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Revolution In Nebraska

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Om. uiA, Jan. 20. In tlie Nebras'. I ituio tho Senat: c::mic toa dead hr-k lust nitrht over tne bill donating ten thousund acres oi land to u conipany fur tilt? puipose of devoloping the wit aprings of Linooin, tho voto bcing G for to (i against tho bill. Aftel boiuí i)i bimsíou all nigbt a i was taken iorbvoakfüsi, and at aine a. m., iii'ter awich wraogling, Preaidant Hascall deolaxed the Sennte adjourned to December 31, 112. Six Senaten left the chamber. The remaini&g six prooonnoed tho adjournment il 1 . :;al, and ordered tho arrest of tlie gecedïog mombors. i )■ , ifere put ander u-rost by the Soargent Anus, bul alterwerdi releasedaad , . dóparted to thuir homes. Tho six remaining St.ii.itors are slül in session, uncí expect the arrival of a geveoth membei who has been absent, when they will liuvc a quorum. The House met at 10 n,. m. A ïnotion was made to adjoum to Deo. 31st, whieh was amended to.'idjourn to Sfoaday next, wliieh was carricd. At Ülia time there arrived a message fioin Gov. James pro - roguing the Lri;islaturo. Befóte it oould be raad, howover, tlio speaker deelarod the house adjourned. IhefoUowing sppeal to tlie pnoplo is being eireuliited : The bubblc of eorraption lias buntod. The ; luljourned. The House is prorogued. Thomas, Cropsey, Abbott, Sheldon, iletz and HasoaU have been unreat. The people oi' Liucoln and Nebra ka hold indignatioA meetings tonight. Will Omaha join us? ((Signcd) Many Crn.Kxs ob Lincoln. Omaha, Jan. 22. Sonntr Kennedy, having been Sííut for, I lincoln to-day, and a qu wiis obtained in the Senate, The office of 6 ivonorwfts declared TOoant, and a resol ution for tho electioTi of a Qovenör hy a íoint conveution passed. 'l'he six Senator, who adjourned the Sonate on Saturday, had left i'ur their homes, tvlso many members ofth" House. The House assembled at '2 v. H., and ordered thé S uate-at-Arms to arrest Chief (Jlerk Cropsey, WhO was absent; to cdnqxjl fche return of the jöurBal'of the Bo'use. Oropsey refnsed to respeot tho warrant of arrest, quorum was had in the House, and; Senator Kennedy returflod home, li-aving the Senate without a quorum, 11 ■ the House out t':, and six Senators ou; of 18, only being present. No rol] was called in either House. Govenor James lijie anyot"of the Leg islature, hiwing adjouTnefl tliat body on Saturday last. Omaha, .T:in. 34. Tho eondition of affairs at the capital has chftiiged but little. Thêre was no quorum in either Hottêo to-day, but one is cxpi'oti'il to-night, wii en an i leatdon of Govonor is to bo attempted. Chief Justice O. P. Mason ia spoken of as a oandidate. It is expected that Gov. Jantes wil] resist any action of tho Lctrislatmv, and will cali out tho State militia ifneoessary.


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