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The Alabama Claims Imbroglio

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Nkw YORK, Fob. 7. Tho Tdegraph publishcd tbc following as tho genuino dispatchos wliich have pasaed betweon Schenck and Pish ; there is no eonfirmation of tho nows from other sourcus : London, Fob. 5. To tho Hon. Hamilton Fisb, Socrctary of State, Washington : Snt - In view of tho oxprossion of opinión as to what tho action of Oroat lïritain shonld !x; in referenoe to tin Genova conference on the part of Cbief Justice Cockbnrn, and the general tone of the English prees. I desire to b; offioially informod whether the Government of the United Statos will in any degree recode from its claims for ïndemnity, as rucently present cd. Obedient servaut, BOBERT M. SHEXCK, Envoy Extraordinary and Ministor Plenipotentiary. DepabTMEXT of State, "Washington, Fek ■"'. 'f o tho Honorable liohert M. Rchenek, Envoy lïxtraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of tho Unitod fcJtutes, London : Si u - You are authorizod to affirm that in no ovent will the Government of the United States recedo from the position it has taken in relation to the Washington treaty. Your obcdient servant, IIAMILTON FISII, Socretary of Stato. Wasiiixgtox, Fob. 7. - Tho position taken by gentlemen closoly connectert with the administration of tho governiuent is that the British High Commissioners perfectly understood tho views of tho American High Commissioners in the negotiation of the treaty of Washington, botli from its tornis and the assertion in tho protocol, and that therefore our govornment is altogethor justified in presenting the case as it has, ol&iming conuequential tlamagos in case tho Board of Arbitrators shall not award a gross sum in satisfaction of the so-callcd Alabaiua claims. Xhis government is willing to stand by tho decisión of tho arbitrators. It is known that, though the British Oommissioners had full powors, they frcqueutly consnltod the home government, and actud in acoordance with its wishes in all they did. Itis oíñcially assorted that if tho claim for consequential damagos had not bren presented, and was not to bo passed upon, there might lie a compliiiiit by tho pciople of tho Unitod States that provisión was made for a partitii settloment only of the ditteiences betwoen the two countrios. Such claim was, therefore, presented for a fnll sottlement in the interest of peace, and to precludo furtlier disputes. This guverniiient has not yet ir.:. Lved Üio taxi of tho letter from Lord Granville to Gen. Schenck, and therefore cannot take official action npon it. Thnre is no probability whatever that Our povèrnment will withdraw auy part of its statement of tho case, but will leavo the British Government to pursuo its own course or tho tribunal of arbstrators to act in the premisos according to the treaty stipulations, nor is it likely that our counsel will take action in order to accommodato the British Government. CSpecial dispatch tu tho New York Tribune] LONDON, Feb. 7. - Earl Granville's dispateh cantains no threat to withilraw from arbitration, and niakes neither a deniiuul nor a proposal. It simply calis attention, in températe and conciliatory langnage, to the meanisg that Bngland attaches to tho troaty. Qladatone'sBpeeohos yesterday andtoAlay are only criticis'(1 as misehievous, olïensivo and oeedlessly rrritating, and it is believed several memben of the Gabiaet strongly disapprove of their passionate tono. The Oabiuet and people are unanimous for abandonin. arbitration unleaa the Amerioan claims are modiiied. There iaaointention to offer an aiïront to America. The situation is regardcd in the highost Knglish and Amerioan gvarters as extn-mely gvave, but not hopele88


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