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Kstatü of Caroline D. Freer OTATE OP MICHIGAN .Oonntyof WaiM O At a Beieion of the Probate Cari i, n". u ! of Wahtenaw, holden at ih. ■ ''"u, I VHj of Ann Arbor, nn Mi 4ej. Ualft 'U, ' of Jarranry, in the year oi.,Tuuj7i ' dreddsicny-two. VJ"1"1 '■,,! Prevent, HirnmJ. Benken.Judïeorp In the matter of the K.tate ui 1 ( aroln. "' decenso.d. oliiit u. f, On redding nnd flli ng the petltlon r! nl. George A. heer. praylag L„ b; "rlywH I raHMU p-won, may le appuinled Ad?' " ir tlwc-tilo of saiil detraed. """ Tlicryipon II i ordered, thaiTneiuI.. .v teenth day (.! rVhrnnry n.xt, ni ten o' iLí " forcnoon be awltfncd fnr ihv hmrim.ïr " ikr ti..n, nnd tïi.-i brin n , ol,"" wJ ceaeed,aodallo1heroer8uDlnteretudl. ff" arere()jiirl [, ipprar at a i-p,.lu„ ' j ■ ''JWMiL W t,. b holden at the lVohate o. c why the praycr f the petllloner shou jrranted: And il r.irlhcr urrt-red, llj.i ' Ooner gWe notice t. the perron „te,,.'.' i'"1::". ' estáte, of the perteocy ofgatd iietitinn ",W i beafhMrthBrVrcaMaca eopr ofiX' M tr bepnblhbefl ia tik i;..;,,,,, ,!;,,„", '"'" d„ printcd nnd cirentfuiag in snid „„'„, '.VHp, cessivewet-kiprcviatSr o aaiddat olhr.H ". Ctruecopy; gj& Estáte of I II u sers - íShojx " OTATE OF MIOIIIOAN, Oonnty ofwïiü. O At a semion of the Probate Court for tkS'11of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate ru!! e City of Ann Arbor, on Krid ik, "" day of Jannary, in the yai oni "thunL.i"1" hundred and serent} tico. vuuhmi „„ Present. Iliritm J.Beak, .fu.l-- „r Pr„i. In the matter of the of JSSfCaroline Hniucr and ENzabeth llnuji-r m ÏS OnrendlueandMlnK the peiltiim, clu'i,,:",'" Frederick Alrx-r Guardián, prayln thai L Uli liccnsed to aell curtaio real ' estáte uïf.' W faid minor?. ""Mt i, Thcreopon It Is ordered that u.m,i. twclfth day of Febrnary mxl. at ten oïJmVi' llr forenoon.beaMlrned lor il ht-ari r ,7-j ' ■ tion, and that the next of kin of m " and all other penosa iutcrested in ,1 """'■ are roquired 'o appeai at a seísuin ol,ul"'i then to be holden 111 the Probate Oflicv.iii ik,,,"1. Ann Arbor, nnd show cause, ifasTtktreiTLk? prayer of the peliiloner ehuulil nol t)e ,.„' Aml i iiurUtcr ordcrcil, tual aid im-iuí?, :- notlcc to the nexl of kir. of „ld min,' ' " othr prraoii intercatcd in naid estntt 1 "' pendency of . iaid petition. ;iud the hearioir uJÜ. " cariín.' acoiy of this order to e poblitíSp1'' Mickiiiux Ar?Ht,n DewapapeT printedandrii-.i1'' in said County threcsiiwssivc weeku mÏSÏ'"' saiddayofheariof; 11IKAM .1. BEAR11" Atrueoopy. -i.tíg. Estáte of William Johnson OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of WlL C5 At a somiioii of tlic Irubatr (onit tor th.r ' Waahtenr, bolden ot the Piobute (,„ ..ï.1'. of Ann Arbor, on Mouuay, tlie liirhtb S, '. January, in the year une thousnnd eúcht hajI Bcventy-two. nm Prewnt, Hiram J. Tlcnkes, JvAae of Proiai, In the matier of the catntu ut ViUum jIl dpceaMïd. ""tl, On rcadini? and filinp thepctifion.dulr ntjiuj ., William II. JijIiiimmi. prayioK that ' !la'nV7 aotoe othrr Huitable perwn. mny ■,.-;, '_i , '5 istrntor of the estáte of jik! dtwjiA. ■ Thcreupon it is ordervd, (hal ik. 10 dny of next, at ten .. '-'T 2? noon, be aü for the heuriit, ,,. .. jjLJ"1 and tliKt the heini at luw of xiid w.. -,:, "i.-'ïf' er jeriiis inteiested in sail -i;ii .-. ;ir r..1. !.rúT pear at a Kmion of said Court, Ihen tn h hol!" the Probate OBiec, in the City of Ann Arlm ! aliow eiuwe, if any Ihcre be, wliy tht. ram j r!titionerahouldnot be irrantnl: And il jTfL?' orderwl, thnt aaiil pvtitionereire aofm to Ih. lï' intcrestod in siid tétate, of Uw nendenn of ,?.' 1 tion, and the hcarinir thereof, l.y tmmg 9 tvnJa" onl.r to be piibUWiMl 11 thi MM.ign Arm, 7,T paper printnl and rircuUting in said umi nT iiccemive weeka previous to nid dny ,if Uarici (A truc rapy.) HIKAM J. BKAKtï sis J udge of Pnii,, Estute of Johu Shaughness. CTATE OF MIWIIGAN. countyof WMhta„ . O At 11 ion of Probate (.oort for tht oí WaBhtenaw, ),.]!,■■, at l'rohtl. (hb„Ï city ot Ann Arbor. (1 Tbmsdny, the ,%l,ti,ik'iatrf January. in the year onu tlumaima , iirht h.ïïj and seventy livo. " Present, Uiram J. Beuke, .Tndce of Piobate In the matter of the eatale uf Jolm skKw On n-alin? :ind filiup the petition, dnlv mUtLd Miobael praying Uiat a ctrtait SJn ineiit now op 81e in thit o.nrt. purportilis ,„ h Z last will and taatwwat of Mid d.w.,! „ ïl !? mitteü to rrohate aml that be m.iv be mimuM h ecutor thereof. ir! u. Thcreupou itis onlervd, (bat Toewlay (hetlü,.! day uf l'ubruary next, at ten o'clock in the lor, te laagned for the hearing of .s;,, Kink. nj ,iJ thelettatees, devisecs and bein at iawof Midèiawï nnd all other persons inlertti-d in ank) nuie ntol quiral to apncnr at n aeion of .id coi.rt, H „ holden, at the Prolate tfiee. in the citr of Am Ir bor, and show m, if any tbere K iriit the mm of the petltioner sliould not be Ah further orOcrcd thnt w.I petitioncr Bive dw u. tí IniM.iisiiiteresttediu said cvtntc, of the ptodamil ■aid petition. and the heorinif therest bi ümm 1 copy of this order to bc publühed in ihe mL, , Argits, a newspaper printed and 'rculaiiiu. inul i eounty, ttuv-e successive weeks pr:viouto saiddnii ' lrairinf-. " IA tine copj-.) Ulimt J. BKJKR 13S Jodn oí PiOm. Estat! of Leona rd FelL OTATK Ol MICHIOAN, County of Wün„n ' : A' ■ s'sl'i'n ol the Prnlntr Court nvUrl'iMirf Wiuhtennw, holden at ihe Probate 1 )m, á ttr i t Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the Ihirwiilk dn ii January, in thv yiar onethouuDd etónminiul nventy-two. Present Uinon J. Beakes, Jndgo ot PróMt. In the matter 01' the estttc ol Leouard ïtü. I ceseï. Cmnading and fdina the petif ion, dnlj itnfci I Iabell Vil, prayins thnt Milotnig.or miiki Burtable pfrson. mny be apjointed iidiiuiútnw t( the estáte ol aaid deomed. Tbcreuiion it is onierwl, fluii ildnday, tbt litltt ilayof February iiuvt. at tn o'dock il tht tatnoon. bcassigned for the hearing of raid mH' thut thi' lieim 11 1 luw of itaid decenrcd, and U min ptrsnn intereated in naid estute, nro iiiM appoar at a scssií.n f aid ('nnrl, Uirn tut hoMn t the Probate Offirr, in the City of Aun show enuac, if any there be, irhy tae prayir of k[f titioner shuuld nnt be aunteu : A id it 'is firtM ndcred, that aaid petitioner (rfve notke to tVjmm ïnterttirc-d in andd .1 ar, .f the pendeacy of id pition, aml the hearinp thereof, by cniisint.' eopy rftlil order to be published in the Ulirhiptu .Irjiu, a nipajpcr printvd and rircnlitini; in said Comilr, to auccessivc weeks prcviou to aid day of bearir.;. (A trwe oupyj HIKAM J. HEAKEP. I3Í7 JudgcofProkK. Estato of Kichanl Murraj'. CTATEOPMICIIlQAN.Conntj ofWa(hlem. O Al ti amtjoii of the Probate Conrt forlkf CH) ' of Washtenaw. holden at Ihe Probate OtBtf, il itt City of Ann Arbor. on Samrday. tht hiiihiij'l January. in the ycar one thousaud %il k dreil and seventy twi'. Present Hirani J. m-ake?. Tnde of Prolxli In the matter of the estáte uf Kithard irnj. decea-ed Thomas Mnrrny and Thom.i Clark. Iientoni( the laat will nnd testament ol aahlilrceMl,cow ' into Vuurt and represent that tac y are mm p:tp" 10 reuHer th ir fiual sjecoont as .lirti rlsecnturï 'Chcrenpon il i Onhrrcd, that Mondaj. ik' " day of February Beat at ten o"cl ck iu tbr '■ noon, be asigned fur exarninin mit alkïlJf surh account," and thal ihe lipilre-, '"' and heirs at law of said deceaied, iri " otber pervone interected in nid ltr, re riqniri'd to appear ata M'm-Idii of iil 1 inri ' be holden al the Probalc i.-'fliet in Ihe CilJ ditl Arbor, in aid Connty 11 nd show canse. IfaijH"' be.why the said ruimt .-kon UI not belto"' And it ia fnrther orderwi ihat saiil tin' give noticc to the intcreitti'd in said estit of the pendency ofsai'i .■ m. w! the berii( thereof. hycausingaconv "f hb ordfr I b t' liehedinthe AitAira;. :i-(j. a iiewsnopi'i priti1 and clrctitnting in Mid Conntj. thrve sncttai weck? previonj to aidday nf hrtrlnc, f A truecopy.) 11IHAM J. ÜEAKKS, 1356 JudteofProb"Kstuttr of AlU-u V. Boulinc. OTATE OF MlCIHGAN.Countyor.V -ihifoi. J AU seseion of the Probate Court for the CeiT of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate oBct I"1 city of Ann Arbor,' 00 Monday, the eishl "' of Janaarjr, in the year one thoumnd eigbt I dred and ?eventy-two. l'rescut, Ulram J. Reafces, Judgr ofl'. Inthemilter of the estáte ol Alku . ' '"'■■ deceaed. Christopher ïloward, A(lminfftrnf ' " comes iuto Conrt and represente tbar rcpared lo rentier bis Anal account as trator. Thereuponit is Ordered, that Momtn.t ï lay of Febrnary nejtt, nt ten o'flotli : 'T orenoun. be aneij'ned fr examlnilig and TT,1. snch accoaui, and that the htirntlav, ■'■',,' ceased.and all olherpersunrintereFleii in si '' are required to apjear at asession ofsid Con"; "' o be holden at the Probate Offlee. i 11 tbr CU;11? Arbor in saidCounty.andshowcaniP if ■? I'fl.,ï! why the said account shonld not beallowed.-iwV nrthcr ordered, thnt said Admiiibtratorsi'? 0 the persons interested in unid estáte, oí l AT lency of said account, nnd the hcarinj; thtref 1, . aitsinj; a copy of this order to be pnblintt " '', Michigan Argus,& newspaper printcd and cirf ou1' n said County, threc succcssítc weeks yre1" ai'1 day of hearing. . CA trecopy.) H1RAM J. BEAKEN 135 JudseofProl"Kstate of Cora A. Cuinings. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coonty of Washtonl. J At a ■ion of the Probate Court for tbe I"' f Washtenaw, holden nt the lrobtc Oiiic . ■ " City of Ana Arbor, on Wedncsduy, the 'f'.,, t .lanmiry, in the year one UiousanJ cijrut 1 n-tl and wnity-two. Preent, Uiram J. Bcake, Judirc of rrobti. ia tk matter of the estáte oí lora A. l"BW lúRor. .,,,( m reading and filinir the petition, dnly vtn."z., Í Mlctta J. Stwlmnn, liuardian.prayini tbatwe"3 be licensed to Bell vertaiu tcal estalt bciong'W '" iiimir. ii Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, tbe t ay of Febrnary ni'xt, at ten o'elock in the f""D. ,n iKurued for the hearing of nimI petition. and t'VBi aan Of kin of iid minor, nod 11 other pw Qterested in uaid catate, are r4)ird to ttpri'i11"' ,' -e ion of aaid Conrt, then to be holden nt Diern",) Olfice, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show w"jj ny there be, why the prayer of the petitioner ot befrranti'il : ' And it i fnrther ordered. tli jjjj tetitioner ive notice to tho pcraons interestt"" ' state, of tne pendency st aaxl per it ion, and fee ,', nK thereof, by Nuráag a copy of thii ordil ublished i ihe JKehimtn Anjut, a newípaper.F nd circulíttinp in said county, tlirce sucets111 Mvitmstn ;iidday of hcarin?. ,.rt (A true copy.) HIKAM J. BEL5l 1S66 Judsc of IV. Commissioners' Notice. t QTATE (IF MIClU(i AX, nty of WmM "% O The undcntunied, haring been apjxiintc 1 rulüit Court for snid founty, ("ommiw"""1 j, i live, evainineanduljiit all i-laims umi icm?.Mi. 11 persons against tne i-stute of Vulentw ■ r t(t ite of vaitl county lot'usitl, herrhy pive "' if x montha fiom date are allowed, by ordcf i róbate Court, tbr creditors to present toe ' rj gainst tlir , stilt if wiiil deeeased, and tbt In . leel t the rwidence of W. E. WewcUs. m t' ,, 1 snit! fiiunty, on Saturday, the ninth ""'.!. „(ïH ml iu Fridny, the twenty-eighth day of J'""lïjït. t tci o'clock a. m;.. of each of said days toi uxjoftine, and adjiMf saij '.aiinit. D,tcd, Dec. 2StAi .. ffiT T go?joX


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Michigan Argus