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Real Estáte for OTATE 0Ï MI' lli'iAN.ooHntyonv,,!,, O In the matter oí Uie estáte of f -„tui, ?,. decc-ased : Notiee a hir. by piven, that i „„,. hct":, an onlcv ginutxd tu fhi undérvigned ,ii, ■ ""Oei i tho eounty ol Washtenaw "i,, .í'h sixthdayof December, A ?. !,tw nt%eii pt public vendue, to bidder Hi .1 , I door of tl.c ( ''jiii r Honee, in the citv nf' 1 ■ i.ty of Wasi.: ■1'Í'V irteenth dny of februury, a. i' t1'r In tbe "'.'-.:-";i: of thal áay siyi, 1, t ií i., mortj ge or otharwú A I thedeulhoi said deeeattd I . ?Ï2ï city ol Ann Ai:., counly and : na commencing seveuty ttat ciu!. .''■ si corner ef lutoncin Mc-k two, .I"01 tt ron slreet. rnngii fire rost, üaim. eait ,,,"'. Uní of sui'l lot twenty-eu feot, thenee omk ■ "a feet, toan wi i fe, , thene „„ ?!"'■ placed beginnine oortl1 ot, Doted, I aben 36tb, A. li is;i dmtnw.. Eistute of Itiuhard Murra OTATEOF MICHIGAN. Couutj of Waak 0 At : se Ion of the Probate Cort ?m íí'íf' f Wa.-litenaw. holde ntth 1'rolmlV ( í Cityoí Aun Arbor. on Saturduy. the ,i,,ll,'lti . ii.n.ary. in the year one thousand elrt.!1' dred and seyenty two. 'S" i Pre.ent Hiram . lienkc.o. iudf „f pr,.t,,,. '1 boma Mnrrny and Thomas CUrk f,„_ , tho In-i will andtesiam „'JS" ewnttbal t!,iy iro i,,, " lo ron let tl r til, : ..,„ „ ,.■,,.'" l"ePtJ Toereopon it Is Ordered, that Moa4aïÏÏ . day of Führunry noxt .i ten o"cl, titfCli!! ni.ou, be aeulgoed for cxjimmiDi; , „lí1""■acb Ktonnt, ud tfcat toe u-rau., i""1'! and helra ni Uw uf .„,;' ""Wei other penosa iutereíted tu said .,,,,, U qairrdloappear nía sessloji of d i „. .', rt bE holdon al the ."robaí use, i,, th ei, V" Arbor, lo sbU (Joubi. ad 1kv mi , ■ '".'i ■ be.why tbu aid ccomhi shonld n„, """" i And ii is (urther inlered lliat u i? "■'■ ■ glve notice to the pcrenDi „ „ff" of the pendeney ni nu neconnt aod 'h'"kl''j:i' : thtrcof. by caiifiii!; a coyy oí vhU ■ i""!i , Ui-lurdinthe Jííitijar.írv,,, ainj ' aud orcalntiug is Huid Coanty, hm „ H ' weeks praviana to aaiddny of tirari Mtiii j tAreTOW.) HV Estáte of Allen W. Bütdine " OTATEOP ICHIOAN,OtratjofWartl_ . kT Ai a sesslou ol the ProbaU Uow r,Jr !,,' " ofWashtenw,holdcu at ihe l'robiiit ,,, Ulll3 cily of Ann Arbor, on Moodav, í,!"]1 ofJanaarjr, i., the yeilt one thu,lI1(j . ;.UJ dred and scvenly iwo. " ■ Knuat, Uirañj i. Bcateí.Jndi'p otPrul!. In the matter of ihe óblate ol )li w i .' ■ deceaed. "ao Christopher lloward, AdmiiiiatiatorofuMMi comes tuto Conrt and represeata lia' i,, ■ '' prepared t.. rencer tii anal :iceoaat ai notí -íc: f is; nitor. ' "■ Thcreupon It la Ordercd, that Moni! ■ ,. i day of Kobruary next, at - foreuoon, : ,r oxiiinining r mich accoum. ana that the hi-ii ail s ceased.:indallotheriicT.oi,.Mi,; i arerequired toapprurat: .;(.„-,,,' to ttoWra at ihu l'robatï (XK. i ilif CiirS .„ Arbor In uaWCouitty .iiKNhowcausi-iíaiifiCT' r wli y thc sairl acconnt ahonld not be allowt í. i.ii ,' - lurther nrdered, that uid Adminilriorshi2! i tothepersonKlntcrcstedln saW ettalc oí il, - deney orsalilattuRBt.and the hearin ihcnei i cauing a cojy of ihis order to be uuíiiílmlTi r' Michigan Argus, newspaper printej a(icrí..fh : n saldCoonty, three guccene wcets mSTÍS c siiM day oí hearing. " ' , (Atrccopy.) HIRAM J. BEíkw. Ijjt Ji'.dí:eo(hí Estáte of Cora A. Caaiings, i, OTATEOF MICHIGAN. eoontyofWtSB,. v. O At ;i aession ..t tlie l'robute i'urt lor tu u,.i i8ht ii iw, holden tit the Ibü:. I, Cit of Aun Albor, on Wcdnesday, tht uit út of Januury, in the year one Uiousnnd eUtln t dti ■! and ■ venly-two. ■ I. lWafc, .IiKle of I"rotalf t .■ Ín tiu: BWttes of the estáte of tora A. Caaon. minov. """■ . ( fu readtna; and ñl'mg (]c pftition, áuly veilHil ._ AUetta .1. Mi"'!!!,-!]), UiionlbM.trayiiiK huían :i-jí to BeqPtttW iv.l ttjtk lt-í(ínEnttií minor. = . Thfvco] 'Ji is Oülered, thut Mnnduy, tbetceftl lilayui Kei rúa y next, at ton oícl Hssiffinj'l for tlnr heoríng of ;tkl in-titioü. ndiLitit next of kin of'suid minor, and ail othei vm, interested us.ii.l estáte, ai ■ n i)uirltoiipptnia .. bion ol said Court, then to beboldoni 'j. Office, in ( it oí Aun Arbor, aixl sÍot cwtj " .i'iy be, rhjr tlie pujítuf íht; potilionn .!,] not heítrunted: And it ia further onii m iroti.-c t():( ]icríong !n!tre.t(í a "1 the peiidoncy of si . pe tition, iu{ tbercoi, by causicg í py of orón u i published in the Micliaan .i,-.ynt, h ncwSf npfr.iriiW ' : asa cucnlatinfi ii said county, three sucös;uib pxovBBHa-teaaidday ol ; (Atrtiecoiiy.) I11KAMJ.] y lí;ti Jiidse of Praten "Lomas S. Ingi STATi; OF iUCUIOAN, County of WajJHn,. At :i s:-.i'.:i '.! '- ol ■- hti njav, .ii ;■ n .i'.: ii Arbor, on ThumUy, tke foartl i uaiy, in tlie year tliousund eigbl I y-tv.o. ram J. Beakcs, Judge of Prelute. ' Inthi matter ol the estáte ofTlioam.dceejised. ! Arth tecutor of s:ikl ísialc, Kart inl : Thereutiwiil isr-lfrciï. th:t WviatslaT.lKttÍTTty, firat di.y oí Ja ■ QDOUi be iMfeágiicd lor cx.tmiiiiii mul iü. ■ I hen ío 1-.: bul len :'it ti. ! in the ity oí' Aun Ailmi-, nuil s1:om í!ici' I ■ lowcd : Au. Hi) Liiii.'"Uk-Ham.; in the '■ latina; in said Connt: -.wbiinwi ■ ;11ií■.Jliy.) HUIAMJ. BEAltfl, Judge oí l'nU E-,t:ito of Guorgp Suíton. 2(1. i OTATEOÍ ICHJUAM ; ' Ai . ,„..11 fortaeCaar .. the Probate Utüre.mi : Aun Arbor, on 1 ni!itklí ..i n in the ycar one thousamU-ighthaM j -one. Present, Hirnm J. Bca r-.baíe. In tho i.f the estute si (Jeínjc íu.íí,S incoin] 1 anrdÍAn of puid cutirte, con , - thul he in ik'-.v pp ' (lev h i int as Bucb Guardian. Tbereupon it is ordered, thnt Monl:tv, the iwtyrnintH of Jauuary ir-u, ;it ten 'o'clock ínti 'foseaoML be . -i.;i:(í foj wcrrnirntiTg wd &u count, and that tlic ü; smd incompi tent, imd ül otlier persona ioíerüiel estáte, aro requiretl to appear at I sai.l Cgurt, then to beboldan at the Hh bato Office, n tlje t'ity. of Aun Ai . if :iny therebe, bj í ■ ■ ount Bliould not be alloweu : ADditi#fKT"r I ardían yive notice to te pBP ed in said es pendeney f n and tbe heniiug thcreaf, by c-iumds "íf of tliis oi-dci n ■:t JfiJhjtiJW a newspapcr irculi íing ii thr.-0 -:.:- isive wetkspievioud t1 lAtroecopy.) lliKAMJ. I i;;.ji jurist of lwiEstáte of Alice D. Chase. : TATK (iKMH llIiiAN". Conirlynl WadaWWi O At a sessioD of ü..- Pro u ite l'")I of Washteriaw, holden at ; Probate OBgMJ 'uní Arbor, on Tmrdny, the twcn!y- of Ueceitil-'i in the yeue one tüousand eiyht asIW and aeventr-one. -rnt, iiiüim J. Bcnkcs, Jndsc oí I'In the matter A the estute of AUceD-0 minor. Charles C. Chase, Guardian of síiM ftWJ"?' into Cowt and represents that he i- nowprífs1 eender hJs final account as such Guardian. ( Thereupon it is ordered, that Mondar, thcim'".' ond '-lity of January next, at 10 o'clock in thcfw be aasigned for examinine and allowing Bttía w and that the next of km of raid ir.inM. othor persons interested in sjiid e1 arpear at a Msssion of tjd ('tu& tííeu lo 'c '""'j the Probate lltHce, in ti ity of Aun A County, ;iíl(] si ,r;iy Ik'. ' acconnt Bhould not lie allaved: And t „'vu or oi-dei-eti, that sai'l Unardian gite notice J persons interested in suid ,cdrBC aaid a i.4iint, and the hearing thereof, tT tarltt copy oí tbü order to be puoliAhed in thí í ' Argiee, a nflwspaper printed und (■"irvnl.itiBF: ntiiity. tlireti Hïcc.saive veE:k prcviuUxS to of hearing. _, (A Une copy.) HIKAM J. HE-'K T' 185-t JudgeeUTO. Estáte of Citarles Beíir. OTATEOF jnemOAN, County of W"! r At n snwion ot tho i Urt f(ll llal !a. Waahtenaw, holden ut the Probate Olücc. m "■ of Ann Arbor, on Tueeday, the tcnty-6'''"(uj December, in tho year one thousand eight huí1"" . rnty-one. Pieasni HiramJ. Heakes.Jxf?? oí frióte. . in the matter of tlie estáte of Charlea ""' ■i ..-: i!. 'fltá,el Unreading und flling the jxítition, dulrii, ei, )M..yin_-tliat sheandFlWW other suitablc persons, muy be api'"1" of the estáte of snid _. Thereupon il s ordered, thut Monduy,tBeJJ oiul day of Janunry in-.vt, i ten o'clJiSi Ü loon. bé assisied Bwtheh'enring ofsaid I1 ".? .: hut the beiiN at lnw of suid áeceíised, a: ited in sitiil ■ il ■■■ ■ ■!'■ ri? „a. oi snid i onrt, ■■ÍSiá it tbel'robatu Orhif, iu. te VJ f Aal any thert .-, v.'iy t! titioner should n-unted: Anti it ï ZÏL& 1 !. that s.ii'l itetilioucr yive notk í Jjit ' hltel-estCi! in ülid -stiilr. oftl'i' I'l'li tion, a ml tbe hearing tUtreof, by cauaingawW „ ordi rto-Ve-iw ' ' '■,'; ,t„, paper priuted and circulatiiií? in said ' 1 ■ weeks prevÍOU8 tu said duy "1 - HIJ Estáte of Stephen VT. Griflm. CTATEO MICHIGAN, County ofWaaW;!, . Ai aeosionol thc 1'robnte I ourt tor i;t tho Probate 0"2T City of Ann Arbor, on TUuxMa}-, tl'c,w'jt 1 naber, in tho year eew thoasao drcl and corónty-onO. ., '■ '' ' 'v'"(;riEiN In the mn'.tti of tlic .state of Stephen ". deoeaaed. , rifit- On roading and flling Uic petition. Asa ti. i11;Iílll-,eVlien'1 may be li Med mortsagecertain real eaiaw aúd : ' ilicLsi ''. ).ƒ. tfffl1" Thereupon it is ordered, thnl írwvl.-:j'. '"■ [(JI. niutli duy of January next, al ten o'doc ra ',íiet, noon, be aasigned í"r the henring 'Jar,jli and that the heirs al law of said " .,„ ,- er persone intoiestcd in sai.l estáte, ale reí ' pear al a session of aid Coi the l'i'.Kitc - Dlüjic, in the City ol show causo, il uny there be, wliy the VrtH netitioncr should nol bc prantcd: .-"'" , ,(t"a no I ,„ said estáte, of tlielK-ncl . i to be published in the ■'(""'■: r printed and cireulutinir in ► llfSlii, four succi wivo weeks pivvious lo lid i ■ . opy.) HIKVÚcoíl'W


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Michigan Argus