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New York, Jan. 9th. After the storm a cnlro. Yestenlay Mío g-old mtirkel was QXfiited otot t he prospect ot' n Spanish wnr, lint as Uuj rumor iliil Tiot come from cíther uu "intt'llifjont contiati;uiil,"or a " ivli;ible gcntlemunj ' it provea too good to bü truc, anti gold is to-il:ty u Huí as a panDftke. Mimcy ia more easy at 7Ó3-Ö jxu cent, on primo c U;itcralrt. ('ottun odraneed to 21K Wool 7" ■,,;. S tapio dry gwnl.H nre in more inquiry, though the market is genernUy quiet. Bleaelieil muslins nml slieetings are on tho ailvance, and the lernïmi branda aro l ■ 2} $c higher, Ftonr is flrm. Whoat fully So hl :.■ r tliuuti wóek ago. Extm ohoioe Mloh. amber soldtoday at IX& ; IWtem ndT1.6S1.6L ; nmbor, 1.70 1.75. Corn, easy at 77';.)79c. Oata, dull t 55(g57. Gro ■ ticiftlly ítrin. Rio coflV, 1!" .d il1,', gold. Oañned k sogar, llïi. Now mess pork tlull at M.25. oM 13.25. Drttwdhog . iteady. J.-nl, 8K@9. d buttor, n-r-'i; Eyga? 33(1. Chess&,llH. The hop market Iuokb animation, Uktroit, Jan. 10, 1872. The attention of trarlcra nontinuea to be tnken un wiili dreaaed liogs, olovor smi and whcat. Hogahave, wlth the excoption of onc or twodaysimn liñg thu hoMdays, been in good demaud. The ',,.. ,i,. i oporators ' -ui to Buapecj 1 in; oropia ■ .'-.:.]. quantity ,,', hoffs pnckod in this city or States haa been lesa than w:i expccted, novertliolöaa Enöluding itm tave hog Blaughturod, tho juantity of raeaa pork mudo tepei tget tkuo laat yar (" the ena of thi ■ ■■■ than osiiaOy ootiTe juk ■ i; in i!i" oountry : mucn Inrger than ai tb name dateliul year. 'l'Iic in,. hoRs omving -!"1"' teody deproantion, bat row Brmer. A oax i' live were oiti tlus nkorn, ureactin al ■ both on shipping and ] ttt. Cloveraeed ia flnn at 6.23 No. 1 white wheat to-day nached the hig-hestt j.nnii .'i iiimitii :.'i!.. BstiaWl off (o 1. frflto 1.S0 -i '1' ':""' ■'' '■' '"' ' ' :' "■ ' ' , Amber íb nomiBal at 1 . 1 : " . 1 . 1 7 . Plour U inte in tho ndvanoe on wheat Dealen i ai oW rat s. al i.' lorohrico to lanoy ; (ir milla :ik ; !: t 7.M. ('"rn is tendinK dowmrnrd, X. 1, 1.VI..1.;, i. (i-i(s, dnll at -41.I u. Borle] 1.60. Uye qorat m " Apples flrm i !.'.'."■ i mi h.t un dnll, and 10,'# Sc lowsr. Buttor, diUl aa ,..,,.[ ; .v;ik.- of Ihkin at i'.V, and rol! at 18ia 23. Egga, iplea oonunand 8@S.'i; demaad nat ns, diill utiOoporbu Poultry, flnn it 9S 10c for Chicleen, and 12 il5c forTnrkey; . quiel !in ateady ; Unms, ■pv isTconutry 1112; ühouldcra 78c. Ure itUj, arm; prime 1.39; meditim 8.80a 1.00; thin, 2.,.. ■;.-:.". jliop in yemj (k'mund at 4.5(.'j;5.2ö. Ass Ardor, Thursday, Jan. ií. Api'Ltfl 80c per bu. with littlo doiog. ItjTt i ■■ doclining, 18i@tf0d bolng paXd. BctciCWheat licm.ti;i'i stci-ly at $] pea? bu. Iíkvns -01.09 per bu. is patd fox good quaiity. ( !oits BrÍDira 80c dct ba. Are v.-iy Bcarce, and oommnnd most ony prli o uskod. Rioni i'c upwartl. Hat -.t:ï'. 16 per ton, itco rüing to quality . Hokrv -lu cap, li't20c. Labd Tho morket Blanda ;vl 7 I' i .i ■; ■ hoitk! lower, 2.V. botng ih pnyirig prfóe. Pulí:; Im iJpiwil liogs the markct remaini aalte ñvm at Í4.7.r ■ -r ÍH). Xo :ki;vs- 10912o. Wheat -Themarket Unot v?ry active. Wlute wu quoti; at $1.401,45, and red #1.3.Vu,1.40.


Old News
Michigan Argus