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Xi:w Yübk, Feb. Gth. Vestertlfty we had quito a flurry in Ünancint matters otving to the excitement caused by the bluster of English papers, with regard to t.t, Alataica claims. Gold advanccd to 1 WJii and stocks ftnd bonds became Sude. But the decline in gold to 09% insido of 48 hours, did more than volumes could to allay the excitertect. Xhere ia isoino foeling yet in the matter, but a verj' general iiíípn'Baion prevaila that the Brit ish goyeriimont, h;ivmg ascurtained what Americana think and would certainlydo.if the treaty ftn nuw rejectcd, will not be likuly to follow the federa sent out by thcir mnvspnperB. Mouey is rather stringent and may bo for c. ifesr dayt longer, for tht rcaRons just named. J-'lur ia dull and iuaulive. Wheat is l"c. Itwers white wostern,J,73.i amber and red, 1.62(3)1 68. Corn, bteudy, nt 73$ -l,1 foi new uiixod. Oats, steady at 63 aö.-j} ?,. Mcs poi'k, 1425. Lard, higher : steam, 9,'i; kettle, Ja Western bifftor, 1022. Egga, 30c. Cheese, flrmcr, at U&16)L. Whisky steady at 93XCotton bas advanced to 23.'.i, or Vü higher siuce August. Dry goods, thowgh not geucrally nctive, are fixm. The loudicg articiea are going up steadily. Dkteoit, Fcb. 7, 1872. "With more favorable weather the past weck thero las been a inore active inquiry for all kinds of goods. intimutod iii tliose letters, hardware, though havng madü eome important advances, was not at the op-notch ; so now wo have again advauces to report vhich in thcmsclves are enough to make fortunes for arge holders os stocks. Nails, since Monday, are .25c er keg higher ; tin is 25c)ei' box, aud aheet irou 20c 3Gi" 100 pounds, up. Kuil rods and several other mi ïor articles, both in iron and copper, me alao up.. And :.he jobbers SSy that the end Í3 not yet. Dry goods iré more active and " marking up " ia still the order fthoday. In brown drills, brown sheetinga, jeans ind ticks, ad vanees have beun madü. Statk bags are Lchigher- now 37i. Turpentine is up 5c, aud still idvancing. Alcohol is 30 lower. Oil leinon bas advanced fmm $5.25 to $6.00, and oil sassaf ras from $1.00 fco$l10. Theseaaon for dreaaud hogs ia practically avor. Thero aro very few ahippera and alnioit uo packcri operatiug. Ou the stroet tho farmers realizo $fj.ö0 to ÍG.00, but a round lot of raüroad hogs would not be wurtli to a packer moro tlibn $5.305.36. BfeM pork is down to $18(0á3.3t6. otty pui;k-d; to-day aome oountry pooked sold at $L-.;v li. Tlmt t"iu the tule for dressud liugs, bo ter as packura aru coucunled. Lard is iirm, 9o tMwg asked lor kottle (o&y ïendtired). Bmokod hajna quiet at lcíg1.2 J, audahoulders ut ïc(L 7 Country meatsduU al 10 ú)6 repectivoly. Clover Bcwt ia (iullat G.I0. J5eat brandö of tluur command $4.25(4.60, but the inquiry is limited. "WJieat grows in atroiigth aud Btiff prices nro lookcd for 30 dayw buiico, comparad wilh Ja.4t "Wüdnesday pricca 1 j iiigln.T. 'J"nu (liii"ivnt grales closcd this p. m. iis fiOIowfeï Extra, .fl.iri ; No. 1 White, ?1.52í Truadwtill, $l.öl ; amber. $1.4G. Corn U activo at Ö0& 51c, aud Oftts duU ut 40 Bnrley commnnd $1.00 per cwt. Orffil applca 8jte steady ut $3.Qii(g;i}.25 per bbl aml Ovjf.l atSa( KgguduU-at 23(2-1. PotatOM lirui btwC Cl.nict' ihoep would scll at $ti.5ü5aïf G.75# BbBfQSM at í 0.50, live weigatt and hogs at $5.45. Amn AnBon, Thursday, Fcb. 1. Apiï.es- 50c per bu., with littlo doiug. ttngi 7Sc. Piioea are declining1, 18@20 being paid. liucKWHEATri-ices have declincd to ÜOc per bu. Htians l.(5 per bu. is paid for good quulity. ('oun- lirings 56(3tOOc per bu. ('hií'ki-.ns- iJrcsed 10c. Ar1 v-iy poaroS] and commaiul mout any prico aaked, from 25c upwurd. Hay- $13@10 per ton, accovding to uality. JÏONKY - lli Clip, 1S@2OC. Lard- The markot st(m at 7@8c. Oats- 33í;í. 35 c. POTATOES- ÜÖC. ruK- In Drcsticdliogstho marlict romuiim quito firm;lt.ft.7.'i(!5.00. i;)L.p. IViikat- Tlie markcl is Bot ery adtlv, Whito w quota at J38v41.i3i and iui }1.3a1.83,


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Michigan Argus