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pcw jAwrtfcemnt& HPHE FARMEHS' STORE WILL COMMENCE JTHKIH QREAT CL0SBÍMC OUT SALE ON" AND .WEK TUIS DATE FOR TWO MONTIIS. Our Sales to tlie present time haviiiL been more tlian we nnticipated for the year, wS propose to sel! for two moutlis jrn oost SAVE YOUR MONEY BUÏ iOË GOODS OF A UVI BOlfSB, Whcre the Stock is ahvays complete, and Prices the Lowest in tlie City of Ann Arbor. Don't feil to cali beforc making yonr parchases elsewhere, as WE ARE BOÜND TOSELL Auu Arbor, Jan. L5th, ITl'. G. W HAYS, Sup't. Estáte of Priscilla Sherwood. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahfcmaw. . . i bj given, that by anorder i I the Pro b.itu Court f"; ■ . . ir bde on 1h-. mtjfiiy, A. 1. 1S7, six at were aUowed fox OEediion to their claims against the estáte pf I erwood, a, ti : i haf nïl cred i said flêi ased aro required to pn Eras to said Probate Court, at the Probate Offlee, in í ! ■ ■ tinntion nnd ... iwan ,ou fore :i uyof JjiIj ■ t, and tht snch 1 ate Coart on ■ lirtïeth ilny of March, nnd on ■■'■iiih i];i of Juiy aext, at ten i ' h.: foreoóon of Doch ■■ Datcl, Ann Arbof, Janury ImIi.a. D. 1372. EOBAM.1 BE VKES, 23 8v4 Judgtf of Probate, Sheriff's Salo. OTATi: O!" MTCSRÏAN, county of Wasbtemnr, s,. - Dy virtu' ni on uedout i nul on 'I tot tbf county f tlie IOUi (hty of Bexjtenaber, A. l. 1871, and to ma dlraótbd nnd deliv i. i. nai cbattios, Lands nnd tene. 1 did, bn the m..í!i .Vini-mK-r, A. I '. 187!, fot wuit of fröoda ;tnl i-Imt't ],-■-,, ïevj upoo all Ü ríglit. ti : li tbat Dauii l ui the foUowing dceciibed real ostuío, to wit: Thé ea tot róda in v.idth of the i:i lcnirili of thtt wt-si balf of the l' M-cuuii nmulxr two, m towns!iij Xu. suih in rangs six eost, i erfland, t]w same móï . ailofthe Lflsci'ibéd kind being in the townshit) m Aüm ■ . w, nnd stare of M ■ in 1 1 hali expon for sale, at public . to tho !jím!;.; ïmiiicv, atibe soutfa étoor of-theCoun ■ i Ann Arbor, on the ISthdayof Haroh, A. I. 1972, at 11 u'clocli a. tt.of sai 1 i.iy. ' J);iiwl, Aon Atbor, January Ktli, A. I. 'i-. MYiíON WEBB, Sheriff. 1357 ByJoinix Forbjcs, Dncler-Sheritt. SlioriiT's S;ilc STAT E 01' M i ( ' j i [ ( , a . oouníy of Waahtenav, -: ■ ■ iituo of one i ie ! out of and nnilrr the BOal OÍ the ('ni-ui; Cooït for tho County of VVa&htcftQjW aod State oí Micliigan dated the ótli aay of October, A. U. 187 Ij me dii"ected and delivind tenetnenfaB ln-hixt entli d:iyof NovcnibuTi A. I). 1871, for t chattit.ti, ■ -I Mert. lodrioh in i ao B ■■. : i... . i, 2, S, l. 5, 6, J and S, ia block irth of Mui-on ftvo, in the city of . ounti of waBhténaw, BI ttc "f Mtchigaii) vhioii laml 1 -liuill exposé for stile at pubKo ono: bidden al the nou th door of the Couii '■ Ann M'bor, on tho 1.1th a) of Vlaxeh, A. 1). is;.1, at 10 o'clock a. m. of lid "èated, Jon. 22d, A D. 1S72. 'V WBBB, Sheriff, 1353 By Jorxin i'oHu;:s pnder-SharUL Estafé of John L. Shoar. jTATJBOF Vii'HHiAN, Oountyof Washtonaw,. Ai a sosaáoñ of thi Prol ttel ourl for the County nf Washtenftv, bolden at the Probate Office, in the I iii; 'vi i ■'!■. tiu 'l hursday, the twenty-flfth day ofJanuary, intheyear one thonsaod Úght hu ml red -iwo. j'!.- ut, fíüum J. B e of Probate. . ter ut' the estáte Ot John L. Shear, d, AbramBhear, Adminiatrator of taidestete, ■ entsthat hè is qott propaied to mi aa vatíh AdminSai rator. TiitiifuiKdi ii ord rod, ; int. Slonday, thu uneteenth day of FeVruary oext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, icd for i-Miiuniiüii and aHowfpgsuoh acoonnt, ■ aw ofsaiddeoeaaea, and all othc.t i leu ru'juiivd to appear ,tt ; sesion of said ('il1.!, then to bo holden at the , in the city of Aan Arbor, in aaid County, and show oause, Lf any there be, vthy t Ur said accouni shpuld noi be aUowed: And it is furth. AdminiatrutorgitjB noties lo tbr ■ . eated in-ail tMtate, i tha posdenoyci -. heaiins thereofi bv oauains ji oopy of (9üs order to puolished in tno Michigan Ar'itts, i iewsp:ipci" printed and efcnnilatülg in said (Jounty, piüvious losaid day of hcannif. (A tiaecopyj HIHAMJ. lïllAKMS, X3ÓÜ Judyeoi l'rol'.tte. Estafe oí AlTiert Sonnewald. T AT !■; I F ihCÏÏIÜ A X, County of Washtenft, M. .i At asessioaof the Prooato ('ourl fortna-County nE a b ■ u iw, holden at the Probate ülttce, in t!ie City of Anu Arbor, on Tburaday, tiictweüty-iiftli day ol JanuAry, ifl tueyftaro i.undrc-d V i::y.:vo. Pronentr Hirttiu J. B iof Erobate, in the matter of the catate of Alberi bonnemüd, i ui M acki I 'U.-iit.m o said estáte, come into ireuent that hc is now prepared to render hls ñnal Hcoount as u (Juar il is onloxed, that Monday, the ninci Februorj next,at ten o'clook ín the ■ exitíninmg ana allow■- b acoount, and that the next of kin of sui i minor, . ol her persona tnt ired to nppeár a1 . hen í" t. holden ;'i the Pi ■■- i '.! j of nn AvboVi County, Bnd , ;f any tbero be, v. Hllloweu : And it ;- laid aeoouiit, and t' by canatng a oopy of tliiB t'[-- to bo puolished in Uie Michigan Argut printed and circidating in sald County, thr su ■ ■ hearing. KLBAld -T. IÏKAKKS, i;iaö Judgeof Probate. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for clioiceWines and Liquorr i iox Medical Purposes . i


Old News
Michigan Argus