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The White House Ring

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A. T. Stewart, President Grant's first choicofor Secrotary of the Treasury, in his testimony bef'ore tho Senate Committee of Investigation, swore tkat tho "general order busiuess " ai tho Kew York Cwstom House was so inanaged as to extort uriust charges, that it was a nuisance, in short that it was robbery, and that he íad complained dircclly to tho President eithout the evil bciag in the least abated. Other New York uierchants concurred witk Mr. Stewaiít in the views he so forcibly iïesented. Now this " genernl order business " is a monopoly, is enjoyed by Leet & Co., aud by Leet & Co. is osed extraut seeeral hundred thuusands of dollars annually from the pookets of the importers, to be charged, of course, diroctly to the purchasers and eonsumrs. And wiio is LiEET 't Mr. Lixdsay swears that he was a young íiriny officer, a memberof QbaBT'b staflf; that ho camo to Ntw York "scoking business," with a letter from the President to Mr. GniNNKLL; that he inforiued Mr. G. that he (G.) wes tobo app.uiu.tod Collector, and that th} " goneral order business" was "the busiuoss " he (Lekt) wantod. Mr. Grixxell was appointed, and Mr. Grinnell gave Gk.vxt's young friend, - a stranger to New York, New York uierchants, . and to even business of any kind, - by ükaxt'3 request, a share of the " goneral order business." The share did not long satisfy young LiRET or his hackers at Washington, and he demaiukd, aecordiug to Mr. Lixdsay, the whole of it, threatoning Collector Gkix- XELL with reinoval if it was rcf used. It was rofosod, and Mr. Gkinnell was removed, Tom MunpiiY appoiuted, Lee.t & Co. - Stockixo, Poeteb, Baboocx, and probably Gkant constituting " the mess" and the Co. - given the demanded monopoly, and the charges estabilshed by Mr. QsiNSXUi at once doubled. These faots are sworu to by Kepublicans of positioa and reputation. What say honest Eeijublicans ? Is it not proof positive that the President is respousiblo for the abuses aod robberies at the New York Custom House, and that no reinedy need be looked for until a chango of admiuistration is socurcd P - An article will be found in auothcr column, from the New York Tribune. The closing sontcnco, calling upon Guant to removj Lest &. Co., iu view of the testimouy of Lindsay, is laughable as absurd. In THe Uuited States Circuit Court at Detroit, on Tuesday, a decisión was renderöd in the scveral cases involving the railroad aid bonds, and by a unanimous concurrcncc of the Judges, Emerson, LaxuYEAH, and Witiiey, the former decisión of the Supreme Court of this Stuto was rovorsed, nullified, and hold fur naught. At this writing wq have not tho full opinions befoie us, but if tlia Tribune commentary does them justico thoy are as full of vulnerable points as a skiininer is of holes. Oojument is rosorvod. - Meantimo we inay say that this ís another blow ia favor of centralization, unother strike at the Kttl yawei' loft the States, a judicial intimation that tiio high'jst court of a State has no righ4 to construe ita Constitution and laws. A "Washington telegram, under date oí Tuesday last, says : "Thoro is no fouudation for tho rumora that tho officers on duty at tUc Executive Mansión will resign in corasaquenco of the statements growing out of the custom house investigation in Now Tork." Of course there isn't; as well credit a rumor that tho President intended to sesign becauso of tídisanie startling rovelations oi "ruraors." Didju't OüANT solicit tho " genoraL cu-dor " busiuoss for yonng LEET of his stuff aai houBeholdr didn't he expect him; " mak o raucli niooey'" out of tho poíátioil ? didu't ho expsoï Mm tj divido with' PorTER, BAECOCK & Co. ? and didn't lic turn a dciiS eaj to the complivints of A. T. Strwakt that IiEET & Co. woro very ■ h-hylocks," takinj; " the pound oï flfish,' and repoating the takc daily? With theso fiicis known to tlicui wliy should thu officers on duty at tho Excoutivc Mansion resign?" lll Mfc - - Befoue tho Senato Cominittoe ongaged bfinvestigating the management of the iew York CustouiIIouso, Gonoml l'.u.MER, an cx-Appraisor, sworo OOC Jas. M. Thomps'jn' proposcd to hiin a schcrae 'or increasing his wiifiry Tliis was it : ll(! said tliat " the amoant that could bo 'ubtaiuccl by giving lurgn allowances of "dinaage, would be a gOon deal fowanls "tlio salury ; in fiict thnt I had better bo"■gin to make hy wliile the sun shone, " and if 1 would axntdga witli him and " lot him go to tho importers and arrauge " rtth" tbem, he would divide with mo " the amount that could be obtained," which próposition was promptly rejuctod. This was in the fall of 1869, and in the summor of 1870, Mr. MüSPUY, tlxoii Ooilector, nomin.itnd this same JA1CE9 If . TnoMrsos for the position of weighmastcr. To prevent his confirmation by Seoretary Boutwell, Oen. Palmeh oaased to bc communicatod to the Sscretary tl dishonest and corrupt propositicai ïaado by Mr. TiiOMFSOx, yet ha wns coiifirmud and i&ÏB office1 tOKiu : and probably incrcasing Iiis salary by falso wcights and mcasuves. - A. T. Stewart appealod totho President tot protection against Ljíet, but that official tiirucJ a tieaf ear. Gen.. Palïikk notiilod Secretjyy Boitweil that a man ho wcs askcd to appoint to 3-es]Xnsiblo place in the Crtstom House had made projositions to hiui to de-fraud tle go-vernineut and divido the bpoils, bu the appointment was made. Is Gran [ :i partner of luEET, and does Boutwell reap tbc jA'ofits rufused by Gen. PALMEB ? These are pertinent qnestions


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