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TVFTKOTT ABVETITISEKENTS t lOtUOAH .TIACilIVKItY DII'OT. 0.8. WORMER&8ON, Dealen ín il kiuds of Wood and Iron Woikiiig Machiuery. 99, 101 & 10.' .JF.FFIRSON AVK-, DETROIT, mi I. hapoftemtnd Denïerln IEP A.1ST GOODS, TOYS YANKEF NOTIOTMS KOSÏEKY. L4CES AND TK1MMINGS, AM UtHUK OTl RKKS OIT Chilören's Caniagts, Baskets & Sleighp. No. 80 ami H2 Woodward Ave, Detroit. oiiii vont Flour eixxel "7Vl3.Oa.t T(' GILLETT Sc ttA.TL.T-. DKTBOIT. We ennriintee hig-hest (rices, lmmcdmtc sft)e, and prompt reEttriifl. fEr I,iberaH'ash adrancca. l'O SllIPPRKS OF WHEAT ! We are prepared to oflVr indm:em.entt to ehippt-rp of wheat nit snrpaped ly those (f any othcr Iioubc Liberal advances, prompt attention and quick re JACOB BEESQN & CO., e WooiibrMge Street, West, Detroit CÏ RAIN BUYERS 00NSIGN J TO JOHN H. WENDELL & CO., rK'ritoiri. W grinrantce prompt i-.-ilcs nnd immcdiate re turns We are able at filí times to placo car lots o fancy White or Red Wlïeut to lulvautjiae ff shippec in throiiiïh line cat-B. We refer to alï IfcvnlïB and Commercial Agencies. -mrriaoes tvü ai.fnans '' hugh jöiïisrsonsr, MANUF.VfTIJREB AND DEAI.RR IN Carriageê, Buggtés and Shighs, Cor. Lamed A; Caaa síri-ís. A lirp as-íortment ofEAST-IiN juid ITome matte JTttgfeii Caifiage mí Sluihs dii liand, o fluish' d tu order. An Examination of Stock and brices Solicited. JOHN PATTON A SON, J Manufacturera and Dealers in Carringes, Buargies, Sleig-hs, &c. The flnest aasortmtnt in Mícbigao, Ktablií-hed Id 1849. FAGTOHY ÜOUVKR VOOlHBmOK AND BBL'H STREKtS. Rop sitory, 22C Jcífcrfon Avenue, Detroit. n XJ J i N' ITU RK ! I. IHJFJVAGËL & CO., - 313, 1 & 217 Woodward Avenue Detroit We have-a'cornpletft Msortnnf 6f the Unes Fui niture, and other A edil Trom btsjcm ía aalielted. We are fiiily ablc to snit all as toqualltj and pricee. We manufacture moi of onr luruiture. and can gnnrantec eatiafaction. ÍAM SELLINQ ALL STYLES or HOUSEHOLD FTIRNI'I TTRIC Twenty-five per cut le than nny other honre in Detroit. Do not fail to visit my Furniturc Warcrooma. JOS. W. SM1T1I, '260, 2S2 and 254 Kast Sidc Woodward Aveoiic. FAL.I, APTD WIJiTER STO'K OP FI.NK WHITE AND BOUDKKED China Dinner and Tea Sets, Some very flne ín oo(orc alío fine Cnt Glass ; Roíjera. Smi'h & Ctis. Une I'lnted (loode : Ivory and Unbber Hanrllcd Cutlery, Larce tock )f -tnnri. Bracket and Hanying Lampa, &c. Ac . for sale at i lowpricesby I. BleCOBHIOK, I 10 Michigan Ave., oppoálte New City Hall, Detroit. NEW ERA IN 8EWIKG MACHINES. The New Wilson Under Feecl Sewinc Machine makes the same Htitcli as tbo Sinter, [Inwe, and a II other Mghprfee Lock-Stilch Machines, It i theiroqual In all, and superior in many respecta tak i ii the in Míe stato Fnirs of TTl ovpr all oihers. Sold $2 l.-H than anr nther flr-t-cines machiuce. Varranteil tive ycarp. Send for circularH. E. CHRNEY & SON. Geni Ak'is IK Wo"(lard Av,, DetroU. Tílch. 1U II. DOrUHÜHTY. Manufacturera of PICTÜRE & MIltUOR FRAMES CUronion, Knffruving:, and Pbot98 AtjWbolcnle. 2s7 j::rn:;iso aveme, detroit, nicu piIEODORE SIGLEK. I Mjinul'actrnvi of L00KIXG-(3LASS & PICTÜRE FRAMES G;lt, Rcstwtjod, Walnut and Ornamental MoalJings. Importers of Lookinsr'CHass Plateg, fhromos, and EngraviiiL'. 34 Atwatcr strect, Detroit. LAY & ADAMS, Manufacturera of a Cid wholesale deuUrs in PURE WHITE WINE, CIDER AND MALT rRKMIl'JC VINEPtARS 14 tnatir strect, Wrst, 13tó Detroit, Michigan. GOIjDS TMI'L'TIS Brtasi Stemton BtrsiNEasUNivKRsiTT, Hkiroit - Iíusincss practically tautíht after thi' Üoanttng House sysleto, the only true and practical system for illi;straliug real busL nesa, requiring Banks, flores, Uulueett Houses, Ornees. Hoard f Trade, vtc. No inttitution ever took a priminm for Book-kedplnï and Biuineís Practico over this instituí ion. ai:d any aggertion to thecontrary is false. LJlt-asc atUtress as aboye for papers and documente. (HALLENGK-I will place $50iJ in the V' hands of any resp-insihlo party wheucer any Bllllard Table nuurafactBrer u willing to teít the meiits of his Billimd Tal'le, aa ttxlmabiWu. exact workiuannhiji avd fltlf ctirrr.clness an! mickMMi ff '■ushinns, he ventr.rin alikc amonnt on tlie decisión. And 1 fnrther p'opose that the winner shall dispose I of the m 'íicy w u bj givina it for tome charitable jurpoue, C. SCHUI.ENBÜRQ, Billii.rd Table Manufacturer, Detroit. Mlch. HBÏ GOODS, WIIOI.ESAI-K. ALBERT D. PÜRCE & CO., WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, 35 WOODWARD AVENCK, DETROIT MICHIGAN (AÍIPBKI.I., LlSiSI A; :., DEALKRS IN DRY GOODS and MILLINERY 111 Sc 11S Woodward Avenue, corner Cocgress Sti Detroit, Mich, ] DRESS MAKIXG A SPECIALTr. I ÖOMET11 INtí N K VV 0 i i AT 50 Main Street I LOUIS WA LZ, . i GROCEH &CONFECTIONER nAS A LL STOCK IN HIS LINE, AND WILL PR0MITLY SERVE TIIE PUBLIC WIT II SOOARS, TEAS, COKFEES SPICES, SYRUPS, CANDIES, ETC. Farties Supplied i with ;; ai CAKES OF ALL KINDS n n AT SHORT NOTICE, OP TIIE UEST QUALITY, AND AT THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. CALIj -A-3STID SEB HIM S BEFORE PÜRCHASING, 133O-m8. '., FOR RENT jjj nA ÜES1RABLE STORE ! Ï di And CFXI.AR. Also one Fine Front Hoom over t heir New Store, No. ÍS Main St.. frora Augnst lst, 871. Enquire of 1330-tf O. W. IIAYS. Supt. Go toR.W.ELLIS & CO'b 1 for choice Wines and Liqunrf for Medical Purposes .


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Michigan Argus