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SAM. B. REYENAUÖH ' PHOTOGRAPHER MAKES ALI K1INDS OF PICTURES FROM THE SMALLEST LOCKET TO THE LIFE SIZE, ANDFINISHKSTHEMIN INDIA INKI OIIj, O3ES. 3 WATER COLORs ! IN A SUPrERIOR MANKER. 1319-1 y. No. 30 JUROS STREET. IMriINflViWFTTffii ( To any person product ng any Medicine able to showoue-third as inany living, permanent tures as Dr.PiTi.Ki ' i.'n' i matio Kkwedt ; and a furiher rotoard of $100 for any case of chronic 01 Inftanim.itory Rheamattam, neuralgia, Rheumatlc Au'iic, 8datloft, and RheuraaUam of the Kidneyait will nat cure. This Khnimatic Byrnp 1 we&inward h rmy.piefiüftnt to the tasto, and íínnrniitecd free fruni injuriun-! UriiL's . lt ia Tiot a tii:ick Medicino put the sclentiflc preecrlptlon of jog. l Fitler, M. K, Profeaaoro! To.xicoloy and Chemistry, radu i fiir of t!ie coH'hratod 1,'nivcrsHy of Pfiiinsylviitiia, A, P.I8681 whose entlre professional 1 i tV lias beendevoted i]jcci:illy to this dise.tse. Tlüs preparation ander eolemu oath 13 conscientlonsly befleved to bo t!ie ocly fpoaltVse, reliabhi, udUlihlu speciflc ever dlacovered. The proof tlmt 110 fftbei speclflc ex ut is foBBd in ovcry communtty In persons Miliictcd foi i)u;ny y(;:iis 1. :mr! itiUsufferiOgi Ij' Jticiftns t)nld cure t, if a i, f- a tnc.t tlia! mut be unjvorsally admittci!. Tnfe 0 ft deeet ved eofferer iöay wlaeW aak, what sectirity or evideoc6 aaa be that br. Fluer'i Bbeamatic Syrap vili crire hls case. The prótecton offered to pattentsagalDstlmpositton i ia a t#gaHy stgned contr:ii t wtiich will be forwarded without oharge to aay euiTeií-r Mndiog by letter a descriptlon i' affllothm; this :;u n-fiiitff wif] ytutti the exact mimber of ' l les warrantedXO .urc, and in case of falhire the mnnry paid will be retarned to tho patiënt. No 01 her nnu-civ has ever boen offerodon saoh liberal aml honorable termg. Medical advlce, with certlflcatee f rum prominent Lbyalotaiui, Olcrcymen, etc., who have been en red .1 ft o r all ofrher 1 n-,i menta have falled. Bent by let tvr. gr&Us. Affllcted cordialjy invlted to ti ad vico to tb 1 pi incipal ottlco, 45 South Fonrth 8treot, Phlndelphla, Pa. Dr. Fitler 'h Rtutiniaiic Syrop ík sol.) by Draggtsts K. W. Lilis & t'ó„ Solé Aents, Aun Arbor, Mich. I; PllYSICIAKS'lSlIPTiOlSS"" ACCCJUTElY AND CAKIiFÜLLY PREPABED Y n . w. k L Lw & 00 .,nnuGGWis. yyM. wacner IS NüW KEVOY FOR TÜEJFALL TRADE Havtng Receivod a Large Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, ÏN'CLÜDING ÜLOTHS, OA8SIMERE8, VESTINGS, &C. of the BEST STYLES and ÖUALITIÉS, WIIICH HE W1LI, MANUFACTURE on tcrms to sult. Also a full line of READY-MADE OLOTHING AND 3ehts' FÜRNISHING Goods. AI,SO LADIES' AND GENTS' M0ROCCO SATCHEL8 No. 21 South Main Street,- East Side: OALL AND SEE THEM. riI,tIAM.AVAG!VER. Ann Atbor , Sept , 18T1. "" LOVËJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND S3I0KINO TOBACCO, Snuif, 3?ipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST IIUBOjN STREKT, Ncxt to the Expross Office. AIÍM AHBOR, IWICII. lMStf Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by


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Michigan Argus