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Better Care Of The Horse Needed

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Thoro is nothing in tJit ocunomy of horsekeeping that is of' moro conseqtiotico than dief, ui.i the discover of remedies for diseases. In it statu of miture, animáis aro not subject to disease, or veiy seldom ko, but under domostication tho OAM is changed. They aro hor) at the mercy of thoir ownors, and ninety-nine out of one hundred of their diseases aro attributable, eithor dircctly or indirectly, to want of proper feeding and can?, and espoeially so among horsos doing fast work. In citics, want of ventilation is one of tlu; crying evils, and in the country too much vontilation is often a causu of disease. Thete is no animal on tho farm that it will pay botter to keep warm and comfortablo tlian the horse. His ;oat is thinnod and shortoncd by grooitling, and conscquently tho animal is not able to withstand tho changos in the wenther a8 are those whose coats aro left to incroaso with tho cold. Wo think a few conciso rulos will not bc amiss as a guido in tliis direction. Thü consumption of lood should bo regulated by tho woather, tho oonjdition, work, age, tempor, form and hcalth of tho horse ; and these oiroumstancos must regulato tho allowance. The followingconcise rules are laid down in tho " Stablo Bock," by Stowart and Allen : " When the liorso has to work as much and as often as hu is able, his food should bo unlimited. " When tho work is such as to destroy the legs more iban it exhausts the system, the food must bo given with some rostriction, unloss the honv be a poor eator. " When the work is modérate, or less than moderate, a good feedor will nat too much. " When tho weather is cold, borses that are much oxposcd to it require more food than when the weather is warm. "When the horso is in good working condition, he needs less food than whilo ho is only gotting into condition. " Young, growing horses requiro a lït- tle more food than those ot maturo age ; but, as they are not tit for full work, tho difforenco is not groat. " Old horses thoso that havo begun to decline in vigor, require more food than the young or tho maturcd. " ilot-tempsred, irritable horseR seldom feed well ; but thoso that havo goud appetites require more food to keep tliem in condition, than others of quiet anl calm disposition. "Small-bellied, narrow-chested horfei require mor) iVnid than those of deep anc round carcas ; but few of them eat enougl to maintain thom in condition for ful work. "Lamo, greasy-heolod, and harnessgalled horses requiro an extra allowanrc of food to keep them in working condition. " Sickness, fevers, inflammationa, al' disoiises which inHuenco health so much as to throw the lmiso off work, demand with few exceptions, a sparo diet, whioh in general, consista of bran-mashes, grass carrots and hay." Careful attention to these rules wil: enable tho horse owner to save much vexation, time, and money, ín the econoluy of the stable and breeding stud. It is as neecssary that he study somothina of tho conditions noeessary to tho wei: boing of his animáis, as of tho other departments of farm economy. The horse is the noblest of mau's sorvants, and extra care bestowed licre is always auiply


Old News
Michigan Argus