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New Yoiik, Jan. 23. Go'fl keepa ia tho neighborhood of 109, and now thut the Kunsian and Spauieh wars are OYftT ueiorc thtij commenccd, the markets inclincd lo llatness. The sensatiou ín niiancial ciriiïs to-day was the ra mor Ihat Vandetbilt has sceured cnougli stock o1 the Union l'aciflc Kailroad to control t. Of conrse Scatt of the Penn. Central will secure a Pacific ruad immediately (the Northern probnblyj and tlie two great Railroad kings wlll have arrived at lant at the junipingoff pface - the Paciflc. And would aot fcbe country be benefltted if these monopolists woold oniyjump. Tliere ia a qiilí-t fcelín arotind fur tile'raph stock, sonic. of whkh been qnoted very cheap it may fall into the handB of goreroment nt par 11 CongrcfB condueles lo aíopt thn ab surd pruuobition to astuiue tho teleruph baaineu ol tïiis hroad country. Cotton is flim at 2i&,1iyK. Dry go.l8 are qtiiet but firm, and the Cüii.binalion are determiucd io fidhcve to thciirranl. Breadstnfft are qpirt. is dull but held II rm ; wtalu Weiteni branda í'j'é 7.75i Whcat i dull : wbit I i'.-cii T, ambef 1.69. Corn 1 lower : western mixüd T""iTI . Oats heavy and lo'.ver, wi;-t. ni í,i@5í. Neu [fli . ]iirk M.37i'4.M.:(l. I.iinl, kot(l, 0%, DnSi-d io& i.E'i. Wcstrn battcr 11:-::. j: d 'iwuwartl, ■ DxTP.oiT, Jan. 21. 1 T-1. BuailMM naa I)Oi'!i q::'i l mul wltbcut DkBQh ohaiic Inprices. Tho onttlo nwrkot tas ai'. erabit attontfoOi mm the fm-t ti::t mítny oí íti drovcs were uulotuli'il lu;rf on account of tito dull l Huw l)iU llii'N. Y, m;u-kct is tronhlril w i!j .r : trrii y u i; mil}' cxpect to eec more of ih sliii uniiiH "o forward and peruftpa blghei ptiers here. Qood bntchi Prime slietp :i' i;:[i ' 5,25@5.7fi IXofl hare vatvá dolí :ind at iUü close 4.20 v:is anCQtotdG quotatlon, od luQulrj ror wpoli for medium to extra Of V tí VíMlM hv paida AH killlis Ol linrchvjut' kp8 lirm ;ii the advaneftd ratea pierlously refeno.'. to Dry kwhIs aro qali '. nominal!; a the :i(lv:iu''-. Flour ha paMd tIumjuU a veiy dal] uvfk. Ornnmisaiun SenlOTs ofibr Lbilrbesi 7,25 :ier bbl. Wbeat mi active ui to yostcirdaj, l:it is DOW q.iH'l. S!M-i-r.J. hov ■■ ilij-pey.-l lo yield. There is Botne. Inqulrlea from the cast, anti it ■■■il, it' !!■;■ for&tga mtikcts ket'j) up. tbt Bhipment wil] ba póMtble wlthto a short Urne - Clostng prlcee thia nffornoon ware: ex!r.-.; 1 ".:i ; ïreadwoll, U49 nnilicr, I ; n hoe fleclli 1 So. 1. pal !i aud boldcrs are tríug tu ecil ; No. i StaLo rn aelling at af). Barld; is more f.. ;- hreeljpald. Kye is duil ai Til b.i. ■ Appioa ar ■ tvanted at :;.-... por bbl. Bianmro noi lnqolred ftor ; nominal ai. Operbn. nnttor 19 duTl at IS i$Q for roll, wliilncriick mul jW kin s mx' to imsalable. Clovcr Is in lrm.,i];! at 6.S0: Dresscd h l;s llrm at 5.0.Ï ■15.10. D . btearty. Egga 30c' Dd tcu'lag úowoward. Pcoltry atcady at ]lcfi.: PotniOOB quiet a 3Ó&9O. IttllOW A-.:-. Ai:i i ■ .', Jan. 25. Ari'LES- 50c per bu., wilh littlu daiAg. -■ a? o. ■üin pnid. Buckwhbai K n b1 $1 per bu. lid fox good quality. Cobn -Bringa 50o por tm. -■..■■ l :■■ m ■: and oommand mor-t ony ■ i rd . Hay- $13(3 16 in"i" ton, auxsoxding lo qualUy. Honrï fu cap, i ■■ T.akd- Tin - s al 7So Oats- 33@36c roxs- Are Bomo low In Dresiïctl ho;rs llie markot 'romain qnife B.OÖ. ÏÜKKTÏYS- . ' . AVi;: ■ i ia not vrry active, " . 11.38&1.43, a&d red 1.32(qil.38.


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