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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Wivrs & WORDEN. 50 nth Malnrtrpet, mAr "f. Midi-, Wholesale mul rttail dcal.gnQnnAa. Carpeta and QrocerlM. l.1-1 tf Ti IIIIOWX, Ast'iit fr the ■■inklc & T.vmi . .. gewing Mncliïlic TIn y arn pileut, ,. -rnndm the lock stilch No. 7 . :, A n n Arbor. 134('yl TirK SCIIMIM, DoaKrs in Dry (Joods. ■ fiwcèri CroekeryTit No. U South Miu .mitiiisnAB-i:. if. d., BwUenceaiidOBo " roer Williams mlThoiupsoii Streel. JrtiOfflce hoaw I to sm. TrirHÏÏ'l nritUAV, Roofor Fire and Hvitcr Prooi. Ki-li od CompodtlOD Gravel ■ jmtoDlo order and wrrntt lidenceon fÜiuSUetl, Aun Arbor. ,, ■ y.l.t.ïS A '., DniL'ïists anñrtcnliTS V Ia P-inls, Oilt, South Main Street, li Arbor TtTh. JACKSON, Dentiet.succeseortoC. B. Il , Porter Office corner HalDind Hurón ttreeta, ■ [he of B. W. BUI & ' . Ann Arbor, yi. eetthetics dmlnistcrcd il" rcq-.iiiid. f. BKICAKKV, SI. !., Phvsician nnd 0 , v ■■ni. OJfií-'-, at foaldenc corner of Hurion Street Ort door easl of PrcsbjI Kin Charf !i Anti Arlior, Mfeh. Tj. JOHSSOM, Dealer la Hnts and Caps, 5trw (j.ioiU. (iciiis' ParnlabloE Oooda, ( S:i T Sootli X.iiu -tret. Ann Arlior. . kh. ITHI-KI,AD WHEDON. Life nd icMits, and dmlcrii] UuhI ButataL ■ irou Btveet. iL WIS '. HINIH", ItnWr in Hardvan, I, '. House Paml blug Goofl, TIn Waro.&c. ï, j.Sunth Main etreet. I)1CII A ABU Dealere ín Hry Ooodö GroPcrries.C Ac Nú -ti ouili -Main -trect. Aun UWSOH A SOU, Gmcers, .Provinioii n! nion Mcrf.haiiítí. and dealers tn U'.-iti-r 'laster, and Plüer Paris. No. 16 Eagt i'yl! 'trt:ct . saXBHEini, Wholesale and Retail Dealer S d Ktady Made i'lothing, 'loths, Cassini'r'Kt IQenta FtirnLshin' Govd. No.lfSoaUl il' 1. VAU5BB, Oeata in Readj MadeClothlï Eaf.'iotbi CamimeK. '-srin, H:i!n,Cap8( tab, Oirpet Bags, c 41 'outh lulo strest, nlLMOBE .V t'ISKK, Bookieilcni and Sta1 Low and College .Teit Bia, ö-jli:ii MUedlaaeoa Books. No-ü North .hiln #ttt.Grcsory Hlock, Ann A'iixw. DULKI I. l:VIS. DimIi r-in liim .. SIk.cb, - S impere, &c N(J. ' Kust Hurón .-ircct, V0A1I W.CHKÊVEK, ATTORNET AT LAW ! K. W. Morpen, Kitst sido of Court Houec j ire. 1881 J. F. SCHAF3EBLE, Teacher f Music. G'voa instrucüou on the PIANO, ViOLIN AND GUSTAR, i ; nflii-i-. So. 57 Suuth Main Í rtftt, CMoore's Uia,nrnt ihr roldoaee oi Uu1 pupil PIANO TÜNIJMG, iüped.ility and eatiebctíun guaraiitccd: fïOCKEKY. LASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & 1- Donnelly Itteinntare slirgt stook "f ('rockorv, Glassware, NurfWsri', i'ntliry Ornccncs. Ac, ;.. all tobe No Ij Kast Haren Street, Aun Arlmr n-jstr J. & v. J)m;i.i.v. jOH.V (i. GALL, DEALEB IIST PEESH AND SALT MEATS, LAR, tAVSAOBS, Ko... OritriuoHcitod und promptly filled wilh tliebent t!UMn tht narket. 31 Baat Washington stn-ct. 'M Irbor. Scpt. lfith, 1M. 123.'tf f F. lili Jïs, Mauufrtcturer of ttl!.U.ES, RI4,4,IF.S, 1.1 il BKR ffUMM, ÜPtnv UUOM, Cl ITERS, SI.KK.I1, Kt. 2kwnnantedQfth best materiar. Repair i v and rcft-íoiiüh'e. All work wiir""Vu iri%r perfect aati-factiüQ. fls Suth Main _ 1S4S;! JJ AKKSEY, qL"L3; Manatactnrcrof "wriages, Buggies, Wagons, tffj 8LK1OB8 of ereor stvle, made of the best Jjr1"' ■ ■) wrnuiitd. uorn boolog und Heí Ej one l'rom.tlï nd prices reasonable. ""Street, near R. K.Uepot, Ann Arbor.Mich __ 13áíyl DENTIST. lïlei theSAVINGS BANKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. 111 Operations on the Natural Teeth PBRFOKMEh WITH CARE. 'StjRpAggED FACILITIE3 AND BXPERIENCE toni mificÏAi teeth, TO GIVK F.AH INDIVIDUAL; ""le proper uw, pí ,íoor. firnmtttand ___ a ai czprenion. 1244 (]t C.JENKINS& hRandolph white, m. d. , DENTI8T8. )!EROF MAIN AND WASHINGTON ST'S. 411 Operations peiformed in the Most Thorough and Scientific mauser. ,'lt"us Oxi'le Gas constantly on hand, MaUUtered wlth perfect safcty. 1320-yl. WhEN Y OU WANT ftNE PIIOTOGRAPHS, GO TO b. revenaugh, No. 30 II ii run Street. LIyE öebsbTeathkrb" (mt,of Ia8T QTJALITT , ""ïonhandandrorsaleby BACH& ABEL.


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