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Influenza In Horses

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Under this head a writenn a late nuraber of the American Rural Home talks in this wise : " Tho above name is apmed to a febrile inviuly pcasaUing as lui epidemie unong horses. It m:iy prevail at any soason ot' the year, yet it is more prevalont in the Fall and Spring months. it ia accompanied by various local manii'estatious, in sooio cases a catarrhal and in others a ïheumatic or dropsical forni. When it assumes a catarrhal i'orm, it is alraost always attendod vvith sore throat, which Í3 frequently mistaken ior diphtheria. When it assumes a rlieumatic chavacter, the joints of the limbsilre puffed out or distended wHh a synovial fluid, with more or Lesa edema of the surrounding parte, and is aooompanied whk tenderness, lámeness, and moro or less stiffness of the muscular system. This forin is usually (ermed rhentnatio influenaa. The dropsical form of tho disease (fre!y oalled "pink-cyo") manifeste itsolf by extensivo swellingó on tlic limbá, broast, belly and sheath. In whatever form it makos its appearanco, it is oharscterized, in its earlier stages, by dullness and debility - ovinces a tendeacy to assume a typhoid type, and is frequently comDÜcated with other diseases. In faot, the peculiar condition of the syatem when the cnalady has once Easlenad apon a subject predisposa powort'ully to local distases, us pneumonia, pleur8y, laminitis, eto. It is ooüsequenoe of the different forma whioh tho disease nijv ásenme, and the complications whiuh may attend it, that so many tuistah made in the diagnosis of the disease and in the treatment adopted. The following treatment is recommended: Fir-t, plaoe th atkimalina wellventilated, roomy box stall ; clothe the patiout próperly, aocording to the t of the year ; allow u s,)tr, l.ixative diot, Baymashesof malt, if there ia not mach weakness, or of coarse bran, if there is not much dobility; allow plenty of watflr, neftrly col.l. " These directions apply to any form of the disease; but in regard to medicine, the remedies ahould be adapted to the partioular condition of the patiënt. If of a catarrhal nature and entended with sore throat, Irecommend the following: Take chlorate of potash, four drachms; extract of belladonna, onc draohm: pulverizad oamphor, half a draohm ; lina ted uieal, two diaohms; molasses, four draohma. Kub all well torether and give for ono dose, by ït on the tongun (with a wooden spafula] ot between the grinders. Adoso should bo givou nightand mocaiag. Experienee has convinood iue that a paste is the best forin in which medicino can be administeied for sore throat. Billing isapt to inorèasê tho soreness, tind dnmching can scldom 1)0 borne, as it is eertain to causo violent ooughing, straugling, etc. For the dröpsical forin, tho following medicine will be found usèful : Take pulverized oamphor, half a draohm ; pulverized digitnlis, half a draohm; lü misil, twii and half (inichms; s two and half draebms by wcúght pulverized sal. nitro, threo draöhms. Mix thorouglily for ono ball, and give this quantity twico a day until six or eiglit doses havo been given. For rheumatic Influenza givo the last namcd remedies, with tho exoeption of digitalis, for which colchicum shouM be substitttted, s:iy ono draohm t sao Local treatment is of so little valuo thftt it may well be omitted altogether. Heroic treatmont, such as blood-lettiny aud purgativos, should in all casos bo carefully avoided. If the bowols aro con ted, injeclions should bo given. Tako warm water, ono gallon ; soft-soap, two ounces; this quantity may be injected twice a day. If tho throat is sore, rub it with the following : Olivo oil, two ounoos ; aqua auimouia, ono ounco. Mix. Wlien rooovery cominences, .a nutritious diet should De given, and tonics m iy be administerod. ïako sulphato of iron, two ouncos pulverized gentian, two ouncos ; pulverized gingor, four ounces. Mix aud divide nto t.welve paris, and iivu ono night and morning, mixed with food. Louis Napoleon is taking tho world easy, and eoliüiuing for bi8 return to Franoe.


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