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- Colfax has boon indueed to say what hu has moant all the timo : tiiat ho will nat duclino a ie nomination for tho VicoProsidoncy. His declining lias all along savorod of Youiig's doscription of " tho lave of fume" : "The love of fame, how'cr conccaïo;l hy :r' , Reigns more or }'■■■ nni glows in uvi ry i part ; The proutl to ur;tin it tmls on Coib on'luri', The modest shuu it but to inulto it sure.' ' II ut let no onn suriuiso that Bmiler is in the least modest. - Tho adiiiimstration succejded in forcing the re-election of Senator Shorman, of ühio, against the wishes of a m.'ijority of tho electors of the State. The recalcitrant Ilcpublican members of tho l.ogislature lackod the norvo to koop out of the caucus and ao put themselvos in position to vote for tho very ïuau thoir constituents wanted. Civil service reform. - Jenkins telegraphs concerning the ball given to the Grand Duke at SIüwaukee : "The dicssos of tho ladiea, m.iuy oí which were made for the occasion, were gorgeous. No expense was B] iti livaliüg the nietropolitan cilios of the Eaat, and it is doubtful if the Duke has oftun seeu a more brilliant assemblage." - Edward Powers, of Chicago, has pctitioncd Congress to furaish him 300 cannon, nol loss than 12 pounders, aid '20,000 blank Ctirtridges. If Congress grants tho potition ho proposos to experiment in gotting up thuudor storms on his ovn hook, and hopos to beat naturo at the business - Iloraco Greeloy has not yet como to tho point of cureing the day that ho was boni, but lic has hoavud a heavy sigh of i-egret that " liis name has ever boen connected with the Presideucy." As notliing bnt " regr et " is likoly to result, ho needn't lie a wake nights to grieve. - Tho " Chronology " of the New York Evening Vont for 1871 has this item under date of Doe. Mth : "The new apportionment Lili, making tho House of Hepresontatives 283 members, is a law." - Aro tho other items of tho " Chronology ' as reliablfl 'r - ■ Railway iron was whnt a " Custom lluuso broker " in New York advisod J. S. Kennody that he could got damagos allowed on, assuring him th;it it iras "tho regular tbing " to do. Boutwell was advised of the proposition, but also thought it " tho rogular thing" aiid ni -ido iw fuss about it. Tho Stato building Commissioners, at thcir late meeting at Lansing, narrowed the largo nuniiier of eapitol plans down to six. Estimatcs are to bo made apon the six seluctod, by a competent architect, aftor which a decisión will te mado. April 9th, the anniverpary of Tjco's surrender, has been selpctod as the day t'or the unveiling of the Soldieca' Monument, Detroit. ltogoi'S prouiiscs that it shall bo oomploted and tho bronze ffguros in placo before that time. - Gen. Stoughton proposos to appl.y civil service reform to Niles, by permitting tho Republicana to olect a man for him to recommend for postmaster. All claimants of a voto aro to SWear " loilty " to Grant in tho coming oampodgn. H.H. Smith, late of the Kalstnasoo Telegraph, has gone to Washington and . taryship of the House ,'oiunuttee on Claims, Governor Blair heng the Chairman. - Mrs. Laura D. Fair, roported dead, iidn't die. It was one of' bei ftttomeya, . Cook, who " ghuffled olf this mortal coil " i vith (he old joiir. Mrs. Fuir's neck is ,' lili in the nooso. 'f Ón the night of the Stli inst. there ,vaa ;i terrino thunder-stonu in Portsaouth, Qngland, and vioinity. Hail fc'l to the (lnpth oi' two tachc3, a:id mudo sad avoc with whidows. - A London dispatch of tho 6th inst. s:iys that "Joseph Grillott, tho steel pon nctanofaclnror, ia diuul." What will tbo soLool-boye and givla dof - Oov. Washburn, of AVisconsin, h:is inauguratod ;ivi! service reform. It cousista in V.v.i tamorai of all olHcu-holdcrs who opposed hú oomination. - Sir Churlos Dilkj, M. I'., in view of flio períeCutíuna böstourod upon liim in . 18 now stylod " Citizen Dilke," P. M. (Popular MartyrJ. - Daniel Pratthaving been put in duranoc Tile.for vagrancy, Grant, Train, and SLrg. Woodhull havo llio Presidential oourse to bhemselves, - for tho presont. In thu Bupreme Couxt, on Monday, six oaaoa wore do ided, fivo judgmonts bctowraversod and only one cuufirmud. Law is not yet au exact BCJLenoO. - Tho nogro Howard who ontraged tin: wliito girl at Rochester, New York, plead guilty and was sent to tho Auburn prison for 20 yoars. - Agassiz has discoverod in the Gulf stream a iisli's nost fillod with eggs. Ilis ption of the nest and embryo is very enthusiastic. - Alexia wil fortúnate in taking Lis pigeon shoot in Chicago. If he had tried ie in New York ho would havo had Bergh uftor liini. - Alexis was pormittcd to dance with ane younglady at Milwaukee: Mis liudington, daughter of the Mayor. - Sjjotted Tail and otlicr famous chiefs are to bo invitad to particípate in tho Shoridan-Altixis buffnlo hunt. - 'L'iioie are thirty-two sections of the Internationals in tuis country, with 6,400 membera. - James Pisk boing doad U. S. Grant bas one lesg opponont for the succossion. - Tut' disasters on tho c'aain of Lakes last yoar roportod afc 1, 107. Gen. Axdrew Porter, late an officer of tho U. K. Anny, and a wellknown officer in thc lato war, diod in Paris on tho 4th inst., aged 02 yoars. Hg was a sonof Geo. B. Poutkr, who succccded Gon. Cass as Govcmor of Michigan in 1831. - Maj.-Gen. Henry W. Haiíeck dieil in Louisvillo, Ky., on tho oveuing of the 9th inst., of congestión of tho brain. Ai.aiiama may at last bo considerad :is reoonstruote !, Senator GonvruwAixE baving buun itdmittcd to his scat on Tuosday,


Old News
Michigan Argus