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Local And Other Brevities

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Oi.k Uui-i. is hoja tu glve a concert in Viches are ruporteil killed In this vl.",, ■ lij tlie Dectmber suap. t:' iv'oo'l "rt cu' (lealer önd "ieil" 'iar luothW ioop!c-s neods-jftt uow. 44N11W is ofour discon '■ ,,:uloiii'lil":iik' by :i roaslllg fire. "" The jaokson lïltzcii i-cports 25 .Ick; ■ntv i)ovs in tlio teveral departmeuts ' lhe aiver!iy jiek FrtMl lins as:aln been making a „i, JJcrcury, ruiming liim Jowh to !,tlii"i'"ml llWowTliroW no inore nslies In the strects : ln'tal e cit' ordlnaucc alKl tIle P t'unitcln Sïylng. ' C jüector Coï has advcrtUcd ccr" pfoperty of the Koek Islaud Watch 'opny f"r sale,- for non-payment of "ill exceüent erop of ice, or a erop of "11(nt ice-mke vuur choice- is belns; Wl'itli'will undoubteOly enhanco ?Lleof paiii-killer next summcr. ■ Hiiu entertainment. is promiscfl our l„s uexl Fridav evenlua M tlio OpIIousc, 11 concert by the Detroit Choral Mon, Mie projiamme ïuciuding the ever lu'.ar May (-lanen. (; V. Sfavkv. wbo rradiiated at , .Vfi-sity, ciass ot'1871, is onn of the 'lUorsa.Mt pn'jlilic.r-- of tlie North Ver„Ilion Chi:.ivle, publlsUed at Iloos _ a Frcncli DratnaHo entertainment „I bc üivcii in tlio rii!n School chapi'l, MS,tUrdy 'evnlujt, l'V!ruary loth, oom-ddugai hilf-p.ast sevcn oclock. Ad,iíson 25 eentP. Tickets t the door. _ A uew IKniociaiic y;iper is llireatencd whm tlie AlWts cliooses ti hold and exress oplulons of its own upon moral and ,1 questious. Well, somebody besides oorscK will lmve the bilis to pay. Tha's ,1, jnst now. _ We notice by the County Snperintcndenfs report, publlsliod lust weck, that the mrtge iiKimiilv wagea pald male teachara ,,, üjc Union Schools of the county, is t15, wliile the femalcs are paid but mil for the same leugtll of time. Isn't medifferencc too gteot? _Tbat well-known troupe, thft Pcak Fsmüy, Swiss Ikll Kinsers, are to give an fBiertainineiit iu tlie M. E. Cliurch jowevenlng, lor tlie tyjiifiir, 01 me unurcj jHievoleut Society. A more worlliy "■ jtetcpold uot be found, and we hope tliat locfety will net a goud amount. „ niglit a nnn liaving müfcda little too tnucli " forty rod liglit úní,"or some otlier equally bad spirits, In i tliree-penny doggcry on Xorth Muin Street, endeavored to walk out of doórs, bnt ::ii?his baliinee lic feil ttirousli tlie wlO■ 11 the door, culting his face and neck K.eri'ly. -The dwclllng honse of Judson Tendón, InliriJscwatei-, was bunied at 'S o'clock A. jLoiTocsday la'st- acold mornlug to ba linxdoui o' doors. Tlie flreor;ginat.'d, it Isaupposeil, fiom a defectiva flue in tlie room over tlie kltcheu. lïut little furnitiirc wis?:ived. Inured in Wasliteiiaw Mntual brIQP. Total loM.not kuown. - S-verul snits bfODght afeaiugt Reder Wkustkk, tb recover moneys paid i tlie I Ícense ordiminw, hve Vtti lr:cd iv Justice T.vyi.oh without thé Sof a jury, and verd'.cts rendert-d for tlie fldutifTs. The city áppeaiérf, and tlie con íti'.niional polnts are ronte for llie prerae C'o'irt, desp te tlie potent writ of luxkm corpus. - The Kook Islanrl Watch Compnny has Miinenoc.l a suit aainst tlio Mozart Walch ('oinpany of thiscity, lri:the ünitufl States Court at Detroit. A reclsion of contract Iï pniytjl, for allegcd fraiul In s;ile;nlso ui lnjauctlon restraimng tho defendants (ram prucuedTngs to cDllect notes matie in mmeat of pateuts, macliinery, etc. The se t sft down for Tuesclay next. -TlieMiiill pox L-xcitcmfnt Ims nearly Ktelöefl. In fact we can not iicur Eïïat Hiere lias bcfn a single c fe ol gemine kmII pcx in nur city, thougli a case or tWo o[ïno!oid are nported. As smull pox tm lie spread fi-om var oloifl it s well lo Kwrt to tfeueral raccination. Tlic School &nn has onlered tliat all scholars be vacciuated, unkss huccessful vacciuation lias b.-eu R-ceut.


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