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Blortg&ge Sale. DEFATTr been mirtf l the rmdltlonn of a mofítrasfo rxecnteil lv Joh .. BnUlflJi and t ■ rah Unuloy ro K-ter ShnlKr.. cnrim,' flnte the s;h day of Auiiunt, ntm tn-frtwmnd efotit hundred and ?Ixty cii;ht. and rcccirriad n the ofllce of the Register of lr:ds lor WflsWeuaw Cownty, Michigan, en the cleventh dny of Amrust, A. D, ísr.s. n recordedin liber 3i of mortirnes. f.n gMffV 'ïlfi, on which moetgftge there 1 clnlmcd o b dun ninc hnndred &Ld m-ventv nnc Molíais and thfrty-four centa, and thirty dDlbtry .1? an nttorncy fee as pfovUlcd ïn snid mortgape, and no Buit or procecriïng nt law havin? been iiiftitiitcd to recover ihedetfrtsectirert by inii mortca.uc. or any pnrt tbereof; rTotice is tnerfifrtft' hrit; "yiiiven, that ly viruicof thfl power of sïrfe OW tuimul inaaid nr-rtL'su''1. nivf Of the statoto irt pden calcinado and pruvided, the naid mortgage will be íorccl'M'd by ■ mi of the safd morfftped premlse, to-wii: Alltlni. piu cc or prcel oTland lyinpimd ÏM'iiiL'ln the t-wnshlpof Northfleld. ín fne Oounty of wjwhtenaw, and Mate of Michigan, kfflown, . boundcd nnd deserfbed ai loliowfl to wï : the nortti?r#1 qtiartrr of the sontbeast quarter of eectton d amber Bfteen, towiuhlp No. one sour.h of range i No bíx eftft nccording to tneorijfinnl snrvey, contiilniiiLr forty aerea f land, more or less ; which Mie will be at pnbttc nuction, t tin hlgheel bldd'-r,. , nt south door of the Waahtenaw Cmitiiy Court : House, in the Ci y of Ann Arbor, in raid Connty, ftliat bcinjr the place of holding the Circilt Conrt In the afbresaid Connty} on Satiirriny, the twentv Hcvenih ilay of Jnniiary, A. D. onc thouitnnd cight bondrod and sevonty-two, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of iliíil tlay. November üd, 1871. I'KTEK SHITI.TERS. UortgAffee. L&wkkkiik & Fkazer, for Mortagee. Mortgago Salo.. DEFAULT having been mode in the condition of a certain mortgege exvcntvd liy Catbarfoe Wall, of Northfleld, in the county of Washtinaw and State of Iffehigan, on the 27th day of April, A. D. 1M67, to Bally Ann l'ray.of Superior, m Huid county and State, and ï-ecordefl in thi.' ÜfL'istcrV oth'tc of thr county of Witshtenaw, thethirdday of May, A I). 1867, at 'Jl o'clock a. m., in líber 3 of mor través, on page 179 . whieh said morfegage wa duly assijmed by Gcorge 8. Wheeler, A'iminiMratoi of the estáte of Hally Ann Pihv lote O Superior, Washtenaw OOUnty, ■ deoeaaed, to Hathan II. Proy. on the I7th dav of jñnaiy, a. i. 1871, and recorded the 18th dny of Januury a. i. ih7l, in IiKt i' ofjissiiimnitn of murrofres, on page 693, thnt there is chrnned to bedue upon .iid mortKae and note at thif. date, the gum of one hundred and f orty-t wo dollars aud thirtycentf, aJao a rtawiniiMi- Solieitor'8 OT Attornry'f fee, ahonld tmy prococdinpa bc taken to foreclose this mortaire, and fnrthér tnatwllmenti to beoomedne oo said morago, and no proceísliiiírn at law or in equity haviny been had u rtcovrr the samo or any port therrof ; Notipf i hr-n'byjfiven, thai y virtue of the power of sale contained in said morteage, I símil sell at public tuiction, to the highost bidder, on the ninth day of March next, fit 2 oVlock p, m. of said day, at the Conrt Houw, in the city of Ann Arbor, in aid county, tliat Uim: the place of holdin? the Circuit Court for tho County of Washtenaw, all tliat certain tract or par , oei of land knnwn, and luscribed as luUows, to wit : The northeast onartei of southtiht quaitef of section numlier three in townhip numlcr ooe ! south in raiifit; number aix eat. büw In Korthfiekt, , in the couuty of 'V;iahttnaw, in the State of Micbi. f?ftn [ December 7th, 1871. , nathax n. riïAY. John N. Gott, Atrtpitfl of Mortgaco. Attorney for Awignee of Mortg-apee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having boen made in the eonditions of a certain mortgage executed by Solden Marvin and Ann J. Marvin to Milan Olover (now deceaod), bcar in datv tliu twenty-thirtlday of Novembr, one ÜKiDS" . and eitfht hundred nnd ixty-eiuht, and recorded in , the omce of the Kegieter of leeds for Washtenaw F county, Michigan, on the third day of December A F D. 1SGS, in hber 39 of niortgageb, on pne 410,0 whieb mortgage thore is claiuied to be due the surn o - tive hundi-ed and twenty-two dollars (ÍA22), lso n I Attorney's fee ot twenty-iive dollant M prrtvided i t said ïnortgagc, nd no snit or proeedinK at law or i i chancory havinp betn institutt'd to rt-cover the deb , secured oy aid mortff-SCi tr ny part thoreof ; i Notiee is therefore hereby irivi-n, tlint by virtuco ■ the power of aio contJiined Ín 8:tid iiioitgnc, and o ■ the Htatute in such oise made and providerf, I thofl W - at public ai tet ion, ti the highest bulder, ut tin.' mui' ; door of the Washtenaw CoUBtj Conrt IIoumï, in th city of Ann Arbor, in said county (tlmt belag th ï place of holding the Circuit. 'ourt for aoJd county) , o - Batnrdar.tuesixteenthday of Maich, A. D. 1873.a ) eleven OOlOck . m of said day, the pi-emises dewribet i in said mortgage, to-wit : A strip of land one ehai and fourteen links wide, nnd exteuding anOM th northcast Quarter of soetion twenty-one, in townah] threo south of range tn cast, in Waahtenaw eonst] Michigan, the wen side of which i paroDel to ant seven rKls east of the woat tide of said quarter section and the cast sitie is sixteen chaina and Qfty-ftOVC links west of the east half qnaiter line, ooatoinin foiir and (2-10 acres, more or m ; h1m a pii. r; es sí- 'm tion twenty-two, same towu and ranpe, to wit : Th f south sixtt'un chutiis and aeventy-one links wido, anc r the east sevunteen chains and ninety-niii'1 links iilon . tho south side, and seyenteen chains umi nintfy-si . links aliniL' DOrth side of the piece, in the weet bfl of the southwt'ht quarter of srction twenty-two, coi ' toining tbirtr aerea, andbeing.aUtbe land owned l , th( snid fielden Marvin aiifl Ann J. Marvin iu saii cuunty of Washtenaw at the time suid mortgage was made and executed. ; Datcd, Ann Arbor Dec. llth. 1S71 MILAN r. LOVER, Mortgafree. CELIN'DA íiLOVKK, Adm&kf D. Cramer, tratrix of iid Mortgiigec ", Attorney for said Administiatrix. 1352 lteal Estáte for Bale. - OTATE OF MICHIGAN", county (,f WashtenaVj ss ' In the nvitter of tho estáte of (."liarles A. Grodyear ' minor: Notiee is hereby give-ii tlmt in put su anee o j an order gra&ted to tho nndenlgiied, (iiiMnlian of th Mtato of saiI minor, hy the llon. Jndge of Prubut for the countv of Waenteoaw. on the ighth day o Janu:iry, A I). 1872, tin-re will be sold at public ven lue, to tlie bidder, at the tCanoheeter Hotel in the villaje of Sfanohoalér, in the county of Wash tenuw, in said state, on Tuonday, the tweaty-serefiti day of Febmary, A. 1. IR; 2, at threc o'clock in tht . afternoon of tlmt day, (subject to nll enoumbranoM i-j , mortfrnge or existing at the due 03 ■ sale), the followinir doMribed real etule, to wit : It? t thirtcen and foorteen in ll-k fcwenty-nliie, in the vil' laye of Manchester, according w the recorüctl plu thereof. Dated, January 8th, A. D. ' 872J0HN OO0DYEAR, Guardian. Estáte of John L. Shoar. QTATB OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Waahtenaw, m vt At a KBSkm if the l'robate Court foi the uiintj of Wiwhtenaw, holden at thr Probate fficf. in tïi city of Ann Arbor, on Thonday, the twenty-iittli dai of January , intiieyeac one thousanü. vight hnndrei and sevonv-two, Troscnt, Iïiram J. Beakos, Jndge of Probate. ín the iui'.ut of the essUte of John L. Sïnar, flwwaiKiii, Abram Sheftr, Admfaüatrator of said tríate, cumos into Court and represent it tliat he íh now prvpnrcd to render his ttnul account as such Administrator. Thei"upon il is oitlfifd, tliat Muiulay, tluMimetconth dayof February next, at tenoYlook in the foreuoon, ]♦■ assijrned for examining and attowing sm-h iucount, and that the heint ut law of smid diceased, aud all uthca persons iiiterested. in s.iil estáte, arert!f)nirtíItoappear at a session of tuüd ('ourt, then to bé holden at the l'robate OMlce, in the city of Aun Arbor, in siiid Goanty, aad minr eanae, it' any there Ih-, why the sald account slHuld not be allo wed : And it is lurt),er onïered, that said Administrator glve notiee to the persons inturented in said estáte, of the pendeney of said account, and the hearing thereof, bj OOtuing a copy of this onler to be published in tíic Michigan Aryuit, a newepaper printed and circulating in stiid (iounty. three successivc weeks piwiuua tusnitl day of ly;rin;. (A true copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKER, 1358 Ju-lire ot l'robate. Ëstato of Albert Sonnewald. VÉTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the 'ounty of Wiishtenaw, holden at the l'robate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on ThursUay, the tweiity-iifrh day of Jtinuary, in theyear oue thoasiind LÍyht hurlred and rteventy-two. l'roent, llinim J. Reakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the etitate of AlUa-t öonuewald, minor. Christian Mnck, Guardian of said eslate, comes into court and representa tliat he now ptopexod to iender his final account as such Uunidiun ThereujMJii it is ordered, that MoiMÏ.ty, the nineteenth day of Fcbrunry next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asigned for examiniug and ullowlag such account, and that the next of kin of said minor, and all other persons interest etl In eaid esttc, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to beholdtn at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, Ín said County, and show cause, if iniy thexe be, irUy the saitl account should not be alloweu : And it is furtbor ordered that said Onardüa givc notioe to the persons interesled in snid ostate, of the pendeney of said account, and the hearing thereof, by c&u&ing a copy of this order to be puUistied in the Michigan Arptsy a newflpaper printed and circulatin? in said County, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.} U1UAM J. KËAKE8, 13öö Judgeof Probate. Estte of James Mooro, Sen. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, w. At a se&iion of the Probate Court for thu county uf Waahtenaw, holden at tho Probate Ottioe, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturdny, the thirU-euth day of January, in the year onc thouaand eight huudrea and aevfuty-two. Present Hiram J. lïeake, Judge of Probate. ln.thc matter of tho estáte of James Muore, Sen., deoeaaed. On readingand flling the petition, duly Tcrifled, of Jane M. Cooley. .praying that William Jingli---li or gome other suitable peraon n ia y be appoiuted lulministnrtOV of the CHtate of saiil deeeaseu. Thereupon it is ordereil, that Momlay, the twtifïli day of February next, at ten oclock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the huirs at law of .ml deceacd, aud all other Iiersons interested in said estáte, are required to apjx'ar at a scasïon of said Court, then to be holden at the Pi-obate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitiuuer ehoold not be grantedï And IC is ftixtber ordered, tliitt s:ml petitioner givO notiee to the persons inter ested in saiil estáte, ut' the pe&denoy ut" suül pet ilion, and the liearinf? thereof, by cnueing' a copy of tins order tobo publishcd in the Michigttn Anuw, a newspaper printod and circulnting1 in nld county, thive succesfiive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A trueocuy.J ' Hl KAM J. BEAKE& 1SW Judge of Probate. Estáte of Danitil B. Green. STATE OF MICUIGAN, County of Wanhtennw, i'sAt u sesaiou of the ProWtite Cuurt for thi County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probnte Office, in the (,'itv oí' Aun Arbor, on Monday, the fifteenth day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred aud seventy-Vwu, Present Hiram J. Battkes, Judge of Prabuie. In the matter of the Estáte of Daniel It. Green deoeased. On ronding and petition, duly verificd, of Effbort P. IXariXT, Administra tor, praying that he may be licensea to Bell certain real estáte whenof sald L died eeiiedj fbr tht; purpoae oi distribating the proeeedh of mob sale amon las heirs at ltvw. Theivupon itis ordered, thnt Slandttyt)iriiiii( tcentli dayof Februwy noxt, ut, ton oVluok in the forenoinbe aaalgned for the hearing ui aaid petítioo, mro hat the l:eiis t lnw of said cloceusel, nuil all othci pursons lutoioatofl in satd eetate, are tequired u appeai ,t a tiession of said Court, then to be holden, at the "loliate OiHce, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show juist, if uiiy Entre be, why the prayer of dn' petítner hould not be g-raiiUd : A rul it is fm-tUiinlrroVthM ■oM potitioncr gfro Tietiitw to the pfmaai intereteU in úd estáte, of toe pendeney e# aaül petition, and the learinw thereof, by cansina ft opy of thïH order to be rablasbod bn tha Michwan Argut, newjqkapei printed and dreaJattaa In hm ooanty, foarauoqBedTeweeki irevious to Raid day of hearing. (Atruooopy.l iUUAM J. ÜKAKKS, 13fl7 Judfe of Probate. Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by


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Michigan Argus