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T q. A, !ji.aiiOiS5' INSDRANCE AGENCY. Hls Comparaos Are Sound. pHCKNIX INSURANCE CO., HAHTFORD, CONN. CAPITA L ANP ASSKTS, Jolï 1,1811.... $1,T81 ,000 CHICAGO LOSSES 7&O.UOT THKI'lltCMX ihrlost Oll1 IK I f rt Firc Insurutice Compny in tle Vnltoq States. Alwayw prudent and sound, and alwoys pronipt in payment of los Ma. INTERNATIONAL. INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. The first Compan to pasa the ordcal of the New York Insurance Commipsiontra since the Chicago Fire, coming out from the severo tost TRIUMPHANT ! Associated Press Diepatch, November 2.1ST1, THE INTERNATIONAL IJïBCfcANCE COMrANT. The Superintendent of the New York State Insurance Department, who ie making n carefnl ofilciM examinntion of the New York City Companiea to-day, certiflos th:it the International Company1 nssets "f il,50n,ü00 are securoly nTcsted, and its rapttal of Í600,OCO, lifter priTfriinp for all liabilltiee, iucludlng the Chicaji'i fire, is wholly unimpaired. This Company is paying all its Chicago losses and is sound and rcliabie. Policios issuedst fair ratee at nif office, No. 11 Sast Hnron etreet, Aun Arbor. J. q. A. SESSIOXS, Agent. lS47tf. ÏJELiABLE INSURANCËT Nortli British and Mercantile Insurance Co. OF L0ND0N AND EDINBURGH. CHABTEBED 1800. Capital $10,000,000 in Gold! The American Managers of the above Company hare received tbe following telegram dom tl London Board : "Subscribe Five Thonaand Dollars forChicufro suffcrers- cl tic all loNses pruiiiil]--l)raw at tnree sii;lit- Autrrican assets will not be toucned." Springfleld Fire Ins. Co., OF SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Capital 8500.000. ThelossesoftbiiCompany, by the fhxnjro (Ire, will bo promplly settlcd by cash pnynrciits liy the Stocklioldurs, leaving the Compauy with their capital unimpaired, largc aeeeti, and an unintorrupted business. ThcseCompanies are eound and reliable beyond anv doubt. Uisks taken in the aboye Companies al adequate H. D. BEXNETT, Agent. 1340tf UAM, Jtf. REVEJNALGH KEEPS ON HANB A. LAEQE STOCK OVAL AND SQUARE BLACK WALNUT GILT FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No, 3 0 HTTRON 3T pfiOPLE'S DRUG STOiiiíi R. W.ELLIS& GO. I UST RECEIYED! FilMLEY $c LEWIS have rcceivccl a !arge and wellsulected Stock of New Fall Gocds ! BOUGHT POfl CASH, AU of vvhlch must bc sold insidc of sixty days to make room for our Second Full attxk. Wc can show our custoniers the 33est Kip Boots ever broaght to tliis market, both for meu and boys. CALF BOOTS OF ALL GRADES. Wc. have the exclusive sale of J. M. Burt's fiue hand-made work - conceded to be the best work to wear fa the market. Our stock of LADIES' AND MISSES' WORK IS OOMPLEIX tW We have the exclusive sale of the flne goods of E C. Burt, of Mew York, and Hoynolds Bros., ol Utica. We guarantce cntlre satisfaction on this work. 1334 READ THIS ! I AM NOW TREPAKED FOR THE FALL TRADE ! I HAVE TME I. AHii l.s r A M Finest Assortment OF CLOTÜS OF EVFRY PKSCRIPTION EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. EVERYTHINQ NEW, AU STYLISH FITS WARRANTED. ALSO A LINE OF GENTS1 FllMSHIXG GOODS ! WI8HINQ FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING WILL-FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO ÜALL ON JAMES BOYD, UlStf 34 IHiiin Strce PAINTS PAINTS PAINTS Oils Oils Oils Varnish Varnish Varnish Brushes Brushes Brushes MINERAL PA1JNTS, &c, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND C ALL ON R. W. ELLIS & CO., BEFOUE rüHCIIASING II KAR VC I v E. J. JOHNSON ÏIA3 A FULL STOCK OF HATS & CAPS .POR 3 FALL AND WINTER D Also a Inrge stock of Latlies' and Gents' Furs g HlS STYLES A.HS THE X, -A. TEST. ,H1S GOOÜS c THE BEST! AND HIS PRICES THE i - Aleo a full line ol Gents' Fnrnlshing Goods 7 South Main St., Ann Arbor ,11, A FA1.SE REPORT ! THAT A. A. TERRY HASQONEOUTOF TItADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LARGE AND CO.M PLETE STOCK OF HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, ANDAT PRICES TO SUtT THE TIMES. AL80 A FULL LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! DONT PÜRCHA8E YOÜR SPRING AND SUMMEB OUTPirS ÜNTIL YOÜ GI 'VE XÍI3S: -A. O -A. li A-. 15 South Main St., Anu Arboi 1311-U. JAM. bTrEVENAUGH, PH0T0GRAPÍ1SR I RETOUCHES ALL HIS NEGÁTIYES BEFOKE PRINTING, SO THAT FRÉCELES, MOTHS AND TAN Do not show in any of his Picturcs. No Extra Charges. DUÏ YOUR CHILDRKN Something Useful for Christmas, at C. Millen'sGotoR.W.ELLIS CO's. for strictly Pure Drugs and ' Medicine s ,Paints ,Oils , &c .


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