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Tlie mighty revolution of the public mmd, tliirin" tbciast twer.ty live years, against the ,y8tem oflolteris, is füH of instroclion to the reformer. It show the omnipotenee of pub lic opinio where il is lelt free tn oct. These gambling csti.blishments hnve been bnniehed from tlip horden of every State, eacej a fe.v halfenlightenfd ones. govemro by slaveholders. it wns proposed last winter to expel the nuisancea from t'ial great lazar hwise, tinDistrict o"Coltinliia? tnt wheiher the succeeded we do not recollect. The frame. oí our Ptata Constitotion ft r jid the Legidlatme to authorize the drnwinsr oflottenes. Henee notices of them have pretty geuerully riisnppearcd from the papers. But we find thit one Detrcif paper advertios tickets in the "New Franklin Railroud Lottery, nuthorized by the General Assembly of Mhsvw i, tor the benefit of the Town of New Frankhn, to be drawn evrnj day at WiiuKsor, opposite Du iroitT' Rahera eire ntous awd doubtful operation, we shoiild vhiïk._____--- ------ , The Louisville Journal, (Wlïig) has been ronch praised for its mnnly ] fence of C. M. Clay, in his recent culttes, How friendly it is to the , jrriseoï Mr. Clay ma be gathered from tbe following extract from that paper, Aug.24: "A Whig feïlow citizeo has asked us, nppnrently in good faith, if tce areanab olilioniiit. VVe would as aoon Iiave a man nsk us ifwe are a UachUg, or a burgiar, arasheep tealer. Men have readour paper to very little purpose, if they do not know tbat we regard the abolitionists as the most petilent nuisances in the country." CCf It is stated by a correspondent oí the New Haven Courier, that Messrs. H'. Asten 6z Co., have a contract with goven.ment for 30,000 pistols, at $6,50 cents ench - the contract tobe filled within five years.- Buff. Pilot. One hundred and ninety five thousand dollars for pistols! One hundred and ninety five thousand hard day's work of somebody thrown away; for they will be of no use except to shool enemíes; and i is not probable a single enemy wiil ever be shot by them.While our Government i mounting the guns on the various Forts that gimrd our Atlantic coast, and putting the country in a state of defence, let Britieb and Americans remember the beautiful lines of Longfeltow: ♦Were half the power, that filia the eartli with terror, Were half the wealth, bestowed on camps and courts, Given to redeem the human mind from error, There were no need of arsenaïs or foris.' Oído and Virginia. - The grand jury of Washington County, Ohio, !iave found on indictment against ihe Virginia kidnappers who aWucted the three Ohioans now in prison at Parkersburgh.- Tho GoTernor ot Ohio has in coneequence made his rcquisition on the Governor of Virginia for the surrender of theindicted Virginians, to stand their trial in Washington County. The response of the Virginia executive will be looked for with no li tilo interest. Hia duty to make ihc


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