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látate of Priscillít EsfierwooiL . STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WiishU'imw, M. Noticc i ín reby Krrvnffbat by anorctarof the lnbate Court íi' tl"1 County f h aahtenaw, mode on the cighteenth duy of January, A. I). 1872, ix monthl fnnii itnit l:itr allowcd for crediton topnMDt thnir íl;iímw againsi theeatate of PriseOln Bhorwood, late of said ninniy, daoeneedt and t!iit nll ereditoro of uid decenaed arereqnired toprewmt their olaimí i said Probate Uourtí ni tho Prol nteOfflee, iñ the Cita of Aun Albor, t'nr rximimitiuii and allow BUCO, QJD OX b;Hore tbe eiffhteentb day of Jiúy nflxtf and tii.-it mcb claim will le hcard before said Probate Couit, OH Satuiday, the thirtieth day of March, nnd on Thumday, tlie rigtltnontb day oí Jnly next, at ten o'clock i ñ thc forenoon of t:i-Ii of thosedays, Dated, Ann Arbor, Janoary lHth, A. D. 1872. UiüAM.T BKAKH8, i3SRw4 Judge of Probate. lístate of Loammi Robinson. OTATE OK Ml( OIGAN, 0untyot"Washtcnfvw,Hfl. O Notlee fa . that fiy an order of Lhe l'robiito Court for the County of Waahten&w, made on the Blxtb djiy of Jannury, A. 1). 1S72, kíx months from thnt date werf; ullowed for erediton to present thcir claims the estáte of 1-oainmi Kobinwin, Inte of said emmty, decenaea1, and that aU ci'CílitorH of said dcceajed are roquired to present tlifir clnims tu taid Probate Oourt, aft the Probate Office, i il the ('i ty of Ann Arbor, for oxamination and allowuneo, on or befan the Hixth day of July, next, und that noh claims will be heaxd bofOTQ said Vrobate Court, ou Snturday, the sixth day of April, and on Saturday, tho sixtli day of July next, at 10 o'elork ín the foronoon of ench oflhose dan. Dated, Ann Arbor, Jannary Stn, A. I). 1K72. IIIKAM J. BEAKE8, 1356w4 Judge of Trobftte. Commissioners' Ntice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, m. The undersígned, having been appointed by the Probate Court for said county, Commissioners to receive, examine and udjnwt ull clainw and dcmundHof all persons agvlnat the estáte of Timothy J. Tuomy, bita of said county, deecwed, hereby ifive notico that six iiiontlis trom date are allo wed, by order of said l'rot'.it.1 ( 'mirt, ÍOT '%rc 1 i tors to prooont t Í i 'ir claims against the estáte of stid dcccaflcd, and that they will meet t the office of Georgo C. Paye, in the village of Doctor. in said county, on Satnrdy, the thirteenth day of April, nnd Monday, the eighth day of July next, ut ten o'clook a. m. of each of said days, to recvive, examine, and adjust said claims. Dtud, January Sth, A. D. 1S72. GBORGE C PAGE, PKTElt Tl'ITE, 1356w4 f'ommissioners. ltcal Estáte for Hale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county uf Washtenaw, fw. In the matter of the estáte of I'.lia Jane Osírood, duCOiWed : Nutico in lirreby jriven, that in purauance of ftn order granted to the underaii?nofl, Adnrimtrator of tlio estáte of ernid decea4:d, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the eounty of Washtenaw, ou tho eihtli day of January, A. I). 1872, theiti ■will bu told at public vendue, to the higheat bidder, at the dwelling houHe on the premisos hereinaiter decribed, in the ounty of Watfetonaw, In wad Ktate, on Wednebday, the twenty-eiichth day of l'ebruary, A. D. 1872, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, (subject to all SB cuín bronces by raortgugv or othfrwisc existini? ut the time of thedeathof suiddewased), the followiu dcBcribel real estáte to wit: Tho southeast quirter of the noutheast quarter of section six, in township two south of rantie six cast in said State, containing fort y ucretf more or lef. Datvd, Jauuary 8th, A. D. 1872. CASSlUtS M. O9GOOD, 1356td . Administra tor. Eeal Estáte for Salo. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of "Washtennw, as. In the matter of the estáte of Caroline Kettner, deceased : Notice is hereby given, tbat in mutuante oí an order mmnted to the anaénlancd dministrator of the estáte of aiiid deceased, by the IEon. Judpe of Probate for the county of Wasntennw, on the twentysixih day of Dwember, A. 1). ls;it tnere will be sold at public vendue, to tl te highest bulder, ut tlie south door of the ( !ourt Ilouae, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, in said fcstate, on Tuesday, the tlürtecnlh day of February, A. D. 1872, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgne or otherwise existiiip ut the time ot thc death of said deccased), tlic followini desenbed real estáte, towit: A piircel of land in the city of Ann Arbor, county and State aforesnid, deRcribed as eonimenciii}r seventy fcat east from the northweflt corner uf lot one in block two nouth of IIuron street, raue flve cast, thonce east on the noith line of uid l(tt twenty-six feet, tlience soutïi i t x-Ax feet, thence west twenty'-six iect, theüce north büttysix feet to thc place of beginninp. Dated, December 2tith, A. 1). Ift71. GOTTLIEB F. HAT'PER, 135i AdmiuiatruU Eeal Estáte for Salr. STATE OF MICHIGAN, connty of "Wiwhtenaw, ss. - In the matter of the estáte of Jacob Maehrle, deccased : Notice is hereby giren, thnt in pursuance of an„order gninted to tho nndenfgned, administrator bon is non wit h the will anncxed of said deceasel . by tl. e Hun. Judge of Probate for the county of Wnahtenaw, on the twcnty-ttfth day of July. A. I). 1871, there will be soUl at public venduo, to the hihest bidder, at the dweiling house on the premises herefnafter doscribed, in the county of Washtenaw, in Bflid Sttttö, on Tuesday, the twen ty-sev ent h day of February A. D. 1 872, at oue o'clock in the afltrnoonot' thut day (subject to ii.ll encumbrance by mortgagB or othcrwie existing ut thi? time of the death of said deceased). the followiML,' il.--.ri -ihi-il ri;al estáte, wit : The weKt half of the noutheast ju:irtcr ot' sec (ion ten, in township four sou th oí raniíí.' f'tur enst contamiug tihty acres more or loss Ana abo all tbat mit of the Boutbeast quarttT of the jouthwest qnurtor of section threp, wimt1 bowti -iiip and range, hing south of thn ontlel of Columbia Laks, (exoopt that part formerly aold to John Arnibrast), coníaining oiprht ficrcs of land, boundel on the south by a Üteli, and ou the west by a pond of Water, Dated, January fttli, 1S72. JAOOB 1SAUER, Administrator 13J6 de bonis non witti the will aimuxed. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County cf Waahtenav, ss. lu the matter of the estáte of Heman lt. (jage, dataoaod. Mot ice is hereby given, thut in panoauoe of an order granted to the unaeraignod, lulministrators uf the estáte of afkld daficaaed by the Hon. Judge of l'robatc fur the County of Viwhteuaw, on thc fourtl day of Scptember,A. IX 1SÏ1, therc will be sold a Public Wiid ue, to the higheat bidi'.ur al the late reidence of auid deceased in the township of Sharon, ii tht' county tf WiLshti'iiaw, in said Btate, on Wed nes day thc twonty-flrtt day of February, A. i. IB?S,a ten o'clfKik in the forenoon of that dny (subject to al encumbrantes by mortgageorotïierwise existinir at the time of the deal íi of san oeecased, and abo subject to the righi uf dowor of tlic vidow ol -;'i(t doeoaaed there in) the following deeertbed Bcal Estáte, to wit; The Bonthcast qoarter of Uieêouthwestqniirterof section tbirty-tvrOi in township two( south of rnnge tliree east, containing forty aero more órlese, in said iftuto Uated, 2i!, A. 1. WH. UU8SELL WinrPLE, UÜTHA.GAGE, Admini8trntors. Real Estáte for Salo. STATE OF MlCHUiAX. county of Washtenaw, sa In the matter of the estáte of Samuel lï. Thorn Emelioe lï. Thorn, Lewis J. Thorn, Ebynezer E Thorn, Mary Thorn, Kuphemin Thorn, Alice Thorn and Frank ü. Thorn, minors; Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigiifd, liuanlian of the estáte of wiid minor by the Hon Judge of Probate for the county of WaahttBVW on the eleventh day of December, A. V. 1871, ther wil! bo ld at public vendue, to the highest bidder, ai the dwelling house on the premise licrcinafter described, in the county of Washtenaw, in said State, on Tuesday, the twentieth day of Kebruary, A. D. 1872 at ten o'clock in tho forenoon of that day, (subject t all encumbrantes by mortgage orotherwUe nxisting al the time of sale, and also subject to the right of dower of the nndersigned an widow of ('liarles Thorn, deceaaeil), the following doscribed real eatute, to wit : The undivided eight-ninth (fi-'J) of each of the following described parcela of land, viz.: Part of lot A or west subdivisión of the south west fractionnl quartei of section Mr70& bcginning at the uorthetküt corner ol aid lot A, running south one degrec and thirty minutes east thirteen chaina and two links to a stakein the eaat line of said lot A, thence south eighty-nine degreea and thirty minutes west twenty chains and thirty-eight links to a stake on the west line of suid Bcction Beven, thence along múd line north one degree west, thirteen chaina and two links tu a qnurter section corner, thence along the quarter lint1 northeighty-nine flegzees and thirty mniutes east twenty aoabu and thirty-one links to the Ance of lx;ginning, containing twenty-six and 50-100 acres. Also lot A, or west subdivisión of the northwest fractionul quarter of said section scven, containing eighty-one and AA-100 aona. And also of the south part ol' the west part of Ihfl aouthwest fractional quarter of seclion ix, containing forty aam ; all in townahip four south of range threc t.'iist , in .-tui State. Dutcd, Ductiinberllth, A.D. ifiTl. 1354 8AKAH C. THORN, Guardian. Chancery Sale Notice. IN PURSUANCE and by virtue of the deerco of thc Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, in Chancery, in thn caae whercin Kli.i Chandler is comSlainant 'und ('Jiarlow I. ('utting is defendant, the uncrRiguoil, one of the Oircuit Couit CommissionerR for the County of Washtenaw, will sell at public nuction, lo the highent bidder, ut thc front door of the Court Houe, Ín the city of Ann Aror, in said county, on the tenth day of February next, at noon, the fnïlowingdescribed hmds and premises, viz: All that traot or parool of land sitúate and being in the town of Itriugcwater, in the county of Waahtsnaw, and State of Michigan, and more particularly known nnd describetl ai follows: Being the southeast quurter of Kiction thirty-threo (3;i), in township number four Mint h of ranytj number four east, containing one huniri nd si t y acres, be the same more or less. Dated, Aun Arbor, December 2fith, 1871. RICHAED ItEAHAN, Oue of the Circuit Court Commissiouers for the County of Wnshu-nu w, Michigan. Hm km J. Heakes, Solicitor for Complainant. H54t4 Sheriff 's Salo. CTATK OF MICHIGAN, county of Wa-shtenaw. ss. 5 lïy virlue of one execution, issucd out of and unilcr the seal of tho Cbrait Cíouxt for thc county of Washtenaw, Stato of Hiohigñn, dated the líílh day of September, A. 1). 1871, and to me directod and dclivered, againstthe goods, chattlcs, lands and tenernonts of Daniel L, Gates, I did, on the sixth dny of November, . T"). 1871, for want of goods itndchattles, levy upon all the right, title an 1 interest that Daniel L. Gates has m the following described real estáte, to wit: The east twen ty-se ven roda in width of the Ktuth sixty-onc rods in length of the west half of the Mithwfst quarter of section number two, in townhip No. two south in range six east, containing ten teres of land, be the sume moro or less, all of the ibove doscribed land being Ín the township vf Ann rbor, county of Woshti.'nnw, n:id State of Mifhiiian, ivhich land 1 shall OZpoafl for Kale, at public anction, X) the highft bidder, ut the south door of the Court (louw, in tbr city of Ann Arlxr, on the 13th day of Man-h, A. I . 187, at II o'elock a. m. of s;iid day. Dated. Ann Arbor, January 17th, A. I). 1R72. M vi"ïc WEBB, Bhorlfl. 1357 By JOBTUI l-'oHiiKs, Cnder-Sherift. Sberiff'B Sale. STATE OF MIC1Í ifrAK, county of "Washtonaw, ss lïy virtud of on exoontion baned out of and nnler the asal ot' t1 Cireult Court tor oountyof tVaahtenaw and S Lteoi Michigan datíxl the sth day f Oebober, A. I. U L, and fco ünoted and daliv vod, aflaiút 1 he ■ Uea, lands and fce&emi nis ►fMerchani ff. ■ CdidonthesSztcenthdavof November, A. 1. iftTl , for want of goods nnd ohatUes, evy upon all the right, titio and mdarMt thai Merinant H. Goodrloh hst In the foUowtog deaerfbed rea] tata towit: I-ota I, 2, s, 4, 5, 0, 7 and 8, in blook me north of Huron streot. in. Bvo, In the city of Kun Arbor, couniy of washienav, Btateof KuaUrant which land I sliall azpOM (Dr sale at public anciou, tO the hlghélt bidder, at the sonthdoorof the mrt House, in thc ei( nf Ann Arltor, on the ISth lay of Muren, A. D. 1872, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said 'üated, Jan. 22dt A. 1871 BITBON AVERn. Sheriff, 13Í8 By Jobttn Fobbes, Under-8heriff. GotpR.W.ELLIS& CO's for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints ,Oils,&c.


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Michigan Argus