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- ■WhoPays?" i; the question thl I PiU, üw Hampshire joumal, CcacorrJug thn Bheridan-Alexis buftalo hunf, witli an estinvate that ileost thn govemuipnt, bésidee tbc wast of timu óf ofiicjrs and soldiere, $10,000! Diin't Phil. Slieridan smok o th o pipe of anl liavo a talk with SOÜed T.iil, an'1. dHn't Custcr kiss Miss Spottcd Tmí C'.lü'i the Veoplc lel tltó peaptt pay foï siu-U luxurics without lin_r V J! Wl Ie Shi:ii'l;r.i was off on the limit li; was cutting no shiuos in Chicago or elsewhore. - Gut). Clister eclipsad all tlio yóunger and loss gsillaut ofiieers aC the time of the Indiun jow-wow in honor of Alexis. A brother ofrloer huving pröMntfid á set of j.-wi-lry to Miss Spottod Tuil, Gen. Custer voluntccrud to put the rings in place. Inserting om1, he reaohed graciriul'u around tho dujky beile's neck, and aítr inucb, and some of his spectators thought unnecessary, delay, be euoeeoded in his tusk, umA claimad and took a kiss for his rcward, tho givor getting only "bushi'ui smilos." - An Ohio pubiis'ior luis been convicted in tho U. S. Court at Cleveland, on a charge of sending sample copies of his paper through the mail without pre-payïng tho poctügo. Ho waa fiued iiï'ly dollura and costs. The postoinuo departtnent might roap a liberal harvest of lincs and penaltyes by looking af tor thosS n. ous publishors who t'old all sorts of 1 ' bilis in tucir papen in violation of the I luw. - President White, of Oornell tJnivei sity, bas puruhaaed for that institution the library of the late Jared Sparka It cousists of about 6,0Ul) volumes, including niany rare one.i and many yet in manuscript, It is certain that no single collection in the country is so complete in the d ipartment of early American history. The price paid is reported at 12,000. - Xhe Qolden Age, remombering the connection of the Vioö-President with the ilcFarliiud-itichardson divorco case and marriaco, thus endorses hinx : " Ono oí the very few men capable of enthusiasm is this same Suhuyler Colfax, who, if ho had as niuch courage as he has kinduess and afiabüity WOuld bo our ' Coming JiL:!i.' " - No train was 'able to run the snow blockudo on the Uuion Paciiio Bailroad ; f rom the 22d of December to the 6th of Jaiir.iry. All owing, we presume, to that j pesky "isothermal üne " having boi flected northward, - ti aid the Northern Paoifio Coinpany to seil its bouls. - Washington is made glad by anothcr " Cabinet lady," SecrotAry Robeson liaving been married on Tuesday to Mrs. A.uliek, widov of the late Lioui.-Commander Aulick of the Navy. Mrs. A. was 01 ally Miss Augsdcn, and of one of the "first families " oí' ilaryland. - Olive' Logan (now Sykes) is charged with lecturing rceently at Pittaburgh, Pa.whilo a sister lay doad in anothei city. If tíiis be true tho reformation of Olive wasnot thoroughly complet cd wiien she abjured further sympathy with woman suffrage. - If a man but w'.iispnr.-i the word "railroad" in Toledo orvicinity, tho meitial of that city iroxuodiatcly brings out a now project with a grand floariah of trumpets. The spokes in a wheel ÖT8 uot to be compared in nambor to il jects. - Tho " Öroat Captain of the Ilosts of Liberty : " that iü what tho Allegan Jvurnal styles Graut. Is Don to be inspoector of suckers nt Allegan or have tho ' " neral Otdér business" given him by the Collector of that port,- at Grmt's request. - Sume journalist not having the proper degree of fear or respect for the Beocher family,- we don't know whieh, - reports Isabella Beecher Hooker as insano. She acted very much hko it at Wa ton recently. It is the suifrage ïnuni i. - A Washington dispatch saya: ''The Presid;nt has given his check fori to balance his littlo account which has been standing against him in the Tiva-ury sinco he was an army oificer," over twenty years ago. - The new Illinois liquor law declares all places where iiitoxieating liquors are sold without a licenso " coimaon nnisaa ces," and provides for thoir abatement upon tho conviction of their keepers. - Tho Toledo BI Je advocates tho "one term" amendment and favorstiu re-Bom ination of Grant. Nasby is ovidently an expert at hedging, and mcans to be on the winning side. - The President is rrported as having again abandoned his San Domingo scheme. He is contesting tho field with Pish and Colfax: anabandonor, a resigner, and a decliner. - A Worcester (Mass.) poliooman has been suspended just "for kissing a prótty girl hc was going homo with - in au official capacity." The administration Senators havo made a concertad attack on tho " Civil Service liel'orni" movsment, and cuii fiad no tcrms severo enough in which to denouncc the plans aloptod by tho spÁcia] oommissionorg. And thuy hesitato ridt to say that the President is in full symputhywith thom, is opposed to tho wholo schemo, and only recommenda and asaumes to exocutc it to rnake it odious. - And BUTUBS and Bingua.m and SttEIXABARGER, in tho Houso, proposo to strike hands with the Senators. "S'psils" and ■'pap "and "patronage" are to bo nrrayed against reform, and party necesaity and tho neoessrtóoa of would be Couj uien woighcd in tho scah; against public interests, tbo iatter boing suio to " kick the beam." It is annonnced 1'int patries who went to London for tho purpose v( dfsposing of the "Littlc Kuiina" laiuilig siijok, in wliii'n Minister Bohenok beoamo luvolved, ded in.disposing of thesntiro sum, $.5,000,000, in two days after it went upen tbomarket, Maesrt. '1'. . Park imi Villi;un 11. li ix ter, two jjiinei j-i 1 owners - now in Lcúidon, are reportad i have lealioed a profit of about #3 000,000 in tho oper.ition. - ''oler',. ' ,., .,d. And now will the Commercial onlighten us a littlo 1'urtiierV What w: re. the profiis of "Minister Scju:.K"'r and what are likoly to be the proiits of the Knlish jmrehasers ï And does Si üvido his conimission with the President r Thuo aro portiiuat qnestitms just now. Thb Señal i, on W ad i bill f or th relief rf Chicago. Tho reliif consista in cxomptii . , . ï . i : of building material froui the pny■ .. ai of in,;. , ',!.:, ■■;■. ng I 'hii l;o thu right to luy brick, stono, luiubcr, etc. in the tnivrfcotsof the world. Sofar sogood, but why shouUl the lumbör cuttr Miohigan, Whose n:iilsanil forcsis Vore bumtd about the same time os Chi be required to givo up their "proti plum " i'or the b ago? The : onue t ':■■■ .: aial shut out by prohibición daties, but the horetofore protected luuiber mauufucturers of .' igan won"t get off so oasiiy. Chicago boit iiiarktt, and the Chicago 'relief biil is luvying il foroed i-i'.iti-ibutioii upon their hereti antoèd pro wore CllA.Nln.i;ii uii'i Fki;i:v ft bont? étnd whero was GeeeIéy atij his protcctiou tjivonosr (Juuldn't they iiaw provod to L and !. iiiAX that juut reduces tlic prico of t!if protected fabric, ,■■] Chicago froiu tho burdeú of freo-trado and the Mi';!iigan lumbar cuttcrs their tariff-ingrcase3 pr (fit'f - This spocial legialation, with yrhicfa v. i' un' lh: lin;: ■ hd t'nult, ought to opon the i yw ef the pöopiö, the oonsumeisí A Uw that relieves Chicago qithout taaking thu truasury of the nation a penay iourcr ,might aleo extended to tin; whole country, relieve all whó have bousés and shops and stores and faotories to build'. l 1 1 i - Senatc, on Taesday, a suuttitute for the Ili.use Apportionmcnt bill was roported. Et provides for 2iymeinbcrs iustead of -H:;, the number fixed ly tho bill, fixing tho ratio :it 157,100. Michigan is givun sovtn riembers, and Georgia gets oight, having but, 50 moro inluibitunts, and Iowa eigkt, with but a small oxcoss. Michigan's fraction is more than half, so that the appqrtionment and ratio both diaregard estabüshed rules. But tho house is not likely to pass it if the Senate shall do so, afid it is theicforo unnecessary to waste time in comnient.


Old News
Michigan Argus