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AM. B. REVENAUQH, PiiOTGGRAPHSR Í RETOUCHES ALL HIS NEÖATI VES itEFOKE PRTNT1NG, Sü TIIAT FRECKLES,MOTHSAHÖTAN !■ ñot show in any of bis Pictnros. No Kst ia Charges. Drain C Noticts. TV'OT ! ■■ given that the Dram Coonnifli i -.. ot lv!-,s:.i.l i,. Boyden, in the townnhin of Webster, in lunty, on uw ;, i, ;-i;.-; ;:,i. aay ofJuntutry, 1H72, al '■ e ovi.vk hl i)i" Afternoun to ra cotïi mol tT the excavhi i ■ ■ he Boyden Drain, comin aboul eightj rodseasi oi the qoi bhwoal contei al (hii'ty- ]a, in i-'V.-n -:. running enl irely to M ' ii 85, Ümdm KUtb and .o Bnd ;;! ■■' of the casi hali t Üie aouthea rt 1 wii: of K'hvarl T,. Boyden, on the i wentj -eeventh (27th) u--y of Janpary ■'■ h t'ini'1 and ; I ,ii ovi pro] ■-'■'.■ ilniin, and dosi riptiono of tbe wveral : deeractl by ■ by, and m by dMsion ■ lijiin by me apporl ';■ on of land to construct, and er to ■ on a eount of - 1:, b di ñtri b neflüntfi e tu ons, ti why saca appoxtionmest uhoiüd be reviewed or con A in Arbor, January Gfchi 1872. 1356 ' DAVID tf. FÏNLEY, Drain Commiasioner for fl County. Estáte of Loammi Bobtnson. S BOF Mi' fctlG S v.' "intvnf Wiwhtenaw, ss. hcrii'V ;.MVfi. UuM by au ovclex of the Psobate Couri ir tbc County oi Waehtenaw, rnndc on ixth day of January, A. I. L8ÏÏ, 1 1 1 tnonths trom that date irere allowed f br creditorB to nroeent thci: inst the .'yt,ite rif Loammi [lobinsón, late of saicl county deceased, and thai all . aro required to i Probate Court, at the Probate (rti'p, in the City of Vwa Arbor, for examination and nllowanoe, ■■ ■■ Üie ixth day of -Jiily. will ie heard bef Probato Conrt] on Suturday, the sixth day oi and on Batuzüay, the sixtn Aay of Jnlynext, at 10 ík in the fown o m oi ■■ oh of those d i Dated, Aaa Axbex, ■■ a. i. m:+. ICES, 153W4 JihIec of Pvobïitc Oommissioners' N"1 STATE OF MilCHlO if, County of fl by the Couxt stad county, Comimaslonera to reiii cüiiina and demanda of all ■ tate of Timothy J. Tuo of eaid ■ eased, hereby give notlce I are allowed, byordeTOf s bato Court, for oroditor to preeenl theix ■ 'M deceasrö, and thot tbey wül meel al tho otücc of ' ■ . i . , in the riUaee of Doxter. eoui ".'. on Bui iirdB . I h day of April. . o'dooii a. u, ój dd days, to raaeive, examine] and adjnsi said claims, l).iUd, Janmiïy Ötli, A. P íftGE C. PAGE, PETER TUITB, 1 iï3fiw-i Lini sasonen. Real Estáte i STA1 in the matti r oi :i, tnul in pi ■ tor of i '■■■ by the Hon. Judg i of Probate tor the eounty ot Waehtenaw, on tn eighthday.of Jfanuary, A. D. 1872,thöre wüll ■ ■ ■ v'endne, to ing house on the premiso I -ï, in tl. o countj ■ kW, iüBivid State, on Wi . : o'clock. in the ïbrenooa oi I o allencombi time of thedeuth of said deceiucd), the following dev, i ii:, ,i iv. il e dat to in.-.iT' i of ueol on six, m tovi n BOuth od ■ ■ ktej oontaüiing iuiiy aozea ra Ailin Eeal B I STATK OFMICHIGAN, .;;iw, rr. Iivtliv uuil odyenr, minor : ;m ord "t the . , said minor, by the Hon. fot the fiuin: v d v i l tl cig 'lay of Jannai y, D. 1 -'■ '■ there will be soW 1 lun, tothe hiffhesi tidd r, al th 3J u in I ne inllage of M an ''■■ I er, ::: tenaw, in aaid Stal e, ■■ ! day oí i m of thatdac ,■ oi hei (Hoe uooe o( ■; foUowing rl; Bcrib ] n i cfetate, to wit: Ixts o the village et' Manchi . tfttiiO recorded plat tl Dated, Jannaxy 8th, A. D. 1872. iYEAR,Gu; rdlan. Beiil Estáte for Sale. OTATE ÍXB MK.'lï ' dut, w. in tho matter oi irle, ie' r granted to iv.' undersiprned, Admii I ■ . ith the will a i ■ naw, on be i v. ■ i.1 . ftJuly A. thore will be soMji public vendud to the hivK' si bid. ie twoniy-seventh dny of February A. D. 1872, at one oli ■ onofthatday or otht'rwi-y: i SÍ li;i!í' of the s ■ moro or I - all thal ; ■luaitir of ■ Lwn&liiD and ■ ith oi th o Mld to ■ 'tl ;:-Yf. Of htnd, . and ii ,■■ ; of vator jj.tiL, Ju&uuzy Sth, . A 135ö (. '.''( .- (ji wiüLiit, il! ana Ree) Estáte fi STATE "i1 i ifihiewiw, ss. In mul ■ ate of Hcinaa II, ■ i 1 ; . I i i i purí ! .ri oí Iminiatr&tois tí the a ■ ■ i the i',uutïi l.r. iti - ■ V I i. ' ; !, r lonoeoi he townsliip oJ Sbaron, i;i ■ naw, ín ;:ipl State, on "' dn - Uy twenty-fivít djty oi February, A. 1. 1873, at en o'clook in 1 il that daj [subieci t? nll moumbxancefl by mortffageoroi henvíse i . . : i y 1 aleo suujcci o i thei'i - . to wit ; The outhiael quarti oí theMnxthwesi quarteroi tiirt-vv. ■, in town&hip tis i, range tliree ■ast, cüp.t:i:nii: fty ui cea motcorless, ■ i sai I Stat. KU88ELL W:n WIE, Rl I ü A. QAGE Acbniniatrttton. :r Sale. OTATE OF Mi' HU ! 5 In the matter ol I Bamuel ü. I ■'.incline li. 'l'horn, I. (■-.■. is ,) . Thor, I 'horn, Mury Tliorn, Raphcmíii Xhom, ud Frnnk C. ïhdrn. minon hat in pursuai nuted to t!:r u ; y l b üón Jud ■ oty oí W uahti ns v. on the i-l' day ol l)eeembcr, A. i, 1871, thero n ill be Bold t public ■■ tlw dwollina huns.' m the pKxa$&& hereinaft b aribi '1, -',■.■; couutoi WasliU iiw i s,cí1 Otate, on ■ . .. ï). MK2, at U'ii oxlock ín the forenoen of thu i . I ject to ::!1 OnCUmbí :i", ■ - bjl i the time of the undersigned as widow oi Cliurlcu Phom, deccased), ti descríbed renl es The undivid' ■! eiffht-nioths [8-9J il euohoJ thcfollowi land. viz.: Pari of lot A or i i .n . ionol quaj ter of Bectioó Bev) ii. i' -.:■ íi ii i i ii, r :it the oorthetjïl i orner of sitid lot A, running south on tliirty xt-Antwo Linke lo a sta# in ; thee li.iv' OÍ &ijú }i At tiioncc south eighi ..mi thirty minutes wost twentj f]i:iiii and . !,í liülvs to a Btoke on west linooi said ilongaaidline north onedcf?i"oe west, tuirteen ohainsand Ewo Ikikatoaqnafteri :-ornei% thenoe oloag the quarter Une oortb eighty-nlne .ud thirty m ; tris aud ■ litiAS totlu; place of boffinniag, eontalning ■x and 50-100 acres. Alto tot A, or vreet sub ïivi-ion of tho nortli1nal quarter ui said even, containing eighty-one and 55-100 acres. Aiirl also of t!i' sonlh parí oí the weel part of the i ■ fractional puarter of leotion six, cqbI fort y notos : all in towmthipfoarsouth 6J range three .usl, .u Baid Stalt'. , Dttted, QGQeiAberlltb,A, 1. 1871. 1354 SARAH C. TUORX, Guardian. 1 . I CkancuTy Notice. npHECIRCTTlT COTTKT for tho county of ] tenaw. In !hai i 1. makv PEAVET, Complalnán MARTIN 1.. PEAVE1 ■ f. ) , factorily appcarmg to th Conrt fey thn a lnvit i'f S . it, :i-. by ■ ; ïini of the Sheriff foi' I v'. uahtcnaw, j nade upon a subpoana i, that g be rasiaence of Martín U Pea adant, is B mlvKiiw n. and tha1 the said ■■ I i on the said i ofhia j cnoe, and of !.-■ I ü . un ,'. 'ofo, on in - ilicitors for ■■ii, ii Isordutcd tl:.;l Ihc [ i'cti. .int, Martin 11 ia :i]Jif;irain e in ,.',. i'llti'' to bo nbered Wtbín thre ntóaths trom the ftnrt ; iblicalon of tïiïii order, and ín oase of hia sppeaiance he UO80 hia answer to th 'b billjLo oe filcd, r ud a oopy thercof to b I D. Cramor, one of r be flolicfto] ilainant, aooording to the rulea ,nd praci ■ -ït, and in default thereof tbat 0 he said bill be taken .1; and it is j herorderod, Uiat said complalnant, within twenty s. oopy of this order to ho publlahedtn Q i He Uit . and thut s.ü.l pnblioation coninue the terra of ti bbuto weeks, onoe i, ii each week, or tbat the sakl complainant cauae a v opy of tli is nrder to be personally served oa the de y ündiint tttlonst twenty daysbtfoie the time abore m ■■ for hm aptteaxanoe. Üct. Kth, 1871. E.BEAHAN, (1 Cii"cuit Court Oommteloner, A aahtenaw 7 County Michigan. u. I). Cbaiceb, 1349 Ono of the Policitors for Complainant. si DEOPLE'S DKUG 8TORLi R. W.ELLIS& CO. l


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Michigan Argus