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"give Us A Call."

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[Suinrested by these word in a saloon adrar tiftcmcut in u " family pup."] ;ie ui ■ c;ili, m keep rood lieer, Wtact and Brandy, and Whisky hei: Our door nre open to boy and raen. And even bo wamen( dow and thc-n ; We Ughten tht-ir puneaj we i.tint their brcaths. We 8 wcll tip the columns of awfttl deuths, AU kinds of crimes We sell for dimos, Tn our sngareo-polaans, so sweet to tasto ! If you've inoney. position, or name to waste, Give us u culi. Givc ns ■ (vill. In a pint of our p-in We bcII mt! wickelncss, thftglfl and nin Than a aeote of clorgymen, pimohing all day, r rom rfawu to darknt's coultl preach awny ; Aud in our beer (thoiih it niny tiike longcr To f?et a miu drunk thnn drinkt fchat are strongor) e acll out poverty, sorrow and woe- n Lo wants to purchttsc ï our pricwa aro low. Ciive Ub a calll Givo uu i% cfill ! We'll dull your brains, Wi'U iíivf yon hendacbes and racking pains, We'll inake you oíd while yon yt-t are youug, To lies ftmi uandez weU fcruin your tongue; We'll malee jrou a shirk l-'iomall asefq] woA, Mftio theft and ftroery-seem fairplay, And murdov a ptMtunc SOTO tu pay- Uivc us a cali. Givc un a cali ! Wc are cunninir and wise, M'e're boond to succeed, for we udvertise In the fkmügpopeni Oie journals that claim Tu be pure in moráis, and fair of fumo liusbandit, brothero and son will reiid Our kind invitation, and womt will hcod, And trive us a cali ! We pay for nll The spact; in the paper we occupy - And there's little iu thiu Ufe tliat mom-y won't bu y If yon slionhl í down in the world, and not hl If you voold bc slaln by the anuke in the cup, Or lose your soul In the Howing bowl; If you covet shame And a blastcd n.nao, Give us a cali !


Old News
Michigan Argus