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MICIIU.'.VN CENTBAL BAlLfiOÁD. NU M.M HU TI.MU TABLE. Passenger truins düw luavc the severiil station?} us folloWd I GOINtt WKST. „I Á STATIONS. I Ü X tO O ï I 14 I i A. M. A. M. P, M. P. M. P. M. Detroit, leavo, 7 ll 'J 3(1 4 1" 5 40 ü 30 Ypsilimti, 8 28 10 28 S 40 ï 05 in 40 AnnArbor, 8 52 10 57 6 05 7 40 11 00 Doxter, 9 20 - - 6 35 8 05 ('helse, 9 40 8 25 Gniss Liike, 10 07 8 52 A. M. Jiickson, 10 40 12 14 9 30 12 15 P. M. P. M. A. M. Kniiimnzno, 2 10 2 55 12 25 Chiatgo amre, g 80 8_00 _ 6 30 ; 30 oonta kast. HïjifTfl 1'. .M. P. M. A. M. A. M. Chicago, leave, 5 15 il 00 0 00 W A. M. P. M. K';iliimazoo, II ri5 2 15 11 U 2 00 A. H. l'. . Taikson, i 55 4 ris s oo 4 17 (irnss I.iikc, 5 00 3 .2 Ca,]v:i, 5 2.'. A.M. .158 I texter, 5 40 7 05 4 15 !in .ilK)r, 1 H fi 00 7 3: 4 42 i 24 Vivilunti, 2 S2 6 20 8 00 5 05 5 10 !■ ! il. irrivc1_ 33S _7 25 9 25_ ( 25 6 45 The l)tftir Tniin runs t .Taclisoii Satunljiy eveniirr' on " Srening Expre" tiinr. and l:u-k Monday morning 'n rts-own. "Niirht Lxpro" ilom DOt pOJCWui M'Mnlny moviiin'. TJie Atlantic mul l':ioilic ExpiaH run bctwetii JackMn :md Nile on the Air Uae. Datl Nuv. Wth. 1871. pOKT WAY2ÍE, JACKáON AND Saginaw Railroad. The most ditrct route to Pittstmrp, l'lnlailelphin, lïiiltimorc, Washington! and nll polnti öouth tam BOUthweSti Traiu run by ('hrcugo Tiine. TltAINfi OOING SOlTTtl, Mini. Fjyress, Angola Ace. Aun Arbor, 1" M A. M. .Inckson, " 15 A. M. 12 17 P. M. 4 25 v. M. Il.iw.vcr. 7 55 12 52 6 14 .lom-svüle, 23 1 '7 J 5J Angola, 9 :3 9 w 8 S Watorloo. 1" M 3 2'J Aulnim, H 48 4 42 V.,ri Taime, 11 45 5 45 IndtaDOpUs, 0 20 r. m i, B M 30 a. m. Louisville, 11 K) TllAINS OOIKO KOBTB. Angola Ace. Exvrea. Watt Lnabrflto, 30 a. m. 11 (ioi-.m. .... 7 00 A. M. Indiaoapolia, 3 sn r. m. 10 25 Fort Wnyue, .11 10 a. m. 4 10 p. m. Aiihuru, ' OH F.M. 5 13 Wattrloo, 12 20 6 27 innolii, 15 a. M. 1 20 C 20 Jonwvlle, 8 25 1 U 7 45 llnnover, ü 05 3 18 IS Jaoluon, Ui oo 3 55 8 50 Aim Arbor, 4 42 5 24 At Jackson- ('lcw conneetions ni made witli Mlohigán Central, Jekon, l.anMiii? ; Beghiinr, aiul Qnao ltivor ViilU'V Kallroail. ..... At JoiK-Hville- WithLake Shoi-e& Miclii(fan&uutliCrAt Watedoo- Wlth I-uke Sbore & Micliigun SouthelAt Fort Wayne- With PlCUburg, Fort Wuyne & Cbicaso: Toledo, Wabaati 4 Western, aud Ft. waynt, Mum-iu Cinciunati EnUl-dj. a fi Kon-T. Rili.ii, Oen'l. Ticket Ag't. Bec. 11, 171. yHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. roiIN 3 HAGI.EY. President. IA' oí! S FUiRAND, Vice i'rceident. mus T. LIGGBTT.8ecretary. IAMES (_:. WAT8ON, Actuar. L. M. TIIAYEK, General Agent. SALI'E BOAUtToF CONTROL For tlic Towns of Pittwfielrt, Vork, l.oili. Sulin, ('reedom, Hridgewatcr, Miiirnn aiKl Mancheütcr, beo. H. Palmer, Att'y. at w. II. Davenport, Bankur. O. üoodinK. Farmer, John Richa.ds. Farmer. Oeorge Coe, Farmer, II w. Baiwett. Farmer. M V. Roik. Principal Union School, C Parsons.MerchiuiL I). LeBaron, Farmer. , A. D.Snmner, Kannor. OFTICÉRS : a. W. BASííCTT. President. 'J. UUOUIKU. Vice Presirlent. Vf. H. DAVKNPORT, Treasurer. QEO U. PAI.MKR. Atly.. 3KO. lé. FOOTE, Sec'y and Dist. Agent. Insure wlth the Michigan Mutual because it inve&ts the fuuds of its Policy Holdeis of this District In the District, under the supervisiou of the Boaid, THEREBY ASSIT1NO TO ÜEVEI.OP OUR RESUURCKS. Poücy HolderB eenre to thcmselres The Highcst Ratos of Interest There is a difference of fnlly 3 per ceiit bütwccn rntes of interest East aud West. $1 ,000 Invosted annually for 50 yeare, at 10 per cent , amounts to I ,ZS(),2!li. H $l,0U0 inveeted annually for 60 yr'B; at 7 per cent., amt'8 to 434,980.00 Differcnce, 845.313.4) The liighcr tlie ratcs of interest receiyed the less will be the cost f insurance and the larger the dividends. .All rolioiee are N"on-ï'orfeitaV)le ufter parinent oí" one uiu mal X'rtMJiium. It pays Dividends on the First Premium. IT Dl ONK-TH 1.1,1 III OF AIX TUE l!l SI Mss DOKE 19) THIS STATE IK 1870, COIOPETIMi W1TH 61 t0.11IM.MtS. It can FüRtíisn Undoubtkd Assürance ïo Michigan Men at Lbss Cost tiian any üt11kr oompany. The Company is Prohibitefl by Law from Speculating in Real Estáte or ÜtherwiseIt deals in CASII ONLY. "HIsn ohvions principie oí Life Aneuraace that it cauuot be duue ón credit. Tbc article in whicb tho Comjany deal must be paid for la Caeh before it can be eupplied." ANN ARBOR BOARD OF COMROL For ttie City of Aun Arltor, and Tuuus of Ann Arbor, IVortlificId, Wchuirr, Nrio, I, umi. ii-iit, Sylvuuund !.■■ dou, EACHMSMBEB IH8ÜBED FOR $5,000 Ilon. C'linrle Tripp, E'iha B. Pocd, 11. Y, .l.-ii vv.iikI, a. M., c.E.Uenry t. Bonictt, v,,i. !'. Brakey, M. I)., Btephen U. Wcbater, T. U. A. BMViptu, Loonlmnl íiuni:]-, Viiíii ttemaia, Edmuud Ulóijd. cífficers Of r;ir. boaud : CHARI.Kü TRIPÍ", l'residfnt. E B. ri.I). Vicc l'i'KÍdrnl. SÏKl'HBN M. WHUSTKK. Tninsurcr. W. ?. UÜKAKKY. tí. !-. Medical ExamincT. .1. (,. A. SICSS1ONS. Attorneynrd Al-iiii. OEO. L. FOOTE, SoíroUiy aud District Aat. bita


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Michigan Argus