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J Q. A, SESSIOUS' INSURANCE AGENCT. His Compauies Are Sonnd. pHCENIX INSURANCE CO., ÜARTFORD, CONN. CAPITAL AND ASSETS, Jolt 1, 18T1 .. . . $1,T8I ,000 CHICAGO LOSSES 74O.OOO THE FIKENIX i the best conduclnl Fire Iniurnnre Compiinr in the Iniirrt State. Alway prudent and (onnd, and always prompt in payntcnl of 1 onces. INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. The flrat Company to pass the ordeI of tfi STew York Insurance Commlssioner ataca the Chicago Fire, coming out from the nevero test TRIUMPHAHT ! Associated Press Dispntctr, WoYembcr 2,1371, TUE INTERNATIONAL ISBCBANCF. COMPANY. The Superintendent of the New York Ptate Insarance Department, w1h ie making n-carefol official rxiiminaiion of the New Tork Cily Companfes to-day, certifica thatthc International Company'H assets of $1,500,000 are securely inrested, and lts capital of $500,000, after proTlding for all Uab!litlc3, lncludlng the Chicago flre, is wholly nniipalred. This Company ís paying all lts Chicago losact and is sound and rellable. Policieslssuedat fairrates at my office. No. 11 East liurun street, Aun Arbor, J. Q. A. SESSIOXS, Agent. 134Ttf. ñ'ELIABLE INSURANCE T Jíorth Bri tih and Mercantile Insurance Co. 9F L0ND0N AND EDINBURGH. CHABTEBED 1800. Capital $10,000,000 in Gold! The Amcrlcnn Mnragcri of the abore Company have rccelved the following telegram from the London Board : "Subscribe r:ve Thonnnd Dollars f or Chicago sufterers- settle all lome promptly- Draw at tlirec ieUt- Ainurican asset wil 1 nat be touclied." Springfleld Fire Ins. Co., OF SPRIXGFIELD, MASS. Capital $500.000. Thelossesofthis Company, by the Chtcugo flre, wlll be promptly setllod bj cash payments made by the Stockholdcrs. Irnving the Company wlth their capital nnlmpaired, Inrge assetc, and an uninterrupted business. These Rómpanles ure sound and rellable beyond anv doubt. liisks taken In the above Companles at adequate H. D. BEXXETT, Agent. tfiftl PLANTATM BITTERS . S. - 1860 X. Tbis wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheen-anchor of tbe feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which woraen are especially snbjected, it is supereeding every other Btimnlant. In all climates, tropical, températe or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which nndermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. 13M-yl. LYON'S KATHA1R0N. I'or Preserving: and lli-autifyiiiir the Human Huir. To Prevent its lul I ing Out and Turning Gray. A wcll-preierTed Head of Hair, m a pereon of middle age , at osee benpenka reüncmen t, elegance, health 'and beauty. It may truly bo called woman'e crown ing glory , while men are not insensible to ita adrantages and charms. Pew thinss ara more dlsgnsting ih&jk thln.friuüy.harsh, untamed hair,vith hcad and co::tcoYred withdandrufl. Visit a barbíi and yon feel and look like a new man. Thls ia what Iyon's Kathairan vrül '.Au all the time. The charm which liet in well plaied Ualr, Glossy .Carlt, Lnzariíint Trufses, anda Cleau Hcad, il ïioüieable and irresistible. Bold by all Dmlüt and Country Stores. 135Sc3wly PAINTS FATNTS FAINTS Oils Oils Oils Varnish Varnish Varnish Brushes Brushes Brushes MINERAL PA1JNTS. &c, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND CALL ON R. W. ELLIS & 00., HEFOUE PURCHASING T IVE QEESE FEATHliRS ÏISST GiTJA-IjITTr , OooatanHyonhaad nudfor aloby BACB & ABEL, ÏHYSKim1 PBE&CRIPTiaNS 0CURATLLY AND prep abed BI R. W.JCLL1S t G0.,DRUUai818.


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