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I $ O rj h S . í zí 4 ■ ld S fl a Sil ir Wíl Üoi i w - a i m rá w j u HSSJ O) o 8 D}8o 1 5 To any ppron pruducino; any Mtdic!nc able to íowonc-thlrd as many livin;t permanent cures as )r .FiTLEit's Vwmtabli RiifcUMATio Kkmkdt ; an a rííícrrcwaríí "f $iw) for any case of chroüic or nflammatory Rhciimntism, Nenralgla, Kheamattc Liie, Hciatica. and Hlietimntim of thc KidueyaU ill nut cure. Tbis Klutumatic Syrnp is used inu-ardy only pie asa nt to the taste, and gunrautecd froe m injiirioiis Drugs Itis not i (nack Medicine Hit thepciuntincprcFcription of Jos. P.Fitler, M. )., Írofe88ir ni ïoxicolo;y and Chemietry, raduteof the celvbratcd Uuiverslty of PenopylrasU.A .1863V whetse e ii tire rofcsional litv hus bceu deoted spdcially to this difinae. Tïrfs pTTiirratr(n ndersolcmn csthísconacñ-ntfoiisly hclleved to be ie ocly v'poaitive, retiabh;, infalliblc specific ever ecovcred. Thc proof that no otber spoclflc exsta i? fonnd in ever; coramnnity in persons afflicfed for many years past and BtUIsaflteriDff Jf pkyticims coutd rure ity if a. specijïc did cjixt, wil lODWB not be. io, - afact thftt must be unlversally admitted. The ot't dcH'tMvedsuftcrer nwiy wisely ak. what security or evMevcc has he that br. PitlerV Rheumatic Syrup wíll cure his case. The protection oft'ered to atientsagainetiinposiüon is in a lenlly sigoed contract which will be forwarded without charge to any fuifTerersendinK by lettera descrlptlon of ufllietion; thlB};uirantee wlllMtftte the eiat aamb-v oC Nttlcs warranted t" cure, and te ese of föfftrre the money paid will be returncd to the patient. No olherrcmedy has ever boen offcred on snch liberal and honorable terms. Modlcaladvice, wfth certiflcatcs f rom prominent lo stcf;ms, Ctprirymen, etc. , who have neen cnred aftcr all other treutmrnts have f ai led, sent by letter, gratis. Afflicted cordially invited to write foi advice to tho pitncipnl ofllrp, 4öSonth FoarthStFeet.Phiïïdelphiïi, Pa. Dr. Fitler8RheumatícSyrn])Í8 8old by Druggit)U li. W. EUi8&Co,,Sole Agenta, AnnArbor, Mich. SAM. B. HEVENAÜGH PHOTOGRAPHER MAKKS ALL K1WDS OF PIQTURES FROM THE SMALLEST LOCKET TO TUE LIFE SIZE, AND FINISHBSTHEM IN INDIA INE! OILi, Ot WATER COLORs ! IN A SÜPPERIOR MANNER. 1319-ly. No. 3O HUBONSTREET. Commissioners' Notice. 7JT ATE OF MICHIGAN, oaantyot Wsdttamw, Éa. J The nndsnfynodL liavin been uppointod by the robato Cotirt for anU county, CommiRsionerR to revïve. nul ad.i'ist :ill rtniins and denninds of ill penoiu against tin: eatftta of s'nhniiiu1 Ë. Uott, ate of s:ii(l county deoeosed, hereby prive notieo that ix months from wbd Wfe ullowvd, by order of sid irobato Gomt, tot arediton to preafnt thcir qUIsh tgainst the eatnte of uid deceascd, and tlmt they will neet of V. E. Wuamilin, in Lyndon, n said oomity, on Siituiday, the ninth dy of ïlurch, ,nd on Fridiiy, the tWfiity-ciKhth lay of Jane ii-t, tt ton o'clook a. ii. Of eaèhof MldaayVi torceeive, xamine, itnd itdjust SAid cluiniB. Dated, Deo. 2Sth, A. D. 1871. AAIiOX T. GOIÏTON, 1357w4# HOItACK LEEK, Cummissioners. DEOPLE'S DRUG STOfiEl R. W.ELUS& CO,


Old News
Michigan Argus