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Estáte oí' William Johnson " CTATBOFMICBKtAN.Countfof, ,.' Al ttiijUsionof (lie Probate Couitfn JfM. Wa.littn.uv, holden iil the L'rob:it un " of Arm A,!,,,, o, .Uonóay, thefSTE i Jifnuai y, ni tho yero one thoinmnd ciifht i .í i PuftMBt, llilíim J. lVakep, JiuV'c r,f pr , Ín tliO maíle! ot Un: MtaW oí WillZ . deceaata. m Jhtn, on ronding and fflin thcpBtrtion An, . ' Wúliad U. John, ,„, prajing tMt w .L'H soim' othor suitublc person, muy be w,.,, , ""t iatratoi of the ettuU oSNirid deceaaed . Thereupun it is ordered, Uiat Mondar .1 flay 6f E-cbruary next, at ten „',..„.1 ' V" i noon, be aiuigned for the hearing „(J,1 ( .Ü and t jiiit te bein at law of said dereniuj 1 V". n penoMinti ioted in lid istiito, í" l"il!' I iaidOourt, then to sí u" the : . in Uu Btty of L .tSJ ehow cause, if any there 1, why the ormT '1 petitioner should not be grunted ■ Aml 1 ■ ovdered, that lid petitiouer pvo Dotice toti I"IW uteresti i ro suid estáte, of the panden of 'S0 tion, and the hearing t hereof, bv oaunns . i "ftt order to be-pabUahed in tlir. hlichlfmn a,',, H t paper prnt.:d und cirouluting ii, „j ' ' nt ■ucecsave weck previous to said duy nt 1J2 ' w (Atrueoopy.) HIltASÍj up!2%; 13M Jfc-eüfí Estáte of Richard Murray OTATE!) F MICHIGAN. üoontj iíwbi., O At a session f Ule l'robale Conrtfur ih n'H of Waahleuaw. holden :it the Probate onii". I City of Aiiu Arbor. on Satardoy. th32iï'H Jannary. in the year une thouiuiiid , V ! dndiuid seventy Iwo. "l Ut Prc?ent lürjlin J. lïeilkes, Tuile of prov In tho matter of the estáte 'of Ricliri i decua-ed "'"■iji Thomas MMrray and Thomas Oïark F-the laat wlli nud leMamcnt ol ild liteS11 Rito ( ortrt and rcpfiMent thut the are nuvrV'011 ti rcuilt-T th;ir Bnnl keeonot as stich tsto,,'"'' Thereupo It is Orderc-d. that MoBj55,ta düy of Pebrnaty at ten o'cl ck ij' lh . ■nuil, be aisigned for cxamiiiiii" ■ „,1 '" euch ccornit, and thal lhe lcmitte" and heirs it lavr of snid diasV , lfcl } oihcr persons intere?ted i:. sairf .ntat'e qalndtoappear ata Kurión of snfd toiA b: holden 111 tWi Probate office, iu the f , 1 : Arbor, in suid Cuiinty, and show omise, lr, .L be.why the :üd account should nol b.iiJ. ' And It I inrthi-r ordcred that said r, 'd' kItc noticc (o the persons interested in uw ' of the pcodcacy of said account, aud n,l Tll[f' tl.c rcof. bycausiiiKacopy oí thi order low"' llsbediatne Michigan Argüí, a nevtnaw, "J and drciilatlng in said Connty, thre iiiZÏ wcoksprerioii9to saiUdav oí hi'ftrin; "Wi fA troeéopyO HIRaMJ.BKAKH t 13ati JuJt'coiPtob,',, Estáte of Allen W. Bordine. 't QTATE OP MICHIGAN, Oounty of Washtem, 0 At nuoion of the Probate Courl forthttil oTWashtenaw.holdeuat ihe I'rubatc o(lic uS city of Ann Arbor, n MoBday, the eicaoT torJaaaarj, lathe year uuc tliuusand ei'hi h? dred and scventy-two. r" ■" l'reseut, lliram J. iïeakes, Jadee f Probíte Iu the lantter of the estïVe of Allcu W. b.j_ deceu cd. # ■ ■ -- Christopher Howard, Administriitorofsniddti! comes into Court and represcuts thut he ,, ' prtpared tu reufler his final accoant a uch uï: lstrator. "' Thereuponit is Ordcred, that Mondaj :h, ■. S day of t'ebrn.iry neit, at Ie o'clurk . ,1 forenoon. be asined fur eTHiuiuin ud !Iiií, ' snch account, and that tito htirnulawoisíiid coaaed,nd uil othei 'pcríonrinteri-stedlnnidcni are reqnjrcd t appearataseuiosofsatdContaa to be holden at the Probate ODi'.e. iu thcCilTofiu l Arbor inBUldCounty.undshowcauseifaojtWk " whjtbeaaidacconntahonldDotbeaUovediiiiiÍL further ordcred, that said Adminiiiratorjitewu tothopersonf Interestedln said eelatc, o(i[M? djmcy oí s. iid account, and the hearing thereri isaoauig a copj of thi? orWt lo ue pablkMii'J , MichijanA ryu.x Qewspapvrprtrjteaandcfcfltokj in saidCounty, thrce succesyive weeks urnkni ! sai I c!:.r of htíaring. (A trecopy.J 1I1EAM J. BEAKKÍ, 1356 Judgeof Protiu. Estáte of CoTa A. Cumings. B QTATBOF Miei II.; AS". Connty of Washten,,, k5 At ïi se-ííion af the Probate Couit tor Cumit ' of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate (iöi, iaai City of Ann Altec, on Wuducsduy. the tra'tk jt, ! of Janumy, in the year ottc th&VMnd ghihuj. ' dnd and Beventy-tvo. Prtsont, Jliiaiu J. lïeakc-s, Jndt'e of ProMe. n I tUc matter of the uto vi i ora A. Ciioion, u minor. On xeading and flling the potiüon, duly roaJW,ii AlU'tta J. Stedmon, Guardian, praying tliutíhenir be liecnsed to noli certain real evtatt l".iwipDjtei minor. Tbeienpon it is onleretï, th:Lt Mondny, th( ttiü [. day of February next, at ten o'eloek intTif)Knm,ki alaikned for tho hearing of said pütitioa, and üüttb next of kiu of tnúH minor, aiwl ai] uthcr pow ' interested in said estáte, itve ried to ipiíearKi. sion oí said Court, then to bf huMcn atthePwtai f Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and 1low caiw. ; any thcre be, why the prnyer oi the petitiancr Ufl ■, not begranted : And it is fnrtlier ordered, thsl ui petitimii rnve 't ilnr persoiis intensttd ñata 1 si :iit, of Oie pendency of said petition, nod thr fa f ídíí thereof, t y caufling .1 eopy of this ordtr u It pilblhlhed in tie Micltifiun Argus, :v neTipnpfr,ptaU I ;' and oirculatincr in aaid eouoty, tare ■wenrimüi T previoná to said day of bearijíjí. (A truc copy.) HIHAM J. BEAKES, 1356 J-ulïi' of Proliti ' Drain Comiuissioncr's Notice. "o'I''i i hereby. givon that the Drain CmrañI aiaieï c4 VVuitonMW County will be at tóe hoor , ii Ëdwurd 1.. boydeu, in the towushipof Utiaterjo oouilty, on Ilic thirty-tirst (31; oht otjünurj, IA73, at oite o'clock in tho HftornooatooertptrtiMt eontxad for the excavation und coraiWKïon oC 1 draiato be knovn a the BoixIae Drain, ontrncm? abonteiahty rtnls east iï the nortnwiBBt oruuditcüw thirty-six. in tORn oue south of raniie five rt, ind ranning entiroly to the west side of the astbilíoí tlie northeast quarter of sectinn 35, themfi sonib aal aontheaaterly to ttnd nn outlet near tho middte oitle eaai half of the southeast quarter of section3Sinii)i tovvit. 1 will also bc at tlw ?ionsc of KóVaid L. Bofd the twentv-seventh [27th; day oí JarHcnyaforaiii, at whioh tirni' and place 1 will eihibit rasp of ïbe above pn)jMsüd drain, and dcscriptions of the ra! ■ uircelrt oí land dewned by me hcnefiied therébv, ud theiiinoniitan.l descriptiuii by d!vi.-ion nnd mbdii ion, of the above proposed drain by me aj)portioriW 'ï the owner of eacli dexoriptionof land ttnxatri,iBl t to the tewnship of Webster to construct ou hwuíi J suoh drain beneflling the highway, and to hrarn 4 ons, if any are otïered, why such apportionmnt ahould bii réviewed or corrocted. 3 Ann Arbor, Jaiunuy üth, 111. Í 1350 DAVID M. ÏISIJT, 1 Drnin Commissioner for Washttuaw Coun!y. Real Estáte for Sale. 1 RÍTATE OF MICHIGAN', county of WashleM, l C? In the muttcr of the estáte of Elüsa JuotOisM, ï deeeascd : Notice is hereby (fiven, tnat i piiisiuji of nn order griuited to tbc undsrturncd, Aflmicunitor of tl estáte of saxïdocmscds ly the Hun. Jiwp of Probate for the county of waahioMW, on t eighth day of Janunry, A. 1). 1S72, thore "ü"" ■ ut pub.ic vendue, to tho highest bidder, at the ei ing liouwe on the prèmisea hereinafler (Usrribw, wtM B ruuiil;. f WqabtaiuM?, in anid state, on Wednesiif. the twenty-eighth day of February, A. p. ucis O'clock 111 the forenoon of tliat day, [ubjeotlo J cinnbranoes by mortgage orotherwisi 1 tune of thede'ath of said deoeawd), the followini. Bcribcd re;vl estato to wit : The southcast qmrteta the soirtheaat (Utartor of scion Lx, in tOKBJtip. suuth of range six east in suid Skvte, eunii ml acres inoru or less. Dated, Junuary 8th, A. D. 1S72. CASSIire M. 09000D, ISWtd AdmioWnW lieal Estáte for Sftle. STATE OP MICHIGAN, couaty of Wshtt In the matter of tlie (-state of I 'harte A. Ocodye minor: Notice is hereby given. that in pntíuaK su order to the úmlersi-.-ned. 5''llIliuJ5, estáte of aaid minor, by the Hun. Jndse of rw"J tor the county of Wuslitvnav, on tl.e uglitti W ; Januury, .. i). 1872, thero will be sold at pubhewJue, to the highCBt Vildvr, t he JlaiiclieitwH. in tlie vxUe of ilanehoster, fn the countj' of , tenmr, in said State, on Tnesday, the twentv-KM" day of lebruary. A. U. 1S2. at three o'uloclt ïalj afternimn of thut day, (subject to all encumbnaen'J , mortgage or otherwtte c-xi ut the umi sale), tho folknnnfr desmbed real inte, to wit : Jr thirteen and fcuurteen in bloek twenty-iiiw, m VV lago of ManchesSer, accordhig to the rrtorflio p thereof. IXited, January Stb, A.D. 1872. JOHN UOJDYEAR, GaaiW_ Eeal Estáte for Salo. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, c-ciuiity of Vaihten. O In the matter of the estato oí Jacob Iludir "J ceased : Notice is hereby givea thai in P111?11.1!1. au order granteti to tlie andenrigned, ;i(iuimatr" ■ !„.nis non with the will anncxedof said de'"; tho Ilon. Judge of Probate for the connty of ![ naw, 011 the twenty-ftfth day of July A. 1 therc will be sold at public vendue, to the liipn ' der, at the dwcllinf; house on tho premirf "?Í7,1 desciibed, in the county of Washtenaw, in snict''1' on Tuesday, the twenty-seventh day of FibriiMTv I). 1872, at one o'eloek in the afternonn ol ''" (subject to all encumbránce by mortgaga or "?[V existing ut the time of the tk'tiih of said üeceft "lM (ollowing deaeribad real ette. to witi Xhe ''lJSi of the sHuthcast qnnrter of section ten, in '"""J four soiith of rungefaur ■ ii oontaining eirhty ■" more or lex And ati all that part of the .""tJÏ quarter of tlie southwest quarter af sciti" J" same township and rane, lying south of tlie rat. Columbia Lake, {except that part fonucrly J John Armbrust), contnining ti.;ht acres 01 ' . boundtHl on the south by a ditch, and on tho 1 ' a pond of 1. Dated, Jiuiuary 8th, 1S72. ._ JA oli BATTKH, Ailministraw' 1356 bonis on iviüi the wülM: Estatv of Loammi Eobinson. QTATK (IF KICHIGAN, County of Wnshten. O Nqtico is hoiehy givea, tht by an order o" r Probate Court tor tl County of Waahtenaw,jM'"S the sitii day 4' Jaauary, A. D. 1" months frora ttmt dnte w'rt iHnT-l for oreto. present their claims against the estato ol ■ Kobiuson, late of said county, deceased, and '"l oreditora of said deceased are requircd to JPTj, their iJ.uniH to mud Piábate Ctmrt, at th }"- Office, in the ('ityof Ann Albur, for examinat allowance, 011 or bcioic the xtli day ut "jj 11. -VI. an.l thal sui'h i-laiiu wül lx' henW '', .,,■ Probate Court, on Batunlay, thoaixth dny ''Jj and uu baturdtiy, the sjxth day of Jolynt O'clock in the fnrenoon of culi oftho Dated, Aun Albor, Janunry 6lh, A. I). InJilii;AM .1. REAKJw-j 135Cwl JufliO of " Comnnssionors' N'tici. OTATÜ OF MICHIGAN', County of WnaMo!! O The nnderaigned, huving boen ppoioW ; „. Probal ■: ourt foi suid county, tominissioneni w ceive, examine and adjust all chima and lomn'" tf, persons againsl the estáte af Timothy ■ óf siiiil county, deawsod, hereby pvvc notice tuw months fi-oni ilute ni llon-od, by orfier ei the Ml ceuwd, und thnt the y wiU WL the office of GeorgoC. Pugc, in the villngc i ' '■ j in said county, on Saturi-.y. the tliiiteenti A]. ril, and Monday, Ui" eighUl day ol .1"! JT at ten o'doRk a. m. ei meh at sil days, to ree oxamine, and adjuet saiil chUma, :. Jannary sth, A. 1). 1873. _ OEOKGE C. PAGE, PBXEB TUITE. . 133I5W1 "Í1GotoR.W.ELLlS&CO'f for choiceWines and Liquorf for Medical Purposes .


Old News
Michigan Argus