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Public Schools In Rome

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Ilon. John M. Irancis writes to tne Troy 'Times trom Rome as follows : Prior to tho entninco of tho Italian jovornuient into this city a year ago, tiicro existud uo system of freo public schools. This necessity was promptly met by tho govcrnment. Great diíüoulty was encountered at tho outset in procuriug school rooms and teachers, tho opponunts of thu governinent and the old Roman aristooraey refusing to loaso buildings for ii purpose oondemned by tho lopo and the Josuits. But the governinont was not to bo foiled, and in ouo month after tho ontruucw of the troopa public school were oponed. Tho goverument advertised i'or teachers. Over two handled candidatos applied. Of this nuniber about thirty only were able to pass the mjuirod uxamination. jMany of thoso rejectod had long taught in the ohuroh schools. A sort of temporary normal was organized, and about four hundred are nowin attendance, oomprUing ;i large share of tho rojocted otmdidateB. The l'opo nuw eaoouragea tlio.r atteudanoe in thia teaohars' congresa and employmeat in tho schools, i'or niany of are nuns and monks, or the " inferior clorgy" so-called. A great jubilee ooourred here, when soveral thousund oliildren assembled to exhibit the vvork of the past year and coiinaeuiorate the organization of public schools. On evtry sido aro manifold signa that Haly is revïviug. rhoughtfal pcople in Bome ;n-c jubilant and hopefUir As Itaiy has a woa.Uitui paat, so a great future is reaei vod for her. She will in tinui resume her pristine glory. The admirable normal ano pubÜo schools, starled in Bardinia onder the ftdministratíon oí' Carour, aro among the most effectiTe Bgenoiesin theregeneratdon of Italy. in this oonnection 1 m;iy state: th:it Mrs. Dr. Gonld, oneof oar own distiuguished and philanthropio oountrywomun, is doing a must important work hore. Only last March Bhe startod a free ohildren'a school n her own account. At ürsfc thero were only three pupils. Now eighty bright-eyed Italian ohildren are in attendanoe. Iheir parents are all of tho poorer classes. Tl;ir ages are t,,in three to fourtcen -girla and boys. We visited this school yestjrdaj'. lt is romarkable to noto what progress the cliildren have inade iu learaing. ïhey aio instructed by object teaching and verbal explanalions. Airs. Grould farnishes thera freo luuchoou at noon. Clothing 13 giveu to the poorer scholars. Mis. (i. is indeed a i :tress, and hor pupils, aiid genorations at'ter them here, wiil cali her blessed.


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