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i JflÍÍjl" ' r HARKISOX'S Lowdovrn and Rniscd J'i r--f;ríi 'fs and C''is-J,";rs. :insurpnscl n Beauty of Design and Finish. Marrinon'N indirect ribbod "iiiiui IIADIATOR tor and Loir PreaH turo. 1'. A. Itl I.I.l Vc:s, Detroit, 1355m3 Solo Afrenta for SHehignn. A NËVV REMEDIAL AGENT, Ilccontly dkcoverod nnd bronfyht In nse by ono of Lhu most eminent phyaician in New Vork. KENNEDY'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF PINUSCANADENSIS, A pnre, nqiiTOun Extrnct, posseaslng superior nstrlngeDt uil Umlo proper cle, aod recommended by thtj liiheet medica, mu.horities in the rouiury n au UNFAILING KEMEDY In nll chronic disensos of the niamus iirfacc, nnd n rip'cii'n1. in the remuval of murbid ditfuimrgcs, uf whutevcr ntitnre. PrescrilH-dby the Medical profesión wíth plcnal and uniform ancceen in th treatment ot Chronid DUrrhcöa and Dyeeutery, Niffht Swents, Uterina and Pulmounry Jlemorrhae. in coujih Kffondoq with proíuse Kxpcctoration.aud as au injwjon ni Ij"in:orrhoiii or Whites, IJicurationa of the Os Uterln ttnd oth -r vAglual disuases: in ('abirrh, PtlM, PIb ros of the Anus, Buraa, 9calda, Kxroriations, obBtinfltu.lTlccr8, flud n all cmu-a requiriug a powcrftil astrinirfnt mul tonic remody. IbOM atllicted with any of the above discases, snel not wUhlng to cali pon tlielr physician, can purchftre froOQ thcir druggfot one r two dnlUr packuges of the medicine, with phyíician'a full di recti,anöior hhuEXAMINE TÍÍK AUTICLE OP J. MA1U0NSIMS, M. D. From the Medical Gariette of June 21, 1ST1. I havft 8d Kennedy' Conccntfated Bxtract of Plnus Canadensia fortboiit cïirht monlhs in nnme affectioni of the rectum, vnin!. and cervix uteri : I have nsed it, considerably diluted, as a vacinal wash, with Lreilt BUCCC8S ; bot I prefer to tpply it to the ostinctB on cotton wool either pnre or mixed with íiyrerlne, orglyccrlne and rose water, TIiuh applledi it eboald rcmiiin intact for twn or three or even fourdny,and thOD be renewed In this wny I have peen chr.mic irranular vaiuitifs remcdied in ?i few days that luid resUted the ordinary remedies fbr weeks ; and I havi eeen irranular oropurn, with leaoorrfacBft disappcar very rftpldlVnDdet íir use. i have ii't. time to do more than cnït thu alte ntion dl niy prfewlonai brethren to thU nrw KtídicI, whioh I Am Ftire will aoon bo recognined as a vahiable addition t dr matorln medica. 267 M:idlson Avenue. For aalo by all droggists. FAItRAND, WILLIAMS & CO., iftMmBB State Aents, Detroit, Mich. JAM. B. REVENAUGH, PÍ10T0GRAPÍISR { RETOUCHES ALL HIS NEO A TIYES BEFORE TRlNTING, SO THAT F8ECKLES,M0THSANDTAN Do not show in any of his Picturos No Extra Charges. FinestAssortment of Toilet i 1 Goods in the City, by


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