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The Saloon Tax Or "license" Fee

The Saloon Tax Or "license" Fee image
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Tlic (ollowipg prwmblus and resal irtío i, iJ'jptcil by tiie Corftmon Council on Moutjeveutugi noüils little ur no.oxpianatlou. T.c Coutici 1, :is nm.-t every obsorviug citii, ivcogn'r.eS Ure liquor and bllliard sufjuns ;is soiiiCes of great evils ad nurseiesuf crime, coïitiiig 'the public largesiifps olmuney, baldea deinor&üzlng and di'.siroy iijibcir cusionu'i's or victims. The Couni!,is must also erery falr-mloded c't zen. Woniy bclfcves a poNQC .'orci.' ::i;. itAeck the disorder gsovrlgg ont of nul fiweeiliu Irom frce trailc in intoxitiunj; tíveragcs, and froin bilüavd rooms 'm connttüon witli líquaí' saloons, and that the pirtics to tlio disorder-, and not the public, Hoald pay for malutaln'ag the pólice tlipy iik'. ueecssary. As the consequence of tte views, the so callfd " Ltecnse Ordin jtes" wore passed, tho incorac froin wlllcli Isnow set apart a.s a special land lor the isyraent of u pólice forcé.: WiiKiiKAs, Iti tire saloons, -victualinj; ,tascs, billi-ird rooms and like places of int of the citTi there are loorces of in!or and insub mlinalioii lo law tl at iencc hns sIiowd canot bc coirIthoüt ihc i'rent'ön and mainttof a pólice forcé, and Wbïreas, It is unjusi to the taxpayers : - :j i i :l 1 that tlicy ihou ld bc made Ut pny fcf the control ,ot a triïftic In whicli they lnvcno direct interest, except it may be iu total snspens'.on ; therefore, :, That the l'ur.d deriveil from the Haloons and billiard tables 011 kr orttinance No. C6 pawtf Octoberj KJH wlth ii subgeqnent meudföents, bc, H :i". sh.'jic are hereby set ap.irt for the ppoh aud m lintenance of a pólice forcé nJcrtliedireotion of tlic Coinmon Theflrsts.i;t uiidir the licenseordinince s tricd on Tucsday and Wudncsrlay e fcre Justire Sessious, ai 1 a jury.cnnsistin;; Rnfus Cate, (JeO. W. Hays, Tlmothj R Ams:len, Johu iloore, L. B. Gilmore, aiui ■E. Suinner, all " sood ïpen anl true," Idwakd Dlffy appvsrlng in dcfuudant, ftltged wit'.i kee.iiiiü; a s -loon without a tense. All possit)!e coiistitutionul sukI 1(gl questious were raised by the (U'feiid 'U's atlürneys, w tli the hope of causing a wgreement or ucquittal, and thus preeoting au appcal. Bilt the jury declined ' forestall the action of tiie Supremo Courtand reuderefl a verdict of guilty. A 1eof$3O, Incluiliiig costs, was imposed, "iink'fault of paymeut 15 days in jail. ftesuit was prosccuted lor the city by C S-Grant, afsisted by Gov. Fkjxh ; and Duffy was defended by Messrs 1 &ÍKES and Fbazer, assistcJ by Messrs. WWHBNCE, HaWKISS, aüd CltAMEU. Psymeut of fine being refused and cora"Amenito jail made out, a writ of habeos ''""'i has )cen issued by Circuit Court loil) ssioner Babbitt, of Ypsilanti, ru'mable this forenoou a 9 o'clock. The extenstve Paper Mili of Cornweij, Co., at Ypsilantl, with itsentire machia trJ'. was destroyed by flre last Saturday eniug, togetlier with a iarge stock of "S8. about 500 tons of stravv, and $1,000 orth of paper. The mi 11 was of large Plclty( havlng three paper machines of "quallty aud fuur ra boilers. The üre CIlglnatcd In the ra; room, probably from 'Pontaneous combustión. The Holly pumps ere locatcd beneatli the rag room, and hose could not be attaclied or the mili Wud hive been saved. The total loss is 8t at $100,000, with $20,000 Insurance "Klabout $10,000 material in condition to uscd In rebuilding. The enterprising 'Bi proposes to re bulld immediately, not & large a scule, but on an improvcd 'in, aud to have their new mili running "bln six inonths. Messrs. BÜBHB1 and 'iRVBï Cornwell, of this city, are memof thcfli-m wo. Round, of the Printers' Cabinei L1lcago, bolds the opinión that it is better 1 &ugh than to cry over one's owu calarai lieve is a sample.: " In onr Octpber ""rabcr w;e advenisL-d ouv prlntlng office d bokbindery for sale, and have receiv manyinquirlesln regard thereto. We 'Teo inform all such that the entirc Pfoperty was gold in about filteen minutes 'lircc o'clock in the raorning of October flt. The bargain, although it took "j s the property, ended In sraokc, auc "'Ouotgetvaluereccived." Indge Higby ent down hls decisión the iiijmicüou case ajainst the city 01 Tnnrsday of last week. He held tb'at th Council could pay the Marshal a salary o on!y $100 Oom any fund ; tliat the salary o( $100 pald or provldcd to bc paiil fron the Street fond ibr certain dntics devolvet upou him was Ilegal uuder the charter but tliat he could be employee! to direct the expendltnrea from the general streel fnn and superviso tlie stdewalka at $2 per !ay The iniiinction was, tberefore, grunted so (ar as the f400 salary was concerned. 1I ftlso held that the Council had a cloar right toestabllsb a pólice, and refnsed the pray e:l ujuiictioii restralulug It from payinj the pólice forcé airead; In the lield. sü ended the flrst heat. A local Board of Control for the Michlr in Mutual Lile Insurance Company lias Men organlsed for the tovvus o! PittsIltM, York, T,odi, Saline, Freedom, Brldgevrater, Sharon and Manchester, styled the Saline Soard of Control. The list of membersaml )fliccrs wlll be fbUDd in cemnection with thu adverliseraent of the M. .M. L. I. Co , in another column,- seefirstpage,- aml where hcy are known it wlll be unnccessary for us to say that tliey are substantial men or liat the local interests of the company wlll be safe in thelr bands. The Saline Board of Control, like ail local Boards, has the oanlngof the moneys 3f the Company in he towns nameil, a guar&ntefl that the best of securlty will bc required and no losses possible. Resideutsof tnose Unvns wishing ife Insurance are commended to the Michgau Mutual and the Saline Board. The new offlcem Of the " Porter Zouaves" are : Captain- C. B", Gha.vt, Ut LieiiUnant-S. IJ. IÍEVENAüGn, 2d Lieutenant-J. E. Sumner, BxeeuHve lioard-s. ö. Taylof, J. W. langsterfer, J. II. Maynaid, C. T. Fall, B. :. Porter. Our readers along the line of the To'edo, A.nn Arboi' nnd Northern Hailroad will be glad to see an advertisement iu another oolamn, lavItlDg proposals for constructIng the roacl from Ann Arbor to the State line. Another wek wecxpect toannounce tliat the contract s let, and on most favorable terms. Kdwahd Eggt.estos, author of " The 'oosU.r ückoolmatter" whlch has lately had great run in the newspapers of the West, the editor of Ilcarth and Home; JBAK nci.imiv, popular both as a poet and prose ritcr, ui J ad mimi and loved as a woinan, now contriljutiiig a serial story; and its orps of wrltcrs Incltules such well-kDOWü ames as Mary E Dodge, Louisa M. Alott, Eávrafd Everett l,I:ile, Elizabeth Stui Fhelps, Earrlet Preacott Öpofl'ord, Hose erry and others. Beside, It Is profustly id flnely illustrated, and has weckly pages f special interest 10 the farmer, gardener, orticulturUt, lloriculLurist, housekeeper, ui the little folks. What more need we iy? $3 a year; ten copies, $25. Address UANGi: Judd fc Co, 245 Broadway, New ork. The Methodist is not a ncw paper, but it new to our exchange lis. Au indopendit, tliat is not a Conference Joropa), it may o snid to be Methodist without being rictly clenoininaüomil. It was foilüded n tlie interest of " JLay .Rcpruiuinalion ' ld ably carrled that issue to success and ictory. It has high merits as a Hterary id uows journl, pnd in no department lis behhid its official rivalsof tlic "AdcnU fiinily." lts editors aro Geo. R. hooks D. D., and Abel Stevens, LL D., ssisted by a carps of special contribotors itli a reputatlon equal to that of any dcominational writers. It is alsp a large ld híiiKilsoínelv prlnled paper, and every aj wortliy tbe large and increaslng patMiagu feestowed apop it. 8.60ayear. Addreu "Publisucr of ' The MdhodUi,' Ncw York." The Jaimary number of Wood's HottseJiold Magazine, of wliich periódica! see prospe:!us In -.nothcr column, has a very readablo list of gapers from well authors, Incladlng Virginia F. Townsend, üconre S. Barlelgli, Kev. J. B. Wskeley, Joel T. Headley, Borace Oixe'.ev,fíiil Hainilton, James Parton, and T. K. Bei'chcr. A gooil Investmeut can be made of $1 by sul)scriblDg it a year. Addresa S. S. Wooi & Co., Newbtirghi N. Y. From' Messrs. Wood & Eo. we have lso received tlieir p-emlr.m chromo, " Nigira FalLs," a beautiful picture botb iu drawing and coloring. This clnomo i.s glvea as a premium for everythree snbscribers, and Ihe ofler ought to give the Household Magazine a large inciease, We alüo bive fioin tlic. saine " Wood's Pocket Iagniflor," a powerful g!ass, and anothcr premium. Scribner's Monthly for February contaius soine yijry lemarkable articles, anti is a superior -number. It opens with The Fox I lunters, an illustrated poem by G. II. Barnea, whlch glves a wlntry Bavor to the opening pagfcs, and is followerl by Prof. Hayden's paper on the lust Yellowstone Explorallon, also lllnstrated. Tnen comes The Mormons aml Their Religión, illiis., by It. H. Seelcy ; Th'j Charities of the Fatherland, illus., by Prof. Wells, containing some suggestlons concern! ng Protestant Sisteihoods : an important art'.cle on tlie Dcfects of the National ftanttlng System ; Back Log Studies - Uenewed, by C. O. Warner; .V HisUate- chaps. iv.-vi., illus , by Mrs. Olipliant ; The ILid.leii Joy, poem, by Lonisa Bñsbnel ; The Happj Time, poem, illus , by David Gray ; Wllfrld Cuín! ■■nnrUc- chups. LVii.-LX., illus., by Geo Macdonald ; IIow One Woman Kept her Ilusband is the title oí a new story by Bax llolm ; Ohristine Nilsson and her MaeUro. by Mrs. 1{.S. GreenOUgb ; A Smiill Piece of tin; Woman Qucstion, by Lulu Gray Noble ; A Bailad of Galden Water, a hitherto unpubllshed poem oí PhOBbe Ciry ; Topics of the Times, in which several top es are discussed by Dr. Holland ; The Old Gabinet ; Home and Society ; (Jolture and Progreas A.broad ; Culture and Pro;res3 at Home; and Étcblngs. $4 a year. Address, Scuiunek & Go., Gö4 Uroadway, N. Y. Eounds' Printen-!)' Labinet for January is worthy of special notice. lts 20 arge and beautlfully printed pages are vcry fittractive to " the 'crait," and, besidee, glve evldence that " Stukl" does not propose to succumb to flre. It is a model advertls'mg sheet, a credit to the publlsher ; to the " Phcenix Job Prtnting Co.," successors to the Printing department of Kotjnds & Kank ; and to Chicago. This " Priuting Co." is composed of the late employés of Rounds & Kane, Mr. Houxds devoting his energles hereafter to the manufacture of presses, the popular TAYi.on,5and the sale of printing machinery and type, and Mr. Kane to the InU trade. Success to all par tles in the new deal. - From T. U Senior & Co., 6 and 7 San BalldlDff, New Vork, we have the autumn number ot the Mirror of Typography, lts pages beautifully printcd and Ulied witl matter of practical interest. $1 a ycar. . TUe December number of Iht I'rinter is also at hand, an excellent number of a valiiable publication, and printed in a style reflecting credit upon lts publishcrs. $2 a ycar, monthly. John Grkason and J. M Smith, Pubüshers, 15 Gold Street, ÍTew York.


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