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Communications: Correspondence Of The Signal Of Liberty: The...

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Utica, N. Y. Sept. I9th, 1845. Brs. Beckley a.nd Fostbr: The exckement of ihe Fair ond ConvcHtion has moatly passed over, and the whole city now retaios i's usual peace and qnietude - affording a striking contrast witli the impassioned drama of the past three daya. On Wednesday (17th inst.) the people from all parta of the State were continually crowding inlo the city; Genessee street, during the whole day, presented an extraordmary epextacle. From the river to the top of the hill} a dUtance of about a niile, its spacious width was completely covered with the innumerable vehicles in rapid progrea 8 to and from the Fcir. "It was full as busy n scène as Broadway ever presen ts," ond from the street bcing doublé the width of that, and from a fino declivity, a mnch more imposing sight.On Thursday the scène was equnlly impoing, and indeed, there was but little ' jility of formip.g a correct estímate of the fiumber present. It is) generally con;luded that there were more persons present llian at nny preceding Fair. The Cattle Show was one of general interest, of which I raay take occasion to speak hereafter in more particular íerms. At 2 o'clock, P. M ., (Thursday; the address was delivered by Hon. Josiah Quincy, Jr., of Mass. on the ground - a mile from the city. lts delivery occupied three quarters of an hour. This was a joyous occasion for the farmers - they have done themselves much honor, and are deserving ■ higb rank in the estimation of the public mmd. And while they have thus elvated themselves on the ground of meril, and justly ucquired that rank lor which they have long been labonng, the industrious and ingeniousmechanica have come off with no lesB credit. The Liberty Convkntion was called to I order on Wednesday morning by Alvan Stewart, Esq. ItwBswell attended, notwithstadmg n vaiiety ofexciting topics and exhibitions to ntlroct attent ion. A number of nble epeeakere f-om abroad uddressed the convention. Mr. Slewart also uddres6ed the audience with his usual manifesUtion of intellect, clearness and syiuplicity of expression, and happy talent for comparing and jllustrating. And, indeed, nearly all the speeches wcre excellent, and calculated to distil into the mind the great ide" - ac tive benevolence.Some discussion aróse, however, íd regard to the "one idea,v in which President Green j n look on able and an active part. He was in I e favor of compreliending inore ideas by the n "one idea'' than some others had an idea oí li doing. HÍ8 arguments were soondand v cal, and I trust, they had an impression upon the audience, which will cali up attention to a t more perfect organizaiion, whilc it is my I preesion, that the friends of Libertj and reform, for the success and piTosperity of the party and the nation, ai a proper perrod", will, , landoughtto come out, openly and boldiy, with tcell matured - uniform principies, and make declara lion of their minor as well as superior sentimenta to the world. And while the Liberty men and women have not only participated with the farmers in presenting to the gaze of an anxious public, some of the s'.riking ornamenta of their pursuits, and with the indtactrious méchame, in the glory of his wonderful dexterity, they havo filled with an overflow of human kindness during the harmonioos dehberations of the Convention. The WEATirER was fine for the most part of the time, and I bdieve the highest expetations were amply realieed . ' I Vnnro in Vi!Rt.P, S. I 6hould have related to you an accident to a young lady, 12 years of age whicb occurred on Thursdny, a short distance from Uie railroad depot, in thjs cit)', as the cars were on their way for Syracuse. The young lady was banging fast o one of tue ears, when she attempted to get off and folling on the track was run over. Both her lega were mstantly crashed. She survived only a few hours. Another lamentable occurrence took place t the Packet Doek, on the same day at 0 o'clock, P. M. Tliia was a horrible attempt at the life of James Henry.a colored man,who was stabbed in the groin by one Neah Neal was arrested, and there are some hopes o( Heury'a rocovery. Henry it ia said was unable to defend hituself from this villainous assault.


Signal of Liberty
Old News