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The Location Of Buildings

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One of the most important things thafc a farmer lias to dooide when ho is about to put up uew buildings is how to lócate; thom so as to secure all the advantages that may bo witliin his roach. First, a dwolling-house should nevcr bo located whore thoro is likely to bc Water in thu cellar, and a wet soil should always bo avoided. ïhe house should always, whero ït is possible, bo placed facing the oast or Houth, so as to get tbc bright, health-giviug sunbeauis itito nearly all tho rooms. Many otherwiso sensible niake sad mistakes in locating their houses, and find it out after some of their family havo fallón victims to disease caused by tho unhealthincss of the location of thuir dwellinghouso. We havo suen many a cellar whero at certain scasons of tho year thero could be found water to a considorablo depth, and tho wonder is that any pursou could be so short-sighted as to build on such spot. Wo could onlarge on this point, hut we hopo that none will bo so blind f.s to wholly disregard tho laws of' hcalth, and so nood to bo told of their duty over and over again. In locating out-buildings, not so much care necd bo observed ; still it is quito important that the bost judgmont should be uscd, especially in locating barns. It íb always botter to have a collar under the barn ; and it should, if possible, face cast or south, so that tho pigs undor the barn, and tho cattle that aio turned out in tho yard, may bo piotocted from tbc cold uorth winds. There are othor considorations to bo taken into account in placing out buildings. Tliey should be conveniently situated, so as to save timo and labor as much as possible ; yet wo would not aduiso the hitching togother of all tho buildings on the farm, as is too often the case in tho country, becauso in case of fire all would be consumed. It is generally botter to placo all farm buildings on elevated land, if such a place canbo found on the farm. Volumes havo been written on these matters, but still it is important to cali attention to the matter again.


Old News
Michigan Argus