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The Toledo, A. A. & U. R. R.

The Toledo, A. A. & U. R. R. image
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Tbrough the kiuclness of Wm. H. F01XEB, ui i.ecr o! the road, we have been cnabled o gsthora few facts and figures whicli aar bs oí soinc interest to our readers. The V.T.c occopied In talklng and wrltlng up :..-:■ dito lias been somcwhat prolonged, í its conception lts ate has ben a loae, bat ït is coming out all liibt in the end, whieli is near at hand, ar nugemiüits being such as to insure a flj' and sure construction ; that ie, ii fc pcople want it bad enoiigh to be prompt Ittfctbell nssessments. The line as permncntly locatej passes al)out one-hall Dile westol the vlllageof Milan, anfl aljout tbc sanie dlfltauce eiist of Dundee. About one-third of the dlstance traversed wlil b..tiubficil laad, KtceSsitating tlic clearing c'.'üi acres. The gracling upon the road fHteMlight (ifnot lighter) tlian most ofllie roads u Mkhigan running paittllül ■lili it, the maximum béing í' 8-10 feet to ;Lc ml'.e. and lilis bat for a very sliort disutcc. JBut vtiy few curves will bc neccs. aiy iu llie cntiie il;, and none out(áiof this city will be eharper than 2.8G5 Mndius It will cross GO wagon road, tkich will,, uecessitate tlie ba Kl:ig(iM20 cattle guards. The numixr oí tuliic yards of embaukment will be ü42,500, Udofexcavation, 84,000. 200,000 feet of calvertsand suiall trestle work, and 350 leet o'pilcaud trestle bridging will be nccessary Amltbat the stiil inore cur'uus may be jniiiieJ, we will state that it will take to builil tlie road I :j 1 ,."uO pouuds of spikes, 105,600 cross lies, 17,000 fish joints with tala, and 8,048 tons of 50 pound rail. U Deed uot surprise the people that some time bas been necessary to make all of these Mimates and get readj for the contract ori.aiid they need not bu surprised if it ttlceitlie contractors some little time to liüild the road. The lable of distancesfrom Üis place to tlie st ;tiois on che line are: ToDïtruit, H.&I. cross's ö ml led " Klim .... 15 " " Macon - ... 20 " " Dundee - - - 24 " "Guada S'n R. R. crosslng 24L " " L. i. & II. S. K. R. crossing 2?)., " " Toledo - - - - 40 " " A station vvlll undoubtedly be made tomewhcru in York, flve or six miles uorlh u'Milan, and ilso one ibout nine or ten miles uoith of Toledo, tlic exact locations ffliich are not yet de ter miucil. Messrs. Cole and Keatinü, of this city, ft canrasslug wlth a viuw lo tiie eariy fibücatiou of a City Directory, ai:d are reiving the cucouragermml wli'.cli the protdeserves. Their pluu Includes uoiiccaMilmpruveineuls on all fonuer directorks. l'istu be illustrated wiili plio,ographs o! 'ïeUniversity buildings, &c , und will aim ocorrectly present our edueutioiiul, comrcial, business and social interest. Bus'ns men and liouseho!der shouid give the Wapllew their aid. A.L. Nobi.e, fonueriy witii Joe T. JaK is ïiow agent for the Union Xurs .-ries ' Sslamazoo. Eveiything in the line of ■fscry stock furuished utreasouable rates. "i'eyour orders tj iiim and get the varltties you order. Everythiug warrantwl h In: true to name.


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