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A New Police Ordinance

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The Commoii Couucil, at the last regular Rsilon, passed .n orjinance relativo to rganinttOD and malntenance of u póIttlorce, the principal provisious of whlch ík. 1.- Provides lor the organizitiou of ipolice force in Üie city, to couMst ƒ the i Marshal, who shall be the Cliief, aud such mmber of policeinen as the Council shall !rom titue to time determine. Skc. 2.- States that the polfceiïien shall appolnted by the Marshal oí the city, fyand with the cóueit of the Counelï. Sec. 3. - Provides that any policemcn I ■y be suspended er tilsniissed for reasoub!e cause. I 4.- Makes tt the duty of every per ato ald thá pólice wlien called upon, ïod for refusal so to do, imposea a fine uot 'osxeeed 100, or imprlsonment for a term ottoexceed 00 diys. Sec. 5.- 3f.akes provlslons for the apfalntmeut of special ijolke, it occasion 'hould require. : Sfx. ff.- Provides for the .airaignmciit nil trial of persons arresCed. ] 8ec. 7.- llakes it the duty öï the Chicf of , Pólice to sec that the laws of the State and 'ordiuaneeSof ttie city are enforced, and keep the City AttoTiïey and prosecutiug Slcers of t'hé'-county advlsed öf ariy breach Maws or ördinances. Sec. 8,-üiTO the Chlef of Pólice power to promúlgate such orders as he may deern PWpcr, and obligatcs policemen to obey '■■' '■'.- Btates ihit any raeraber of the I Wlce for intoxication, vvillful disobediI "of orders, Indecent, profane, or harsh I ""Stiage or conduct, disrespect tö a -supc1 'w, unnecessary vlólence to any prisoner ot cltizcn, neglect In payingtiis Just debts, "ny trreach of the rules and regulations "fthe Councli, aliall be subject to répriI "ud, 'suspension, (Teduction fram liis pay, " "Usiaisgal-, aCcording to the nature ol ;ke offense. TKcre is a nmsance which lñfests ouv teets during all séaaónfi, and in nearly all indsüf vveather, and to which we desire salí the atter.tion of the public- the "CitvFutliers" included. We have ief'feoce to tfce travcliog Street venders. 'wy will station tliemsclvos pon some Wrner and yell aud shouL loud enoiigh to Wfen any decent persón, aml keep it up as Ollg as they can retaiu a listenei1 or lookcr Onobstructní: sido aml cross-walks, aiicl "agcncral thing setting their cüstomers xl which are not worth owder to blow u np. ve have any quaaüty oí good' llsble mei chauts in all bi-anctrc of trade, Wtnegg Arous " ads ",), iu our city tosup)'y ''on)e anta and the wants of Hie surondiujr country, where psopíe can buy 'ntllicy want a góod deal cheaper, aml w wliat thev are buying. We uiost rePectfui!y ask the lleensc grantiug powors l'ie city ir the small foe ueceived will Pusate, eithor for the yelplng and InavQnioncc experieneed by the peopic don l)osneSS on Mnin and Iluron Sts., or J Moucy whtch these patont qnackg and The annual Catalogue- excuse us, Calendar,- of the Univcrsity of Michigan, for 1Ö71-2, has been placed upon our tublo. It coutains the usual announcemcnts, des cription of courses with syucliroiiistic ta ble of class exercises anti lecturus in the several courses, a briol description of the museum, - to which iï.lGS specimens have beeu uddcd durlng the, - and mncli other matter whlcü wlU bo of general interest. It contalns the ñames uf 1,207 students who have matriculatcd during tlie present college year, and sincu its pub ücation " or oO more have registered, mak ing consideiable of an excess over ihe past ye;ir. We flnd the mimbers ia the severa departments, as follows : lÁUrary Department : Resident Qradoates, - 9 Seniors, ---. 83 Jiiniors, ..-- 7;t Uopbomure, - - - i)7 Freshmeu, M8 In JSelected - - - 40 in Pharmacy, .... 40 Total iu the Dcpartmeut, 50Ü Law Department: Seniora, J43 Juuiors, ----- 208 total in the Department, 348 tedical Deparlm&nt : Total In the Pcpaftltient, 350 If we have been able to distinguish beween male and female names, - whlch we von't swear to, - there are GS of the latter il the several dcj)aH!ents, classilled as JlOWá : Lilerary Department : Seniors, ----- 1 Sopllomores, - - - - 7 Freshmen, - - - - '18 Iu Stdected Studies, - - 5 Total, 86 mr Dep-irtmcnl : Senior, 1 Juniors, .... 3 ledkdl Department : Total, - - 88 Of all the stwdtnts in tho Umversity Ilchlgan furnlshes 505; Oliio, TJ4; 1111 ois, Vi'i ; Nc-w Yorkj 87 ; Indiana, 56 ; 'euusylvania, '9 ; Iowa and Wisconsin, 31 ach ; Missouri, 23 ; Tennessee, 10 ; Jlass chusctts, 12; Vennont, 12; KeBtucky, 9; [miosota, 0 ; Maiuc, Connecticut, Kansas, each ; New Jersey, 8 ; Delftware, !5 ; New 'iimp.slüi'e, Arkíinsas', Virginia, West irinla, California, 2 eacli ; Marjrland, Jihode sland, Nebruska, Montana 1 each ; Oïitao, Canada, 27; and New Brunswick aud ie ButAwkdl Islauds, l-etek. The lollowing is the list of peut lurors draivu for the ncxt term of Uta Circuit Court, to fcotuuieiice Mouday, Februnr; Mth : Warren Babcock, Superior. Horace W. Blgelosr, Ypsilanti rJitj'. Julm C Binl, Aan Arbor. Kilward L. Boyden, Webster. Horatio Buren, Manchester, üeorge Canfield, Lyiulou. Auruu ChilcU, Augusli. Orniau Clark, Lyodou. Win. II. Davidson, Sylvan. Geo. W. Fream, todi. William Hall, BbuOK Jas. llalliday, Jr., I5ndgewat Ernst G. Hamer, Freedom. Egbert P. Hirper, Lodi. William llumplircy, Lodl. Jacob J. Jedete, Scio. II. Kempf, Syh-s.ii. James M. Kelsey, Yoik. Lymtin VV Lake, Ypsllantl CilAr. Mitthews, Ann Arbor City. Jolni D. Merrithew, Manchester. Morgan O'Brlea, Webster. John PéeÜioB, Salem. Jeremiah Peek, Aími Aibor City. Junitis ShMtj Br itige water. Delos Sinitli, ISoïthlleld. Benjamin i'. Bntton, Manchester. Charles Thayer, Anu Arbor City-. Aaron B. Vanatta, Northficld. James tí. Vanatta, Baleij'. Tic llteraiy sucieties of the Uüiversliy leld tlicir:uctions f'or oílicers last Fridoy v iiiiii?, wliicli resulted in tue folio iving selcctUms : AUT'UA K1I fiÓTIETV. President - Waltkr A. JJrooks. Vice President - Charles L. Wllson. Secreta?'y - Geo. S. Jíakcr. Treasurer - Chas, C. Stcwart. Librarían - (Jlairencc O. Begn. A&s't. Librarían - Frank E AnioUl. -Jas. 4.1. Kipat'ricfe. Ais'l Marshal - Win. A. Spaukl'ing. Senior üritic - Edwin I. Ayer. Junior Critic- WiMam B. Williams. ADELPin ÈOCIETY. Babton Smith. Vice Presiíknt - James R. Ooffe. Secretary - LevI L. Whccler. Ireusurer - Williain T. Underwood. Librarían - licha?l Iircnnan. Ass't. Librarían- GeonE. Hall. Marshal - Riley Foster. Sénior Qritic - John B. Bogovelt. JuiUcr Critic- Joseph M. LewlB. The followlng Be books havo jiïst beeu eoeived at the Ladras' Llbrary : Kcal rolks, by Mis. Whitney; Jouruey Round ly Room, by De Maistre; At Last, by Char'es Klngslty ; Donfcssions of au Engish Opium Eater, by De Quincey ; Short tudies on GreatSubjects,2d series, Fronde; Talue's English Litcrature ; Life of Fidelia Fiske; Half ïruths aod Truth, l"-y O. W. lanning; The Bow In the Cleods, by üishp Stevens ; The Last Tournameut, Teunyon ; The Divioc ïragedy, LougfeÜow ; Woman's Worth and Worthlessness, -Gaii launllton ; Saïtor Resartus; The Ffeuch levolution ; Life of John SteVUngi Oliver Cromwell's Ijettcrs and 8eeclies -, by Thom s Carlyle ; Tíie Country oí the Dwarfö, by Dn Chaiilii. The followiug ík a specimen of poetry we have been requested to publish by an cceutric individual, who remarked that t would bc refreshing to our readers " : " Oh for a lodgo in (v garden of cuoumbers ! Oh for ftn iceberg or two at cent rol ! Oh for a vale whioh at ïaid-day tho dew'cntabeï ! Oh for a pieasure trip up to lio l'olu 1 " Oh ttfat this oold world worfï tTtonty tiöiéa collier ! (That iïftny rod hot, it seeiAeth to me) Oh for a turn of iu dreivled cold shouldur Í Oh whftt a comfort an aguo "rould be f Further quotatiou we deem uuuccessary, as freezing sarcasm lsn't rellslïed this time of year. The Industrial M'onVdy, for February, comes to hand with a tablc of contents teaching a variety ol' subjects, and especlally interesting to mechanics, buikiers, manufacturera, iuventors, engineers, architects, and to most any one who ícela au i uto rest in handicraft. It is copiously illustrated, and is gottcn bp ia a very attractivc mnnner. Among tho contents of the present umber wo flnd articles on Hints to Iuventors, Floor-Warming, IIow to Make üood Mortar, Cheap Homes for : the People, etc. $1.50 per year. Address The "I.iDusTRiAt Móntuly," 170 Broadway, New York. liiílicaüons in railroad cirelus warrant us iu thu ixpcctaüon of bcing ablc to announce next week tliat the contract has been let flpom ihis city to the State une to reUable páftlea, that thc work will be comraenccd immediately, and mshed lo an early comipletioy,. Nccessity has conipelleJ us to send out a lot of bilis tliis week, wfaich we hopa uiii rcceive prompt attcntiou. Our credltors aro clamorous for pay, and thcro i eoough Uueus to twicc paf them. Ltt U8 liavc it.


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Michigan Argus