of 13 feot botween the outer line and the line of the buttrosses. This space will be floored, Fonning un outsido promenade, with au elevation of 50 feet, a width of 18 i'eot, and a total length equal to doublü the coinliiii. .1 Lengtfe and width of the building, or h;ilf a mile. In these buttrosses, setv ing tho additional purposes of giving inoreased strength to the structure, will be constructed the entran oes to the building. These will bc eixtcen in nuiuber, four principal and two! minor. The four principal entrances, m the centros ot the sides and onds, will e insoribod with tha names of the four great continent, and bo appropriately decoratod with flagfl, national emblema, etc. Abovc eaoh wiU rw ■ an elegant pavilion 120 feet high, whüe similar pavilions, of less height, will bc built atoach of tho four corners ot the structure, giving beauty and syinmetry to the whole. Besidea the four main or prinoipal entranoes nanred, thero wiU M on eaoh rida tour and on each end two minor entrances, all appropnat-ly 0oo ratea. Eacb of these wiii oe surmoimiea by a tower OS feet in height. A "momtr" 16 feet high will run the entlW length of the roof, affbiding ampie venti lation. At .ach end will ne a spleudid c 216 feet high, whüe the oentral towcr will roaci: irmoua heightal 2-10 feet, from th Bummít of m'.ucU will float the banner of Uaiver al Peoe abovo the rtandarda cf all Üe natUau ot the earth, which will be displayed upon different pointsof tho supoib structure. Two rows of Windows will furnish hght for tho immense auditorium. The lower of these will bo 70 and tho upper one 113 feet abovo tho parquet floor. Uncler llio oorridora thoe will be 16 halls ranging in sizo from 80x140 to 100x100 feet. All oi these will be divided in such a nminer as convenienco may dictate, and will be lighthd by round top windows cut botween the pilasters of the buttress. Both wood and iron will De used in the construction of the building. The immense tru8M8 of whioh wc havo spoken will be ol timber one loot square, each of the cross-span trusses requiiing no than 25,000 feet of lumbor for its construction. The seating caucity of the building will bo about as follows, the figures giveu being below the numbers that could actually be accomniodated : Audience, 83,000 ; chorus, 20,0(10 ; orehestra, 2,000 ; - giving a total of over 100,000 persons gathered onder one roof. The exact loeation of the structuro has not been detcrinined upon. It will, however, bo built within tho limits boundcd by Huntington avenue, Pairfiold street, the Providence Railroad and the waters of the Back B:iy, and knowing ornea whisper tliat the recent pnrchase by loading capitalists of an immense tract in tliat vicinity was wilh a view to securin a proper


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