Local And Other Brevities
Thc Rev. Ur. CoCKRR wlll preach In t"law Lfctnrc room on Sundayt next, at ,,'o:clock P. M Randolph Davis, for many years a tof Lot, but lately residing in this X.dic.l un Wednesdoy raorning, ag.i! ;:.! I'8' , '_ Delirium tremens IsreportedM havlng yued victim. nt Yi5i!nnti, a few dnys fl [Ie h li;s lonS all1 boQy SerB on MBlxr of well-known Individuáis in this '„ ,ud wlll tiriten his grasp onc of these; 1 1 V. __just now, whllo we think of ït, we ,11 state that Tkrbt, at No. 15 South Xiinftiwt, lias on hand a tl p-top lot of Hik, Caps, etc., whlch be proposes to dísótot atprlces whlch wlll astouish the Hlve. Givo llh ft cal1„In the Circuit Court, on Monday, the . xi.iling case of UuNTEit M. IIunteu nrdectded. Jdsc Higby granted the lof Mrs. IIuntkk, praying a divorce, „droftiseil the cross-bill of Air. IIunteu. Arene was ma'.le to determino costs, iliiï,etc. -TlieRev. O. D. Gii.i.esi'ik, at theEpis ffl Church, wlll dcllver sweral lectnrcs ■ Jandty eveulngs, in cpinpletlon of a (jjraeof last winter, the special topics be ji Puperlain, Insanitv, Modern Views on bMlneut of Crimináis, Woman'fl Work iu Bdielltein-e, &c -The Old Folks' Concert reicrreJ to In rlislissue is now set down for Wed Kshyereningnoxt, Janu:iry lTth, at the tRChorch. The laudable oiiject for bichthe proceeds are to bc approprlated, i:!h tlie rieíi musical treat promised, will rcurca lartaudience. -At the meeting of the Regenta of the Wvcrsity, luid on Weilncsday eveatng of iet week, leave of absence wai grauted for ither ycar 'o Prof. Fbieze, conditioneel fessme as the previoos leave. We tliink li cry mnch to be regietted that Prof. latt deemed it uecestary to ask snch au -it a recent meeting of the University Sigents a rusolution was adopted asklng KtGoveriior, In the event of an extra seslionot tlie Legislature, to recommend an iieodmcnt to the $73,000 appropriation irt, so that the moneys may be drawn from iiyonappropriated funds in the treMury, ud Iso au add.tional appropriation of )15,(0. -Thcmotion to make permanent tlie jieümlimry injunctioii restraining the city Otkorltles from p&ylugt&e pólice, etc., was ï!y aroed and subinlttcd on Momlay. hit IIiGitY took the papers home with is.ind his ilvcision is lookeil for with inMt Messrs Lmvrence and Bkakrs irjaed the ïntion for tbc complaioaiit, and 0. Felcii aud Judgc Josiik lor the ■■?■ -Luther Boyden, a resident of the town of Webster si nee W2G, and father of EDWARD L. Boyden, died on the 9th inst., i?d84ycars. He w.;s a native of Conwticut, and a son, now dead, is said to taeb en the first ma'.e child bom in this wnly. The funeral services take place Wav, from the Presbyteiiun Ciiur-h in Wstcr, of whlch lic was 0112 of the early sisbcrs. -In the Supreme Court at Lsnsing, on itfsday, decisión was rctulered 11 the "toiCoRKKUüs Crawfore, plalntlff In t.m. the Township Boardu of öcio and bster, defendnnts 11 error. The. luljr"Btbelow was revsrscd umi a 11e w trial toe4. The Jadgraent below removed twwpoRD from the olllce of director of factional School District aumber one of townsnamed. -A mcetinp: of the Board of Uanagers ""teWashtenaw Agrlcultural and Ilortlllnral Society was held at tle Cook üonse on Wednesday, a committee appoint oPrcm'um List, the rules and regulaiiwu reviseil , and other minor business 'OMcted. A proposition to substitute lir admission tickets for the dollar memPi in llcu of a family ticket good for '""hreedaysof the Fair, was lost. The "ng was a very iull onc, aud the prol!ns harmonious. -Kcv. Geohqe Taylou Is announced to ' aM at the Opera House on Sun;lay af■SBnext. Subject: The script ure doc"Bf of total abstiuence. Hev. John Rust!of Jacksou, Is also announced tospeak '"tëOourt House on Monday evenlng Subject: The legal rjucstions involv'mthe teniperance campatgQ. It is our e opinión that the Rev. Joiin Bus' Mn botter promote the temperancc or ""wl order cause, so far as this city is pfned, by staying at home in charge own business and permitting ourclt'manage thcir own affaire. . Al sesslon of the Conimon Counr.il held 2 W(i Geokoe W. JIoouk, Justice of Pcace, tendered hls reslgnation, which iit,lCWptel' RIU' IlAKUIMAN PPointJ"111 l''e vacancy until the April elcc n ' Hmuumax wonld make a capa 'ithful and hoiK'Kt .Justice, we have 'w least bit of doubt, but theu, accord''oonr views of the law, tlie Council u bve jast u much right to make "Circuit Jufljje Justice of the Su ""CourtasaJiisticeof the Peace, or ;'' WorJs, hus no riglit to (111 avncaucv Mn A ml Mr. IIaiiihmaü, belüg Wif "8ofthe sanie mimi, declines to UvAUI Pr-EMI;O. who went from the t(UhCrsHytothestaff ofthc Tribune,nm aS'i Ule Kala'a'''JO TeUgraph, is now fin!""d "s In charge ofthc editorial do'f,f{ , the Jckson CTiWTi. He is u ■Prov ,afKl the Citizcn'n colunias wil 1 1C uucler his manipulatlou. The subject of Kev. L. H. Fisw's discoure on Siincl:iy evoninu' last was "Oor Iiocs Politics." Ile disclaimi'd any intcliUoli o rightthenpr liereafier to disruss ín li pulpit questlons of genera) politics, thctai Hl', tlnance, civil scrrlce relonn, ttc , bn iniiiiitaincJ it bbt.li hia right aud duty t cllscnsa those monil qucstions whicli ben [lnectlv upon th welfare oí oui' local com muulty, aud tlierefore he li:il to Oo wlll K)liilcs aiul political partles, for the lim liciiif;, so fai' aiul only SO lar as teiiipi'i'anc aiul law and good order had to do wltl politics, lic pronounccd botli partle equally oorrupt, eqiially likely to bciid tlu kuce lo the llquor traille, and equully unlikc !y, by resolnllon, re-iiominatioa or otlicr vvise, to sustain tilt' city autlioril'is in thti laudable and pia;se-uoi-;I;y alteinpts to regúlate and restruin tlie trafile In intoxi caiin{ beveraaes and the bilüard saloons viili bar attochmeuts. lie raaluíálned tbat a vote next spring in no way involved Stati or nationul issües, lo no way cpmmltted an elector to vote next November for Guaní or Sumnkk or TküMBULL or IIesijwcks oí Voouiikks or any otber man, aiul tbal it was, therefore, tlie du'y of all good and l.i vv and order loving citizens to vote for men, without regarJ to thelr party alliluiJiion, vvho woiild seck to enforce the IaWí and throw wholesome restraint aronnd , yoaagand ol.i. We :an not follón th Hev. speaker throush his arguments Ín do fijnse of his position, but sndico it to say thatastróng appcal was made trom blo tandpoint, and what hoaest or good citizen wlll daru say that his siandpoint is not thoonly tenable 011e ? The'Miquor ring" is doing its best cei'tainly to aid Mr. Fisk In accompllshlng iiis object: domg it In their denunciation of Demócrata and lic puhliciius, ai such, who do not approve of tlieir persistent and rtckless Tlolstloa ot' all la'.vs, human and divine. Amiually our daily exchanges claim and arccntitl cd to spicial nol ite in our co!umns, and it, therefbre.gives us pleaanre o ghe praoUaent place in our local co'umns to the folio. ving extract frora the 1Ö72 prospectus of the Dctioii Free Press : At no time sinee its foundation lias the Free Presa ha íl sucli faci litios as now lor gatherlng news, for carrylnx put the Ideas eutei'Utined oy the puülishers of making it a model paper - a jouruiü whleh shall stand witliuu' a successíul rival in Michigan as a Newspuper. luiproveinent has been the order of the ilay in every departnrcut of The Free Presa tbr tlie last year, and wül contiuuc to be durlug ihe coinlugyear. The year 1852 will be one of Immense po litical interest and excitement. The meet' ings of the National and State Uonventions; the noniinatidiis lor Pwaldent and X'uxPresident ; the Iseoea between llie great partios; the important policies of tin.ince a i;d reveune lo be disciü-secl ; tlie eleciloDS in the various Ötates: mul , to the people of Michigan, the new apportloument of Con grcfismeo, aiul the división of the Ötate into new Uistricts, together with our general and local politica! situation mid prospects, will be lully laid before the people, as can alone be done by a Michigan paper, the oigan ol a great party, a niembcr of the Associated Press, añil one whose eulerprise and energy will be satlsfled with DOthlng less than the very lest newspaper in tlie íSlate ol' Michigan. The year will be essentlally a poütical campaign year, and tiie Free Previ, in all Ita editions, will be a thorOBgb Democratie Canipalgu Paper, as well as newspaper. Besides this, the Free Press promises, and maintaius as well as promises, a very valnable Llterary Department, wlth ioetry, tales, sketches, etc.; also a coudensed biit full and well arranged departcneut of State News; full local, foreign, flnancial and commercial departments, wih regular weekly matter for the farm and flrcsldc. It will be a welcome journal to business men, litcrary men, politicians, aud all clases of readers. lts terina are lower thau similar júimials published either East or West. Di!y, $S a year ; Tri-iceckly, $4 ; Weekly $2; chDsof ten, $1.60 each : of twcnty, $1.60 each. AVe heartlly commend the several iMÜtions to the readers of the Am;us as landsomely printed, live ))apers. Our readers, especially tliose living in Ibis city and vicinity, wi'.l flud in au article in anoihercolumn, " Au Important Rul way Conference," somethiug that eau not fait both to interest and gratlfy them. One dlfflculty lias all along slood Iii the way of our rail road,- that of gettiiig froni the State line into Toledo and making free and antnunmelèd conmetions witli any or all railroails leuding tlicnce east, southeast, soutli or soutlnvest. ïhia diiïïculty, ite ltst in tlie way, has now been overcomei Tha arrangement does not put na in the power or at the mercy of the Peunsylvaia oi' any othvr road ; that roail does not gobble up our road by the aid of stock een u as was once proposed, but simply gives OS freo access to Toledo and lts depots over the road to be built froni the to the State line by the Trustees of the Toledo !und, and for the usual rental the use of the new bridge and necessary tracks to connecting prints witli othcr rcads The same privileges are accorded to the Pere Marquette. Aud now we expect to eee the actual work of CODStructlDg the road soon conimence and Ut early hcomplstion, the Board of Director, as we unlerstand it, having such proflers o( aid iroin reliablc pirtie8 as wlll prcclude the possibility of delay or failure. K-om R. II. McDoNAt.n, proprietor of the "Vinegar Bitters" advertiRcd In another column, we have an " Illustrated listory and Map of ChicHgo," witli a Ilistory ofthe Great Fire ; containing views oi Clii cago in 1820 and 1871; Photographs of the Public Buildings Burned ; Growth and progress of Chicago frora 1774 to 1871 ; its Trede, Commerce, Industry and Entorprlse, witli a record o! all the groat iires of the world. It is a valudblo publication, aud, besides, shows that Mr. McDonald knows the value of advertising. The Nèio York Obierver Year Book for 1873 ig a valuable document, containing much uscful statistical matter, reügious auil secular, political, flnancial and educational. Bestdes, It lms most of the mlsccllaneou? matter which made the several editions of " Poor Richard 's Almanac" so popular In thcir day. fl,orwith the 06server for 1872, $3. Addrcss Sidkey E. Mouse, Jr., & Co., 87 Park Row, New York. We have the flrst number of 2heSc)xl, a Hixtecn pago, doublé broad-column, monthly, published at tlie State Normal richool, Ypsilantl, and devoted to the educatlonal interests of tlie State. If it does the work it niarks out t will be an elt'ectual laborer in theeducational fleld, Thcro are certainly many valuable artlcles In the lmtial nnmbcr, not tlie loast of them Supt. Doty's " Sugestive Hints" tj teachers and pupils. Articles for publication slioul'l beaildecesed to Prof. Estahuook ; subsci'iptions to Prof. I'i;r.i,ovs. $1 50 a year; At the recent minual meeting of the Ann Arbor and Loi'.i Plank Koad Coinpany tlie following directors were elected for the onsiiing year: S. II. Oouglass, P. II. Abel, N. B. Cole, Nelson Booth, J. II. Stc hens, Oco. F. Hash, and Jacob II. Hicks. At a subsequent meeting of the board Dr. Öouoi,ass was elected President, and N. lï. CV'i.r; Becretary and Trcasurcr. The J::iiMury mimber o! Our Yvung FM comes late t our table, hut none tlieles welcome. It Is a capital number 1 otb ii illustrations and contenls, an(l Wlll ilfifon a funil of nstructjon and amusement to it readers. Tlie opening story, by J. T. Trow Bridge, A Chance for Ilimself, is n. contiii nat Ion of the Jack I [aziird of last year ; bik iu!lovin; it, nrc : The Llttle Dunbars auc ihiir "Charmlng Cliristnms Plan," by Nors l'erry ; B.Ttha'a Dtéum (poeiu), by J. T TtDWbrldge; The Grcal. Sea Serpent, by Ellzabelh Stuurt Phelps; The Doctoraal! Üje " Black Öquinel,'.' by G. A. Stephens The Story of the Wisc Men of Gotliam Crnsoe Life, by liiv. 1!. I). Carter, cliaps. i and i?.; by poemsaild lesser anieles Band wlchej in, aod an "Evcniii. I-.uiiii" vlii I v i : 1 glve t!ie boys and glrle somethlng liki work. Order Our Young Fv'Ja for 1S72 and onr word for II you vvW not regiet it ;! a y. ar. Jas. H. Oscdod & Co., Bosltn. Wc lmvctlie Jaimary nimbar (vol. 8, No.1) of the Iiirfitsln ■' MottQIy, 'orincrly the 'lchnoloijist, a practical Journal for dwnufactpr ors, mechantes, bulldtifs, ventora, englncers, architect, wüli n record of railway prosress. Lhe articlus are cnre'ully written and full of Instructlon npou Ril branch es of the Sftveral (Icpiiríinents of industry named. Hot ;]) y will the montlily be a vahiable ald to the practical machinist or mcclianic by whatever iniine, but t wlll be Ibuod a valiiable family e;1ucator, especially wheiv boys are gtówlng iip, pnd should grow up willi well-fUjoonded Ideas of labor and ltscapacltles. i?150ayear. Speel tnfn copies fret'. Addre?s " Industrial Pnblloation Compmy,' 170 Broadway, New York. - F The 1! v.-.r.' iVVie comes lo us for Jauuiry 6th in a new dress amlwitli a new n:iki' up, 24 p:ics ngalnst 10, Hioiiyli someWhat BfhalIfeT than lust year The type is ieailtlful, the ilLustrntioüs flue, and the contcnls goo;i, but we don't liko the mixture o: " :i Is"' aml readlng matteï In the cehtral sheet. And, bepides, why shóu'ul Jhese tlght 17 to 'i inclusive - be labeled 'supplement"? However, we suppose friciul Moüre knoa-s his business, aud certainly lie knou-s liow to m.ikj an invalua'.c agi-ieultural aml fomily jonrnul. a year; ten copies, and ono to potter p of clul), $20. Aildress D. D. T ÍHoor'e, 5 Si'i.kuuin Direct, New York City. - The Rara1, and the Anous for 4.