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rBUSlNE33 DIRECTORY, n'.iMS A WORDEN, iO onth Uniiislrcel, inn r or' Mir.h.. wholi-aule uil rctail dealhif On.vla. Cirneta aud Urocerie". "'"' ' l35Uf "r BKOW1V, Ai-nt for the Fluklc Lyon I írktor" Sewlng Machine. Thcy are silent, c run e:-y and ni ki; ine lock sliich. No.ï Güito Street Ann Arfaor. IMy' TïrK"sCII.'III, Uealcra in Dry Gouds, lli.rocoriis, nickcry. &c No. 54 South Main . . :. rOllHI IIAl, K. AI. D Ri-.iidence and Oflice 1 ,i ifl crm-r Williaius ud Ihompsotj Streets. ' .,r offlee liiiarü 1 lolt. 1264 flMIiL nKKJIl", Uoofer. Firc and H s;atcr prooi, Fvli and UumpoaUion Gravel ' jpatouto urderandwarranted. Besidenceon Jtnn Street, Ann Arbor. ,, v. KUIS t'O.. DraqKists aoi'üealcrs K. o Pi-ints, Oils, etc No. ü South Malu ilrect, iiArlMir. ÍT II. JACKSOI, Deutlat snecessor to C B. llt Portir. Office coruer Main and Hurón streel, ■ flieaton uf R. v. EllisA ('o, Ann Arbor, ld. ocithetícs Htímhiistcn'd if req'JÍied. V. BBEAKEï, 51. .. Physiclan and II Surgeon. Ollicf, ut rcridencu corner of ' ud División Streetsflrst door east of iiiChorfh. Auu Arlwr, Wich. ,i j. JOH.VSOX, Dealer in Hats and (.p, [jt r'jrs. Sïmw (Jo'iiis Ooutó Furnlaïiinu Gnods, i tv ; Switii Main trost. Ano Arbor, Mich. ITIIKKI.AX WHKDON, Li fu and V:r hworaoce reiit#. and dealenun Keal Eetate. tofoa Siret't. IIWISI. KISIH, Dealer in Hardware. ltunt il.inw Kurui 'liiug Goodï, Tin Ware, Ac. ; y ji Suuth m.lí ti atreet. nlCH Sc ABi:i_, Dnilcre in l'ry Gumlx Gro c c.,No -0 South Main Mrect, Aun L11VM) êc SON, Qrocers, Provisión and ? ■niniivfiíin Merchautfl, and dealere in Water LatUnd Piaster, aodriaulcr Paris. Ju. 16 Kast [infi rtreet. j SUX1IIKI.'T, Wholesale and KettO Uealer Jii Rdy Made tfothlng, Llirths, Cassimcrfs, UiKi.udGcnt's KaxaiahlQ Uods. Nu 't South ii'JI. AIJSiKIt, Dealer In E-adj Mail;1 l:h j ing. ' [oibti CaKlniere Vfstliijre, Hats, Caps BÜka,ikrnel l!.i', Ac ïl .-outh Main slreet. I 1IHO1ÍK Sc FlSKi:, B.iokslln indatUliou-r X (Ucal I,:i and Uiilli-f;c Ti'Xt Bo'kn, ;:„Uni UiKen&aèont Booka. Nu. 3 Hortb Main (wt. Qrcgory IJlocfc, Aun Arbur. nni.I'.V Sr LEW1S,IImIit( iu Rn'. SkoM, I Gaiteras l)iucre, &c íiu. t Kast llurun ttrcct, ïi .rlwr. MOAH W CHEKVEK, ITOBNEY 'AT" LAW ! Ofittwith E. W. Morsn. Kiiet id1 orConrt HOQM J.F. SCHAEBERLEJ TetcbtT "f Vustc. Q"f8 iustruclíoo on the PIANO, VIGLIN AND GUSTAR, i:üf office, 5o. 57 Smith Main street, fMoorc'e tóíngj.orat tho reíidcace of thc poplL PIANO TÜNING, ■Ictfpecialitv mul Mitirfaction guarantecd; aüjt I'ROCKEK Y. u GLASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & L Donnelly? Ineimtorcalarge stock of Crocker,Glasware, "nlWire.Catlery Grocenes, Ac, Ac, all tobe Hitanona]ly low prlcee. Mo 1.' Easl Iluron Street, Ann Arbor. ïrstr j. & p. imui.i.v. íjÜÑG. UALLJ fSESH AND SALT MEATS, I.Altl), s l SACKS. F.c, WtWiolicited snd promptly filled wilh tbcbest in the raarktt. 31 liast'SVaehlngton trcet. _i4rbor. Sopt. lth, 1SC9. 1235tf Manufactnror of UUtttES, WCCR8, 1.1 .niiKR M .OS, PR1U, IIUO, CllTCRS, SI.KItiHS. Kt. Uxkwrtauti-drthc btet matirinr. Repair iaeircimptiyaiidreasoii:il) c. All wurk wartgivepcrfixtsati factlou. ■ S.uth Main V AKKNËV, wii' Manatactnrerof wiages, Buggies, Wagons, LjLSWH8ofeTCTJ slyle. made ofthe beet li-ir jln1 ws"'nied. HorM hnriiiR and licloiiíí promtlï nd pricee reasonahle. "'■Street, uear II. R Depot, Ann Arbor, Mich fiP-Ü.B. PORTER, dentist. ""k theSiVIHGS BAHKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. 'l0Perations on the Natural Teeth , PSRFORMEl) W1TH CARE. 3ÜRPASSBD paciuties AND EXPBRIENCE Wsm artFficïal teetu, TO OrVE EACU INDIVIDUAL; "ƒ' proper liie, tkapt ,'.olnr. jtrwmefntt ■ l ezpretêion. 1244 (], OJEÑKÍÑs"& fifiANDOLPH WHITE, M. D. DE1STTI8T8. 'WïEKOF MAIK AHD WASHIKGTOH SPS. A11 Operatlons performed in the Mot Thorough and Scientific marnier. J'tton Oxide Gas constantly on hand, ""Uiainistercd wlth perfect safety. ___ U20-JTX. tyHENYOU WANT P1NË PIIOTOGRAPHS, GOTO B. REVENAUGH, No. 3O Huron Street. GotoB.W.ELLIS & C0'e r choice Winec and Liquntt IOr edical PurpoaeB.


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