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IIARRISOX'S 1,011 -ilo vn and Itnis.-.l "i 'í;rjit-s nnd Gas-Loga, unsurpassed in iicaulj of Design and Finish. Harrison's indirect ribbcd STEAM RADIATOR for JlisrU and I.oiv I'rcure. P. A. III i.l.l .s. Detroit, 135.r)m3 Sule Ageuts for Michigan. A NEW REMEDIAL AGENT, ' ïeccntly discovered and bffOBght in use by one of he most eminent paysicians ín New York. KEISTISTEDY'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF PINUSCANADENSIS, A pure, nqueen Extract, possesslnp; superior asrinjíent and tooicpropertiee, and recommended by he ElgbeM medica: authuiiücs in the couulry as nu UNFAILINGREMEDY n all chronic distases of the mncous surface, nnd a pedfic in the rcmoval of morbid di&cuarges, of vhiuevcr nature. Prescribid by the Medical profession with eiifual uid uiiUurui Kuccees in tbs treatment of Chronlc HarrhlM and I)ysntery, Night Sweats, Uterine and Pahnonnr; Bamorrhage, in coueh nttended illi profdlie KxiNM-toration, nnd as ui iitjeciion in LeucoiThujaor Whites, Vlccratioi of the Ós Uterin and otlur vacinal uiensts; in Calarrh, Piles, i'is in s of ihe Anus, Huras, Scalds, Excciriations, obstinate Ulcero, and ui all cases requiring a powerful abtriníícut and toaic remedy. Thosc alll.iitd willi anv of tho above dlseases, and not wishiDg to cali upon their phyBician, can mrchase frorn their druiiist one r two dollar iicUaL'i'Kol' the mediclue.witn physician's full dlr ' 1 T 11SU. EXAMINK THE AUTICLK OF J. MA1UONSIMS,M. D. From tho Medical Gazette of June 24f 18T1. I havo 8Rd Kenncdy's Concentrated Extraet of Piini" Cnnadcnsi8 for abont elj;ht months in some niTectioiiR of the rectum, vaginï, and cervix uteri ; I httve nscd it, considcrably tliluted, as a vacinal waah. with great succuss ; btit I prefcr to apply lt to tho oatincic on cotton wool either pure or mixed with glycérlnOt orglycerlne and rose water. Thus appMed, it phonl'J remnin intact for two or threc or SVfld fourdays. and Iben be renewed In tliis way I iiave aoen chronic grnmiinr vaiuitioa remerticd in a few day that had rsalsted the ordimiry remedies for weks ; and I have teen ui anular erosions, with leticorrlioaa, disapnear very rapily under ite use. I have not time to do more than cali the al tention of my professional brethren to thls new Frtract, whidi I ani eure will eoon bo recoguizcd as a valuablc addition to ciir materia medica. SiUMadison Avenue. For sal y by atl druggiats. FAREAND, WILLIAMS & CO., lSMm&B State Agente, Detroit, Mich. OTICE. Tho office of the Ann Arbor and Lodi Plank Rond Company will be romovc4 to the store of lïuch & Abel du nnd at'ter the 2d day of Febraary next. Anu Arbor, Jan'y. 12th, 1872. 1856w3 N. B. COLE, Reorotary. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and j Medicines, Paints,0ile,&c. y M. WACNER IS NOW MM FOIÊTIÖALL TRADE Ilaving lïeceivcd a Lnrge Stock of FALL AND WINTER O-OODS, ÏN'CLUDING ULOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &C. rf the BEST STYLES and QÜALITIES, WHICH HE W1LI, MANUFACTURE on tcrms to sult. Also a full line of READY.MADE GLOTHING AND Gents' FUBNISHBG Goods ALSO LADIES' AND GENTS1 MOROCCO SATCHEL8 No. 21 Sonth Main Street,- East Slde: OALL AND SEE THEM. AV AiiMllt. Ann Arbor, Scpt ,1871. LOYEJOY, TOBACCONIST I Deale in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuff, !Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST HURON STREET, Next to the Express Office A ARBOB, ItlICH. 1345tf Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City,by


Old News
Michigan Argus