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J. W'ai.kkr, r-r.v-;t-r. R. EL .M-lMsu. & Co., DrufTRiiii A Ota. AgnuU, Srh Fruncí, Cnl.t nrnl 31 Omn.irce itrtfi. N. Y. ni 1 1. 1. 1 NS Itcnr TcMtiinony to iheil Wou.lelinl CnrntiTO EITccts. They uro not avilo Funcy Drink Made of Poor Rum, Wliiskey, Proof Spirits mul Rri'iiNn Uquors doctored, Rpicert and swcetenedtopleasctho U'.rullM "Tomes" "AppetlzCtB,11 "XtestONnf'&C.1 thuMeart the tippler on to ilrunkrnncsK and ruin, but aro atrae Medicine. made fromtheNative Hoots anrt Herbi of California, freo f'roin nll Alcoholíc StimnInnt. TheyaretheGITÊAT IM.OO1) PURÏFIERnnd A I.IFE GIVING PRINCIPIE, a perfect Kftnovíitor and . Invigorntor ot tho Systein, carryiiiB off nll poisonous matter and restOTing theblootl to a henltliy condition. Ko peraon can take thcfie Bitters accordiiiR todirectiona and remain Jong nnwcIT, provldcd tlieir bones nro not dcstroyed by mineral txiiAon or other mcans, and the vital orcana wasted ïieyontl tlc point oC ropair. Thcy nrc ti (3enlle Pnrirntlrenn wll ns a Toníc, possessinj:, also, thc peculiar mcrit of nctinj; ns a powcrful aj?cnt in rclievinK Cunprestion or Inflam mntion oí tlic Livor, nnd nll thcViscernl Orcans. FOR FEMALS COMPI.AINTS, inyoinijfor oíd, mnrriofl oralnrle, at thedawn of womnnhoorl orat Üe turn of lifc. UiepcTonicBitterH linve no cquM. Fot Inflainniatory nnd (. Inonic Rlieiimatimn nnd NoDt, Dynpcpsia or Imliffention, miloapi Kenilttent nnd Jntcrmittvnt I ■- Ter lïcnfic of tlir ltlooilf láver, Kid neya nnd Illnihlor thoso Jliirem have been mont siiccoHsful. Surli CtlBOíHomarocánwdby Vltlntcd ltlooil, which isRcncmlly producía by duraiiRemcnt of the Iis'fitivo Orcano DVSPEI'SIA OIC. IXDTGESTIOX, Hvlaeho, Pain in theSlioulílers.ConírhB, Titjbtncss of tho Chest, D7.2lness, Sour iCructotfons of the Stomach, Bad Tnsíc n thc Mouth. Uilious AttackR, ralpitatlon of thc Ilrart. Iníl-iniroation of tho l#ungs. Pain iothercgions of tlic R.i(íneyR,andahundrod other pamful symptomn, are the oflsprinen of lyspepsia. They inTiírorate tho Stoninch nnd Htirmilnto the torptd liiver end Bowels, which render them of unequalled eflteney in cleansinc the blood of all Impurities. aml impntlnc new lifo and viyor to the Tvholesystpm. FORSK1NDISF.ASES, EruptionB.Tfttcr. Salí Itheum, Blotches, Spts, Pimples, Puatulefl. Jïoils, Carbundes. Rinír-WormB. Se.aM Uead, Boro &T&, Brystpclaü. tteb.Scurflt, Disco lo rnt ion.1 o" tlie Skin, Hiiniorn nnd DiHeajtes of tbe iSkm. of wli.atfvr nauie or natura, aro litornllv dus P and t-arried out of the system in a utiort timo by tho use ot tluse Hiiters. One bottle in nurh cases will conviaco tliu most ïucrcduloua oftheir cura tivo eO'ects. Cleane? thc Titiated Btéod wlipnorer yon Bnd iti impnríties bursting throtiffhtho ükin in Pimples, Krnptiona or Sores; cleansc it rhon ynu fin'I it obstrueted and siuseish In tlio rcfns: eleanse itwhen it Isfoot and your foolinirí tv L11 teil youwhen. Keep the blornl pare, and the hcalth of tbc svutem will follow. Pin, Tnpe, nnd ollier Worms, lurkinsr Ín Iho Bystom of so mauy thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. SayB a dixtincuished physiolocit tliere is scarccly an individual upon the Dfthq earth whose body is exetnpt from the pri-sence of Trnrms. It is not tjpon tho healtny plemtnts of the Viorly tlmt woniís exist, but upon the disi-ased lmninrn and sliiny rlcpofiita that breed these living monsters of dist'a."t!. No System of Medicine, no vermifuíreat no anthelmintics will freo the system froin ivoidih liko these Bitters. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. n. McPOXALD & CO DrupcistB and ílen. Afrenta. San Francisco. California, and 32 and 34 Comoicrce Street, New York. B3SÜL1 BY ALL DRUttUISTS AND DEALKRS. . , . [JE AR YE! C I I E. J. JOHNSON HAS A FULL STOCK OF ( HATS & CAPS ! FALL AND WINTER. ' Alao a largo stock of I Líidies' and Gents' Furs! ! ■ ! H1S STYLES A.ItE THE LATËST. H1S GOOÜS THE BEST! and nis pnicEs the 3 B2sm rae Alsoa fall Hnoot Genis' Furnlshlng Goodí 7 South Mata St., Ann Arbor. gAM. B. REVEPíAUGH KËEPS ON HANÖ A. LAEQE STOCK OVAL AND SQUARE BLACK WALNUT GJLT FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No. 30 HURÓN ST. GotoR.W.ELLlS & CO'b for choiceWinesandLiquPTf for Medical Purposos .


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