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II A IllMso vs ].o-i]i)ivn and Raiseil 5ir- (iratcs and íías-Loirs, uiisn rpasscd in Hoauty of Dcsig-n and ! i IIarrion's indirect ribbcd vii:ji ItADIAXOR for llii:H and Low ' surc 1'. A. J{II,S.1Í;S, Uctroit, 1355m3 Solé Agents for Michigan. A NKW REMEDIAL AGENT, ( ?ccently discovered and bronpht Ín se by onof be most minuut physicians in New York. KENNEDY'S ! CONCENTRATEO EXTRACT OF PliNUSCANADENSIS, A pure, aciueous Extract, possessing superior asrfngent uu! tonic proporties, and recommended by he inghKBt medical authorities in the country as an UNFAILING REMEDY n all ebronic disensos ef thcmucoussnrfacc, and a spi-ciflc in the removal of morbld dincharacs, of whatever nature. Prescribedby the Medical profeeskm wtth fisnal and uniform succees in ti' treatment of Chrouic niarrhtea and üjaentery, Ni(;ht Sweats, Uterino and Pulmonary Hetnorthage, Ín coui-h ttended withprofuee Kxpectorutioii.íind as an Injecdonla Leucorrhcea or Whltn, Ulcerations of the Os Utertn and othnr vacinal ciiseases; in Catarrh, Pilen, Fis uresof the Anua, Buras, Scalfls, Jíxooriations, obHtiimti! ulcera, and in all cases requirinj; a powerful aetrineut and toDÍc rcmedy. Thoee alllicted witli any of tlio abovo diaeasos, and not wishing to cali upou thelr physiclnu, can purchase from thelr drugiflBt une or two dollar packngesof the; medicino, with phyeician'n full directions for use. EXAMINE THE AltTICTE 0P J. MARIÓN SI MS,M.D. Froin Ihc Medical Qazetto of Juno 24, 1S71. I taro aed Kanüedy'a Concontrated Extraet of Pimi C:iniulusiM íoriiborit el;lit months in sonie affcctionsof the rectum, vaginl. nnel corvix aterí ! I hiivo ust'd it, consldvrably diluted, as a vacinal wash, with great snecesa; bnt I prefer to apply it to the ostincie on cotton wool either pure or mixed with ji'Tf-rlnK, (irglyccrlno and rose water. Thos appllcd, tt ahonM remain intact for two or threc or eveu four dayn, and then be renowed In this way I íeen ciáronle granular va'-Mniíis reibedied in a few days that had resieted tho ordiuary remedies for weeks ; and I have seen sraunlar erosions, with lciicorrhiBa. disnpncnr very rapidly under its use. I havu ii"t timo to cío more 'than cali the attention of my professional brotaren to this now Kxtraet, which I am sure will soon be recoguized as a rnluable additinu to (ur materia medica. 287 Mndlaon Avnnue. For salo by all drugsjista. FARHAND, WILLIAMS & CO., in.íCm:iU State Agenta, Detroit, Mich.. JAM. B. REVENAUGH," PHOTOGRAPHERí' RETOUCHES ALL HIS NEGATITES BEFOHE PRINTING, SO THAT FRECKLES,MOTHSANDTAN í)o not show in any of his Picturos No Extra Charges. Finest Assortment of f oilet Goods in the City,nóy


Old News
Michigan Argus