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The New City Ordinances

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At the last meeting of the Cotnmou Councll two new onliminces wcro paxsed : weinrelat'on to IicensinL büliuril tables, ttloons, etc, and anothcr to prevent thu violatiun ol the Sabbith- or in other fords, to prevent the opening of saloons nd the salo of lirjiiors upon tliat day, THB LICDNSK OltDIN'ANCK. The main provisious of the liceiiáe ortioance re: Sre. 1.- Provldcs that no per-on shall 'pa bllllard table, viétusllrlg house, sa Iwiii or other house or place for iurnislilng U, fond, or drink, wltliiu the limits ol "tcitj', without first oltaiuing licensc Ssc. 2.- Delinea a billiard table keeper. Sec. 3. - Author)zes the Recorder to issue 'Uceuse iu the uameof the (Jommon Couuil. to all billiard table keepers, upon the Hjment to the City Treasurer of $5 per 1rtcr, ach keeper to issue a bond to the "yor, Hecorder and Aldermen, in the sum "'♦100, with two sureties who shall justi'Jin the sum of $500 each, for the laithful !9ervauce of the charter andordiuances of ie city. bïc. 4 - Authorlzes the Hecortler, In like Buuer, to issue a 1 ícense to any person or P"ons to keep a victualing house, saloon, ot other house or place for torntahlng s)s, iooil or drink, on the payment of $' per quar'er, and the execution oí a toad of $200, with two sureties of 1,000 ch. K. 5,-ProvIdea that no persou so licensed "tt fermlt any garalng for mouey or oth. tr value on any table ke jt by hiiu, or allow ydrunkenness, flghting, or other disorierly conduct, or keep any sucli cstablish""ot open, or permlt auy playing on such uWs upou the Sabbath, or aftcr the hour f U o'clock p. m , or beibre 4 o'clock x. m f inj day, or permit any minor or student Vlay after they have been notirted by tht Pr:ut, guardián, or teacher oí the school r 'istltution at which uch student atkai, not to permlt such playing. It also 'uires tlie saloon keepers to close at the ""f abovc natned. , - 6 - Iinposes a Une not to exceed 10().or linprisonraeut not to exceed 00 a)slor the vlolatiouof any of the W. 7- Repeals " A.u onllnance relativo 01'lliard tablea, saloons, etc," nod all 01l"ncen umeudatory thereof. H- Sutes that it sliall takc effect (luys alter iU publication. TUE 8i;DAY OitUINASCK. f th'11 or(liuauce to Pavent the violatioi "eSabbath, the followiiiK aio the mail lroviiioa8 : Sec. 1.- Qrdalns thal no person shall koen open, or permlt to bc kept open hi or her Btore, ordlnary, nnloon, bar-room, becrlia.ll, restaurant, pieasure gardeD, vidual" Ing house, hiliiartl saloon, ball nllcy, grocery, barbersüop or other place of business, pieasure or amusement, or glvfi r nake or be present ut or take part in any public diversión, show, thualiiual reprosentation, bal), (lance, game or play, on the Sa' buth. The section not to be constrmil t prevent drugglsta from ftirnlsblug naedl clncs, nor to prevent the fUrnlshlug of meul and lodglngs to tvkvelersftdd boarUersj bu not anthdrlxlng the mmlshlng of inlo.v' cating llqUoI's to any person Skc. 2. - Provides for the imposltion of a fine of uot less tlmu $10 or exceedlng $100 or linprisoninent not exceedinu; 90 days, fo (Very violation of the provisions. Sicc. ■'!. - Rcpcala a forrocr ordinancc fo " the prcservaiion of order und quiet in the city of Ann Arbor ;" the repeal not to effect nny proceedings which have been taken uuder !t. Skc. 4. - Provides for the immediate en forcement of the ordinnnce. The city authorities think that theyliave two ordiiianccs which are " iron-clad," and wlll wilhstand all of the " ring's " batteres. And for the good of the community we hope their opiuions are correct ones. Prof. Vin íik:.i. luis been receutly mak ng soine lecture engiigeinents In the East, mil as usual is wannly welcomed and liis lectuïes comiiieiidwl in DO sparing tcrins. We COpy from a recent munberol' theLynn ();m., I u! y Reporter: SniBSOB and tuk Bibt.b. - A large andlenee ossembled last ?imday evenlng in tlic F mt Methodist Uliurch, to listen to a dls'■■"■■T'-e (i-om Dr. A. Wlnche.ll, of tlu Mlchl(pi" State fnivei'sity, upon the Mosaicand cololc histories oí croation. J)r. Wincliell is wcll known araong scIenllBc men ;is u fteOloglHt, and he is aNo, is shoun in this cliscourse, like Hftchcock au I Dana, au earuest aud dcvout I) liever In the t nnd Insplratiou of tlie ijcrlptureo. Llkè iürisoil, he exponn led the (irst e.liapter of eiiesis as a liyinn o!' cru:! ion, n'ííttéu in loetic prose, lint, unlike iiiin, he held tlrit liere is a pcrlcct parallelisni betweeu the ;. days oí' the narrativo aiul six well mttrk(1 epochs Ju tlio geologie liistory. Prol'. Vincliell aclopts, llke Daitft, the nelular ïypotliesis of Kant and La Placa, and linüs te primeval " (Ire-mist " In the " llffht " - liat f,finmc - tliat wasercated. He traceel he successlve steps of the cosmic evolution, riefly bot clearly, show ing tli&t on tho hinl day, or epocli, the lowcst. fbrmi ui' entable lire besan, qálckefiecl by tiie liglit ud heat from tlie snn, not vialble yet (rom 'is planet, but slieddlng a twlllght jftow ver the earth, 'throngh the clond v il nt leavy vapors which yet encompassed il. )n the tourth reative rtajr Qod " made " not createrl) tlie " Hvo grcsit lipjlits," and i-t thein In tlie terrestrial firmament by ispersina; (hese vapors, so tliat the presnt order of day and nlght besan. The rofessor showecl tliat the most recent disoveries of guolosy and ástronoiny ((or intance the Investlpatlons in the Lanreitylan trata) made the Mosaic ttarrntlve appcar more clear and trutlifiil tlian ever befo re. ncMentally he dlssented from the popular lieory of the conservaiion of foree, show ng tliat thcre lias been a steady wastinu of 'orce into the celestial voids from the beinninir. Pr.if. Wincliell's learninr, ftreat c' en tille entliusiasin, and earnest reliious litli, iiniU'd til a vivid tnnir'mation and reat lluency and feüc'ty of expression, ave made him a popular lectrirer npon liis and klnclred themes in the West and r!!uvest, and we heartily wish tliat he vore better krown in the Eist. lic 3 a ï - i n Er man, frool whom science and the Uiirislian church h:is yet imich to hope. The Kalamc.oo Tdegraph makea o;r.' fontal friend C. K. BACKÜ8, of the Detroit Tribune, the subject f the fbllowlng just: v complimentary paragrapb The election of Charles K. R.nckii'i, Esrj., Ed tor of the Detroit Tribune, 10 the I'ivmdeucy of the Detroit Board oí Educatlon is a li i li coinpliniViit to tliut and a wlsc selectlon. Air. Backus, thonii'i óne of the youngest jonrnallsts of onr mtropolltan pretw, is one of the most feap&blu md vêrsatile. Asan editorial vvrlttr and ncwspapcr conductor he lias no superior In M chinan. In the Spring of isr,i) he was la-ule Ma ungí ng Editor of the 'Irilmne, and ilischaií-d the ilnticsof th;it rusponslble post ivlth enterprlulug efficiency bu1 complete snccess. Upon the . retira cy of Mr. Conover lust Ruidmer Mr. Backus became Eiiltor in Ch;'ef, and In thst posltlon lie has shown proois ot rare journalist le talent and Tlded to hisonvbhle reputntlon In newspaper circ'es. A Bulshed acholar hitnselí and an earnest l'riend of edneation. he his for the past four yèara as au Infliiential nicinher of the Jíoanl of Educatlon deroted fntteh attention to the details ol the school system of Detroit, and is thöronghly quaillled lor the houorable place to which hls fctlow'membera on the BoarJ have clios en hini. It gives us pleosure to note sigus ol enterprise and prosperity wherever lound, and tho fonvard step just tuken by the Chicag? Raüway Review desorv3S more than a passing notice. It comes to us Iü quarto fonn, greatly enlarged atid improved in arrangement. The new beadlng Is a view oí tin; future Chicago, ncatly engraveJ, and in typogro-phioal nppearance the journal Wil) stand A No. 1, buiig very neat and tasty. lts contents are such as woiild not, fail to Instrnet thoser lnterested In rallwuys, navigation, Hnance, or the prodnc tivc industries. The; ïmnic of A. S IIiu gixs will liereafter be associnted with that of D. C. Biiooks In ts publlcatlOD j Mr. liuooKs still retaining the editorial chalr, wliile tlie new partner takes . the general business. May tlie lleeie-w meet With tlio success it 80 rlclily deserves. The January nuinber of the Printers' Cirular comes to hand, and is a model of icatnessand good workmanship. lts table of coutents will not fail to interest printers ind publlshers. Subscription price, $1.00 )er year. II. S. Menamin, Editor and Publslier, 517 aud 519 Minor Öt., New York. - The Typograpluc Mcssunger, published by James Conh&B's Sons, New York City, iu:irtcrly, comes to us with au Oqtober iate - but none the lcss acceptnble i'or tliat. .t has list of all the printing office jurncd out in Chicago at the grent Ure, and noch other matter of Interest to the " craft." $1.00 per year. A Typographical Union was organized n Uiis city, on Tuesday eveulüg, January 23d, whcu the l'ollowiug olllcers wcre elected : President - Frank Byiikit. Vtce President - Kob't. G. McCrackcn. Itecording and Corrssponding Hecrelary - John Ilarris, Jr. Financial Secretary - Frank Campbell. Treasurer - Robert Shannon. Sergeant at-Arms- Duanu B. Dunn. Business Comnallee - Frank Hyrkit, John Ilarris, Jr., and llobert Bhannon. From tho publishers we have rccelvcd the Tribune Almanac ior 1872, contaiuing t.he usual astronomical calculations, and a table o( poütical and statistical contonts which every politician aml business man 'will finü very valuablc. Pricc, 20 ecuts. Address, " The Tribune,' New York City. " Woman as a Ilough " ia the hoading of in articlo in an exclmnge, commenting on the recent charge ruado upon tho Senate Judiciary Committoe bv the woiuunsuffmger. Can't Hooker, Stanton, Anthony, Woodhull fc Co. bu permitted to i'clii8e " the gallaut 000 " without being inaligncd thusly ' The sheriff broko up a baptism on tho bank of the Ohio, siiying that tho wrate was too cold, and that f tho minister pej: sisted he wouM prosecuto him for muí Jur.


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