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Tt is related of an English fannor that he condensodj kis praotioal experienoe intothis rule : " Food your land bcfore it is hungry; rost it before it is weary, and weed it before it is foul." Tlioso words should be writton iu the heart of every man who desires to farm, and may go far to answor, in his mind, the question so frequently and so anxiously aeked, does faruiing pay ' The rule demanda tho oxercise of tho qualities needful for success in cv-ry occupation - untiring watchfulnoss and prudent care, knowledge, forethoilght, energy, oconoray, regularity, attctition !■ ■ little things, personal supervisión ;: ; atinn - this latter a power requiii tion and constant exercise. It ma; not be altogether aniiss to say that t' pewer of observation, althougli named last, is peraps the most important to a farmer. In this wondrous world, this panorama, as it has been called, of thought and action, of forces, currents, growth, decay, special boautios are presentad to the agruralturtst, but, alas! while rnany see, fow observo. Millions geo only, and never acquire tho habit of dotceting good in liat they sec, so as to uso it, or of evü so. as to shuu it. It is in this power of. obsorvation, tramed, exercised, Which in agriculture has dono so much ; it has reclaimod oxhausted lands, fertilized barrea soil, improved toois and machinery, and raised tho val ue of stock. To this may be tracod tho dovelopment Of agricultural chomistry. The phenomena of vegetation and the cliomical constiiution of substan;es had previoualy observed. To yoirag mon abont enter upon the noble profession of agriculture, the foregoin is of valué. Too many enter on its piirsuit with tin; idea that it is easily attained, that Buccesa is an affair very much oL chano-, of wather, of choap or dear land, or of market values for produots. While, doubtless, thcro is an elemont of truth iu gooh thouglils, it ought to be ever börne in mind that no ocoupation requiroa raore constant eïeroise of mind and bwly; 1 1 1 : 4. tho bettor oducated the farmer is, tho moro homaintains and increase l'is knowlodgi : tho moro he bocomes ahquainted witii batnral and physical scitlie more hia roasoning facultios will be uroused, and his ubility to observo inoreaso. His obsorvation ' 'mldberocordedand studi i. Ui. praotical utiUty in tlíí troll-l aowD ving of Captain Cnttln, " Wiicn found, make a note of it." With this enhanced power to obsorve, and to reason on tho matten obeerved, the i irmcv will be in a position not only to follow the simjiln rulo ali-endy given, but by taking aviiil of any of' tlio adventitious circurastanoes named, hc will olevate his noble profession and himself. - Scottish Farmer.


Old News
Michigan Argus