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Local And Other Brevities

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Jack Frost, asslstud by Oíd Bóreas t aronnd yesterday morulng plnchln !"c.s and For ttc bcncftt of a few bnshful yoon, we wlll state t lint leap-ycar sleigl ,.„ ,irc ïuuch in vogue. Tlic ladle' o' tile Cougregallonal So uw ncttcil P fïDni Hie " Old Fuïk'S Leert" held last week. Pro'. M. C. Tïl.BR a ilown for " A p,'iiinl :i C: -n-t-css," at MauCheS., JPriday evcning of uext weck. 'J_ Capital 2'od sleighlng lias boon the itltht of the past few d.iys. Mcrry boys ' joyous belles are the consequence. '■ Rev. EnoCU Powkll, of Valparaíso, t. -liana, wlll preacli in the Uultarian flHHchnext Sunday-mornlng, lud in the Ding lecture upon " Judas." Tbc CoRN'wm.ts acüvely commenced work of rebafldlng their paper mili on jlmiday lst, puttiug a large forcé of mans t work on tliat day. They caii't ,„1 to walt lor warm we .ther. n item h:;s gaineU quite extensivo rcuUiüo" tl'ut 6" R' I'almlk ofMancltes dad his pocket pleteed (it Jacksou.a few slnce. The deed rnaybí attribnted to i jacki-oii reporter, tbr he lound his pocket i jout at home, where lie left it. l _In this issue of the Anc.L's will be foaiul the annual report of tbe County Sus pdlnteiKlent of Stibools. No parents or 1 ci(izcns intcresteil in the educalional work wd every citizen should be. Igterested - ' lioulil Wl t; !-'ive t a CRreful readlDg. _ We litar tliat the llqnor Bellers organ 1 bítion has taken one step in the rlght diifciion: rewlved BOt to defend a saloon Keper cliargcil With vlolatlug the.8unday j-jjgjncc, but to let encli man t.iko care of liaistlf. Tiiedispositiou of tlio largec por lion is to obey the pfdluance. _Iu the luxbcaa corpus case, on Monday Circuit Court Commissioncr Baiíiiiit dis chirg Mr. Dlffy, convictcd of keeplug , saloon iu violatiou of the city ordinanco. Xo reasons veere asslgned so far as we can learn, but the cunvspoiident of the Fret frm siiys tliat lic licld tlio ordiuancc odfonititiuioiial and vold : considerable of a Töiture we shoulü say for a Circuit Court rioner.


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Michigan Argus