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T q. A, SESSIOJMS' .mSQR&HCB AGENCY. His Compontes Are Son mi. pHOKNIX INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN C.KTVTAT. Afnr ASSETS, Jüi t 1,1871.... Í1.T81 ,000 CHICAGO LOSSES i ïiO.OOO lili. PHOÍIVIX i lliclet condtK-tcd" Firc Insurance in I nir.i States. Always prudent anal sound, and li uj k proii.i ' pa inent ol losINTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY.. The flrst Company to pass the ordenl of the New York Insuranqe CommiwlOSen slnce the Chicago Fire, comlug out f rom the severo test TRIÏÏMPHANT ! Associated Press Dispatch, November 2, 1S71, TOE INTEBNATIONAI, INSCRÁKCK COMPANY. The Superintendent of the New York State Insurance Department, who ie makíng a carefnl official examintion of the New York City Companies to-day, certiftes that tlie International Company's BM6tl of il,.r'i ','100 are securely invested, and its capital of $500,000, after providüig for ajl llabilities, InclndingtbaOblt-agoSre, f whofly nulmpaired. This Company il payinR all its Ubicago losBes and Isaonnd nnd rtliablc. Policies issttedat fair rates at my office. No. 11 East Hurou Btreet, Ann Arbor, J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Agent. 13-tnr. mSLÏABLÏËTNSÜRAJSCE F Sortli Brit ih and Mercantile Insurance Co. 0F L0ND0N AND EDINBURGH. CHARTERED IMOfl. Capital $10,000,000 in Gold! TheAmericivn Manacer of the abor Csmpany have received the followiug telegram frotn the íumidou ISOard :. "Subscribe Fire Thousand Dollars for 'liit-auu suffvrerH- ettle all lossen prompt 1 - Uruw at three wiffht- American, assutn wil! nul betoucbedU" Springfield Fire Ins. Co., OF SPBISGFIELD, MASS. Capital S500.OOO. TheloKiesofthisComrMiy,by the rhirsgo ffre, will ! i r mptlysctlled b} cash pnymnits made by theStockholders, leavinc the Company with thelr capital i:i,impaired, large aeseti, and an uninterruptedi uiness. Thcst ' ompanies are eound nd rellable bcyond anv duubt. Kik' taken la the above Companlen at adequato H. I). BENÏiETT, Agent. lïïictf O AM. B. REVEWAIJÜH KEEPS ON HAND A. LARGE STOCK OF OVAL AND SQUARE BLACK WALNUT AND GJLT FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No. 30 HURÓN ST, GotoR.W.ELLIS & CO's for choice Wines andLiqunri for Medical Purposes . JUST RECËIVEDI FIIULEY LEWIS liavc received a large and well selectci i Stock of New Fall Goods ! BOUGHT POR CASH, :Alto wWth must !e sol tl' hwstöe of sixt days to muke room for our Skcond 'al stock. We can shn-w our customers the Best Kip Boots ever brouglit to tliis market, both ibr men and boys. CALF BOOT OF ALL GRADES. We have the exclusive sale of J. M. Burt's fine hnml-made wok - eoncetfed' be the btst vrork to wear In the market. Our stock of LADIES' AND MISSES' WORK IS COMPLETE. tW Wc have the exclusive sale of the fine goods of E. C. Rtirt, of Mew York, and Reynolds Bros., ot Utica. We guararitpe cntlre satisfaction on th'ls work. 1334 READ THIS ! I AM NOW PREPARKJ) FOR THE FALL TEADE ! I HAVE 1HE LABGEST AND Finest Assortment OF C Ui O T IK S op evfrt pescription evt5r brought to t11is mauket. evkkythinq m:u, and STYLISH FITS WARRANTED. ALSO A LINE OF (EMS1 FUMISHIM GOODS ! EVEBYBODY . WISHINQ FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING WILL PIND IT TO TIIEIR INTEREST TO CALL ON JAMES BOYD, 1318tf 24 main Stree PAINTS PAINTS PAINTTS Oils Oils Oils Varnish Varnish Varnish Brushes Brushes Brushes MINERAL PA1INTS, &c, LOOK TO YOÜR INTEREST AND ! DALL ON R. W. ELLIS & VA}., BEFORB rUKCIlASING ! ] K AR VE I E. J. JOHNSON i HAS A FULL STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! - .POR FALL AND WINTER. Algo a largc stock of Ladies' and Gcnts' Furs ! Il IS STYLES -A.K.B THE L-A.TEST. H1S GOODS THE EEST! AND niS PRTCES TIJK Aleo a full üneol Ocnla' Pnrnishlng Good 7 South Main St., Ann Arboi. A FALSE REPORT ! THAT A. A. TERRY IIASGONEOUTOF TltADK HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LARGE-AND COMPLETE STOCK OF HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT PRICES TO SITIT THE T1MÍ3. ALSO AFULLLrKKOF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! DONT PURCHASE YOCR SPEING ANDSÜMMER OUTFITS UNTIL TOU GIVE Hri3VC A. OA.X.i. 15 South Main St., Ann Albor. 1331-U. BOOKS. booksTO J. B. WEH.STEll & CO. ITBW BOOK STORE MEAR THE " EXPRESS 01 I HE. LOOK TO YOIR IM'EREST AXI) CALL. BOOKS. 1 I Finost Assortmentof Toilet i Goods in the City, by


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