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Tho Xation of l:ist week containcd au intcres-ciay calculation as to the comparativo strength oi' thu two partius in thjs country, founded, fivst, upon the roturus of the eleoüous tor the present House ut' Representativas; and, second, upan the resalte of the most recent Stato eïcctions. Without ijretcndiug to offer an opinión as the the accuracy of its figures, we will abridge its statements, as a mitter of information and inturest to tho political gtttdeftt, Aucording to tho Nalion the electoral vote of tho country, as ropresented by the lust populw vvte for notnbsra of the IIouso of liepi-esentiitives, U divH ded aa fullows ; th'.i uuiuber of electoral votea set opposito each State in the table beiog the number to which the State will ba entitlod underthe new Apportionment bill, which will probably becoiue a law : State in tctic't a Democratie Majorityof the popular vote cus cast fur pretest llepxe-. ttntattvtt. Electoral Y(,tí ■ Electoral Yoic. Aluliama 9 Xorth Carolina 10 lïelawaro 3 Orcyon 3 Oeorgin. 11 l'cnusylvania 2S Centuckr TeimaMM U M:iiylan,d 8 XaMk ,, ... 8 Sliuoun i5' VñfrikB 11 Nevada. 3 West Vnigmta 5 New Uampshire -1 New York 34 Total ;7j State in ichich u Rtiublic(n Majority of the Popular Vote ua cast for present lieirescatatiws. Electoral Vote. I Electoral Vote. Arlcftnsftfl C Mis.sisippí ö i'ahf:' Mi;i ,.. o Kebruka 3 Conneotiout New JCHy 9 Florida 3 oiiio tt lllinow ï üho.le Is!aml 4 lu.Uuu 14 Sttulli l'ajolina 7 lo.v i U 't'rmont .... 4 Kunatu 7 WjMwnsin Louiüiana .... lfl Muiiio 7 Total 1S2 liuntts 13 . 175 Michigan 11 - Yunn-sota 5 Rep. ínajovity 7, It will bo soen thnt, ooulcl thoso figures be taken as trustworthy, thc Kopublican candidato would, out of tlio wholo iiuinber o' three hundred and fifty-seven eleoti) al votes, roccive a majority of only scven. But if vc suppose that eithcr South Carolinu, Arkansae, Connecticut, Louisi;iiii, New Hampshire, or California will cast its vote against tho candidato of tho Bepublioan party, hú opponent would huw a olesi müjority. Undei' tho oldapportionuient tbe above tablo would show a Democratie majority of the eleptoial voto. Next, we have a comparativo statement of the strength of tho two partios, as indicatad by tin; rosult of tho last State clections, thtts 'licinff Demormtic Majoriticí ín the last State Elections. Electoral Voto. Electoral Voto. Alnbama 0 New Jersey AlkansRS G North Carolina 10 PeliKMUra 3 Orogou 3 F!or&lii 3 Tenuessce... 11 Ucurgin 11 Xbauia 8 Kcntucky 12 Virginia 11 Mnrj-laud Wust Virginia S MisKOwfc. i-1 Nóvate 3 Total 131 Xew llampsliirc 4 State 'jiciiyj liovuliiaui Majantien in Utelasl State EXeeiivus. Electoral Vote , I Klectoral Vote. California ( Xilmiskn 3 l inm-i'tirut (I , Ohio 22 Illinon 21 ]Vimsylv;inii Ï8 lndiaua 14 Rliode Ieland 4 jown 11 South Carolina 7 KunsJW ■■ Vt-nnont 4 . :-.. J ; Wiscousin ,. 10 7 Totnl 1M Midiig.ui 11 . . '! Minnoiota 6 Hcp. majonty 9j i)ii B New York 34 ; According to this statement it will bo 1 iat tho liepublioan candidato would reoeive a majovity oí ninoty-livo oleotoral votes. But the fation argües that soveraj States jjnt down as Rcpubliciui cau by no meana bu rcliud upon to ::ist a Ilopublii; ín electoral voto in 1K72. Aniong such Sttt s are New York, l'eimsylvania, CalLforiut, ('íimuMiticut, togetlier with LouUiana, Houth Carolina, aad, perhapa, Misgissippi. Should New York, togethor with California, Connecticut, and Louisiani or South Carolina, proaounoe againal fie Kepublican candidato, his opponent would havo a majority of eleven electoral votes. Should the four last-named States togethor with Pennsylvaiiia prove Dumooratio, aiiil N!w York Repnblican, the Democratie candidato wouM havo a majority of twulve electoral votec Without nwtfming anythii j as to Iftis or ibcerrectBeas o these vati oinatiotts, wo think thoro is enough in tln.-ni to stastle the ñncere friends of Itepul)lic;ni i'iiiieipies out of tbeir secuviiy as to tl: ccrtmii triumph of tff'trlïcpubliOan party. They provo that thu dospoa-. denoy nisMk boa cune over tlie Diiuocrats is not niltogethe-T jugtiftud by the facts, anil tlmt the assuvance of suceess ' whieh tho Ki'pab'licans generally freí ' must have Bome ' ful study of the po itioal horóscopo. We eiie them, thcreforo, for tin HDHple pnrpoae of warning the Bepublicans that they oannot affurd to v.-.isto any iurthcr strengt!) in the quarrels of the faotious. The silly and weatïsoine controversiea that have grown np in this State in ren;nrd to the preti-nsions of rival BonatOTS lunst at once be tenninatcd ; the ttttemgt of ecrtafn manager at Washington to mak a personal t(t of fldelity to tho party nvust come to an (1 ; and the party must plae.0 itself simply, cloarly, uncjuestiuiwiljly oi tbc high ground of piiriciplo to maintain it supicioaacy in the all'uctioiis of the people.


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Michigan Argus