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The Missouri "liberal Republicans."

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The following is tho platform of the Missouri Liberal or aoti-GRANT Itcpublioans - thü Carl Scirrnz and B. (ÏRATZ BhÓWN wing - ■adopted at a recent State Gonvontion held. at Jeüerson City : HS ■■'■ ■■', '!'!::i! wr, the Liberal Kepublic.ins of Missouri, faithful nov-, as ve were in the dai k daya of the t-ivil war, to tho vital principies of tnto ropüblioanism byno act or word will andangor the i-iii-lili'nl sovroisrnty ot' tlio Union, emancipation, equality of civil rijrlits or oníi-Hiichisemenl1. To tíiose establiahed fticts, ïiow ombodied in tli' Oonstitutiori, we cl lini t!i( lovulty of all good citizuns. li'.'ih:ei, That u trae and histinir poaoe can como only frotn sueh profound reconoili.i t!'ii u-i enfranohisemetlt has wTonght iu this Ktato, nor c.;n tliost! governiöents be pur ui'! groat in wliich tbe t1: s ivo no active part. We theréfore demii'td, witli equal ïuffragetoall, complete amnesty for all, that the intellect :iiul experienee of evory iStaln may be wfelcomed to aotiVe servioe tor the ootnmon w lfa A',",,;, Th'it no forni of taxation is jus! oi wise wliieh puts needlesa burdens apon the ppople. W demánd ft gentiine refonrV of the tariff, so that thoso duties shail o removed whieh, iñ additión to the revenu yielded to the treaaury, involve an inorease in tho pricc of domëstio producís and a consequent tux tor the benefit of faTorod Intereets. It ■ . 't li i ! ■ hameloM abuse of governmit patronage for the control of conventious and eleetions, wutner intlie ofan individuul, a faction ov a party, wita the consequent corruption and dini.i ■■.iz.i'.ion of politica] lif, demands a thorough and genuino reform ot'tiie public sorrioo. Those who would suppress inveutigation forget tliat they ovro a high er du tv to their country tlmn to any party. Wo honor those Senátora whoi-o ; oourse has oompellod a dts elosure oí" grave uriedeeds, and they dosecve tl.i' tli.inUs and hearty support ot' ali pwxl oiMzons. Heaohed, Ihat local Balf-tfovornmeHf, v.'ith inijvivtial Buffrnge, will guard tho riirhi of all ('itiz'.'ns dIoiq SBourely Ihan uny othcr centralizad autliurity. It is time to stop the ííiowíuí encroaohment of KxccutivB power ; tho nsa of coerción or hribery to ratii'y a troaty ; the paeking of a Supremo Court to relieve nch e rporatious; the seat.inprof membersof Congt&SK 11. ■ t eloctod bv tho people; tho resort to imconstitutional laws to oure KuKlux disorder, irreligión or intemperauce, and the surnjnder of individual rreedotn to those who aslc that the practico or creod of soine shall bè the law f all. We L'inand for tho individual tho largest lilii-rty consistent vith the public order, for tho State solf-govornnient, and ira tho nation a return to the inethoSa of peact and the ooustitutiunal lmiitiition of power. Sesolted, TUattrueïiopubHrar.ismmakes it not thu less our dur,y to exposo corruption, deiiounce tlio usurpation of power, and work for tho rcforuia neeessnry for th( pnblio welfare. The thnw deinand ati i'.irising of homvt citi.ons to swoep irom power the man who the n:unc of AP honored party to BeUbh intcrusts. Wc, thert'tore, invite all ltepubli: ms who desiro tho reform herein set forti to meet in National .M.iss Conventi'in at the city of Cincinnati, on tho fint WVdnei'lfiy of -May next at 12 U., thrroto t;ikii aotion as our ('onvictions of duty and public oxigency may require.


Old News
Michigan Argus