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HBK"MaMaaHtHKliHHKRLnHaaüMlllHasaMaflBMCBlBV Etetfl Estittt; for Sale. OTATE OF MICHlXiAN%oountyofWashiiunt,jfa ö tuttíemattei ..i the itato t KHzaJaneO deoeuw a N"otico ís hereby giveHi tuut in pii,riuaiico ii hn i irli:r 'jaritt il tu thu muit 'isíiicd, Admínisiratorof tli. ustittuu'f said deceaaed, by theHon. Judge oí l'rolmto for tbfe county of Washtenaw, un thfl eíghth day oí JanuarV, A. í). 1872, there will bu sMd ar pubue vendue, to the highest bidder, at tho dwellmg hrtuso on the nxeinisea líer&inaftex desoribed, in tho Autinty of Wttititenttw, in miid state, on "Wedneeday . the t v.-iity-;iK'hth doy oí Kebruary, A. 1). 4n"2t ut ten o'cloclt Inthe forenoonQf that d;:v. (éubject to ailonouinbrnnoea by mortgáro or otherwiso exfeting t tbe tíincol thedeuthof said decentad), tho following desorlbod real ortatoto wil: The woutheant qúatter of the ndutheust qu.vtrr t vectianob in to usblp two soul h of range sts east lo said State, oontolniiig lurty aereé more r leas. Datcd, Juuiíiii-y tli, A. I). 1872. CASSIUtíM. OSGOOT), 1350td Administrator. Real Estáte for Bale. UTATK OF MIí'HHiAN', County of Wavhtenaw, ss. tn the matter pf ttaeetate of Hernán R. (i age, i. N'oticefshereDygtvefaj (bfct ín panannee of an ox'dtTKiantt-il to tho undenugned, administra ton uí lliu enlate uf said dtera.-d, I y Ilun. Jude of Probate for tho County Ot Washten&w, on thc fourth dayof Beptember, A. ]). ih;i, then will 1 sold at Public Vengue to. tbe highest Jmddax at the latoresidenosof said deoaased in the township of Sharon, in theoounty uf Washtenaw, ín said Btatejon Wednesday the twenty-üret day of Psbruary, A. I. 1879 ,t ten (i'flcck in thc fmenoon of that day (bubject to all encúmbranos ta mortgftRejprotherviseexistujffatthe lime of the deatb of saiddeceiUed, and airó subject to the right of dtiwer oí tlu; wuiow of :ú] deeeased tberein) tlu; EbUowtag 'ti-wribod Real Estáte, tu wit ; The Houthetwt quarter ot tbc southwest quaiter of seetion thirty-two, iii township two, south nf range thrce east, oontainiiiK fort y aeree moru orlase, ín sala Btate. Dated, Juuuury la, A. I. 1871. RUS8EIX WIIIPPLE, EUTHA.eAeB, Administra tora. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MU HIOAN, ooanty of Wa.xhtcnaw, as. In tha i&iatotor of the estáte of Haram-1 lí. Thorn, Kmeline B. Thorn, Lewii J. Thorn, Ebenezex B. Thorn, Mury Tborn, Euphemia Thorn, Aliño Thorn, and Frank C. Thuin, uiiums; .Volnv is ln-ivhy given, that ia pnrsuauoe of au order granted totheunderMgm-d, 4iuardtaii of tbe estáte of síiid minors by the ílon Judgeof for the coutity of ashtenaw, on riu: eleventh day oí' December, A. j. 1871, there will be Kld at public rendae, to tho highoet bidder, ut the dwellinjí ltoiiHo mi iho pvemiwes hcri'íiiaticr ilHcribed, in the county of Wfumtennw, in üüd State, uri Tnisiluy, the twentitth dny of I-obniary, A. 1). 172, at ten u'eloek in the í'orenoon of tliat day, (Hubjoct to all in ■uiabranccH by utOTtgnge orotlicrwise ezbting at the time of salo, and eJao mojeot to the rJght oí dower of the undcrÍriiod hh widow of ('liarlos Thorn, dooeaaedK tíie following deccríbed nal estáte, to wit : The andlviaod eight-nintha (W) of ettohof tliefollowEnf dssoribed panels of land, vi.: l'art of lot A or west subdivisión of the sonthwcst frnotíonal qnartei of seoüon seves. begumiog itt the north#hst comer of said lot A, running south one dcree snd thirty minutes east thiitoi.ti chnins ;uid two links to a stake in the east Une of said lot A, thenoe south eifhty-nine and thirty minutes west twwnty chaina nuil t)nrty-,'icrht. links to a stake on the weel Une t' iaid seetíon wven, thenos alonfl ssid line nortb one deiíree West, thirteen chains and two links to a anas trj BOOl i"ii oorneT] thence nlong the quartex lint nonhetehty-niíu deoreesand thirty mnmtes east twcnty usina snd tliirty-une links to the place of Njinning, contmninp Lweni y-six and 50-lOí) acre. Also iot A, or west siftídivision of the northwest tnetionnl quarter of unid Sfoticm neven, coniaiiiinii eijlity-one and 56-ldo ano. Aud ateo of tho south part of thc wost purt of ilie sonthvest inictional quartex of .soclion hix, contamina fort y acm : all in townnhip four south of range threc easti Id said statc. Diited.lJeccmberlUh, A.D. 1871. I i 1 SAUA1I C. THORX, Guardian. Real Estáte for Sale. TATE OF MICHIGAN', county of Washtonaw, ss. in the mntter of the estáte of Charles A. Ucodyear, inrnor: Notíoa ÍS hereby given that in pursuance oi an order grnnted to thc undersiued, Guardian of tbo Bátate of aaid minor, by the Hon. Judpc of Probate fr the couuly of Washtenaw, on tïie tighth day oi January, A i). 1872, there wiÚ be flolá at public ventoe, to the highest bidder, at the Manchester lintel, in the village ot' Mauclieater, in tlut eounty of Waslitcnaw, In said Btate, on Tujüday, the twenty-scventh day of l-'ebruary, A. 1. 182, at three o'clock in the afteruoon of thutday, [subject to all eucumbrancea by mortgHgQ or rxistinp at the timo of sale), the followinfl desoribed real etato, to wit: Ixts thirteen flnd founeon in Miwk twentv-niiu', in the village of -Manche-ster, accordiug to the reeorded i)lat thercof. Dated, January 8th, A. D. 1872. JOHN' (ÍÜOI)YEAR, Guardián. Mortgago Sale. DEFAULT having beun made in the conditioni of a mortage exegUjgd by David DeForest and .MniiannlMForen to I'Ililip íiaoli, boni-int date the 20Üi day of Xovi lulu-r, A. i), irsi;;, and Meocded in the Oinoa t the Jífister of Deeda for Wah tcnaw county, BLiebJgan, on the 2-d day oí' November, A. D. 18G7, in Ubei 3(i of mortgnges, on pajje 619 and duiy asijrued by said Philip llach to Büas H. Douglass, by attignmeaxi bearing date tbe third day of May, A. D. lS7í, and rocorded in the office of thc snid Kogisttr of Deeds fr Washtenaw county, on the "til dav of M;ty, A. I. 1870, in liber 2 of asslffninentB of mortgnges, on nage Sil, by whieíi default the poworof sale con tui tic d in said mnrtgage has líceome ojMïrativc, on waiefa mortgaf there is claimed to be díte at this date the Hum of three thouttand five hundixnj and tlnrty-ílve dolíais, and iifty doSaxs as an Attorney fee ;w provided in said inoitgage, and no suit or proceeding at law or in chaneery iiavimr betín instituted to recover tho debt Mcnred by said mortgag, or any part thercof ; Noticé is therefore hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgnge, and of the statdte in suoh oase made and provued, said mortgage will be'foreclosed on Baturday, tha twenty.- v.-nih day of April next, at ten o'clodc in the foronorm of that day, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Aun Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw, (hald Court House being tho place of holding the Circuit Court fot said county of Washtcn;iw, iiy bale at pubUo snotíon, to the hiifhest bidder, of tlie premiacs dcscriuod in said mongaso, whieh siiid mortífaRcd premises aro deiicribed in sald mottgagé as foÜows, viz : All the following descrilx-d pieces of land, idtuated in the city of Ann Arbor, Wasutenaw opasty, Michigan, viz: eommeneing at tho intersretion of the south line of Xorth street with the lmt' of División itTCCti in said city of Ann Arbor, and running east on the sonto lin? of North stïoet about two hundfed feet t tlic futholic Chinrh lot, t henee south flve rods, thanoe west pnraUel to ETortil slreet to División street, thence north to the place of beginning'. Ann Arbor, MicJb. Jan. 30th, 1S72. SILAS H. DOUOLA88, Assignee. Felth & Ghant, Attorncys for Assignoc. 1359 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT hiiving been mude in the condition of a eertain mortgage exeoated by Catharine Wall, of Northftcld, in the county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the 2ttn day of April, A. V. 1G7, tn Rally Ann l'ray, oL Superior, in suid county aim btate. and reeorded in the Begjürter's office of the county of Waahtenaw, the third day of Máy, A D. 1W7, atOVí o'elock a. M.t in líber 3(í of mortjrafït'8, on page .470 whioh said mortgage was duly asa%ned by Ueorge S. Wheeler, Administrator of the estáte of Sally Aun Fray. Lato of Superior, Washtenaw county, deco'ased, to Nuthan II. Pray, on the l"th day of January, a. D. 1871, and rocorded the 18th day of Januar a. i. 1S71, in libcr 2 of asstenments of mortgagesi on page 693, that thorc is clainictl to bc fine pon said moití-'age and noto ut th date, the sum of one hundred and forty-two dollars and thirty cents, alao a rt'asonableöolieitor'ftor Attorney's fee, bhould any proceedinga be taken to foreclose this mortgage, and furtlier instnllments to becomcduc on said mortgago, and no proeeedings at law or in tijuity having been had to recover the same or any part thercof; Notice is hereby fiiven, that by virtuo of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, I shall sell at publicaiution, to the highoKt bidder, on tbe uinth dayof March next, at 2 o'clock r. m. of said day, at the Court IIouhc, ín the nty of Ann Arbor, in said county, that being th? place of holding the Circuit Court for tho County of Waahtennw, all that eertnin tract or par col of lnnd known, and desciibed a follows, to wit: The northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section number tnree in township number one south in range nuniber eix east, lyini? in Northfleld, in the county of Washtenaw, in the ötatc of jttichitrun. December 7th, 1371. NATIIAN H. TRAT. John X. Oott, Assignee of Mortagce. Attorney for A&signee of Morigagce. Mortgago Sale. DEFAULT having been mode in the conditions of a certain uiortgage executed by Selaèn marvih and Ann J. Marvin to Milan Glover (now deconsed), lenring date the twenty-thirdday of November, one thousand i'iirlit hundretl and sixty-cight, and recorded in the omce of the .Register of UeedB for "Washtenaw county, Michipan, on the third day of Decembor, A. I. lSÓès In liber 30 of mortgiges, on page 410, on wbioh mortgage there in claimca to be d"uc the sum of Üve bundréu and twenty-two dollars (Í522), also an Attorney's fee of twenty-five dollars aa provided in said mort kak, and no silit or proceeding at laworin chaucery having been instituted to recover the döbt securcd by aaid mortgago. or any part thcreof ; Notice is therefore hereby given, that by virtuo of the power of snle contained in said mortgage, and of the Htatutc in such case male and provided, I sh.wl sell at public auction, t thc highest bidder, at thc south door of the Waohtonaw County Court Uousct inthe city of Ann Arbor, in aaid county (that being thc place of holding the Circuit Court for said county), on fiaturday, tho sixteenth day of March, A.D. 1873. at eleven o'olock a. m. of said day, the premisos desoribed in said mortgage, to-wit: A strip of land one, cbain and fourteen links wide, and extending acros the nortbeast "quarter of section tweuty-one, in township thrce south of rango five east, in Washtenaw county, Michigan, tbe west sido of which is parallel to and seven rods cast of the west sido of said quarter section, and tho oaft sidc is sixteen ehains and flfty-atTVB links west of the cast hnlf quarter lino, containing four and 02-100 acres, more or less ; aleo a piece on section twenty-two, name town and range, to wit : The outh sixtean chains and Beventy-ono links wide, and the cast sevonteen cbains and ninety-nine links along thc soutii sidc, and seventeen chains and ninety-su linkn along tfca north side of thc nieco, in the west huif of thc southwest quarter of section twenty-two, contnininff thirty acres, and being all the land owned by thf snid Belden Marvin and Ann'J. Marvin in said county of Washtenaw ut the time said mortgage was made and executi'd. Dated. Ann Arbor Pee. llth, 1871. MTLAN (LOVER, Mortffapee. CELINl'A GLOVEEj AdrainisD. Cramer, tratrix of said Mortgagce. Attorney for said Atlministratrix. 1352 Estato of John L. Sboar. QTATB OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, sa. O At n. romrifvn of thc Trobate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at thc Probate Ottice, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the twenty-ftfth day ot'.Ianuary, in thc year ono thouütuid eight hundrtxl and eventy-two. risaillll. liirain Beuken, Judge of Probate. In tho matter of tlie estute of John L. Shear, dcivased. A bram Shenr, Administrator of said wtato, come iiiiu Oonrt and ropreaopt that he ia now preiïarcd to randu bja ihial aocounl as such Administratar. Thereupon it i ordered, that Monday, the nmeteenth day of February next, at ten o'clock in tho foienoon, be assigned for x:uitinin;r aud aUtnrisg nuh aceount, and that thehettsat lawotsjxiddeceastui.iindallothcJ pezaoni interestcd in snid entatc, arerequiredtoappeax at a seesion of said Conrt, then to bc holden ut the Probate Ottlco, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said ( imnty, and show cause, if any therc bo, why the snid aooount should not bi allowcd : And it is further ordexed, thai said Administrator give notice to the lersons Inttnated iusaid estáte, of the pendenoyof said aooount, and the hearing thereof, by oansin a OOpy of this order to be pUOÜshed in the Michigan Argux il newapapar printed and obroolatúig is said County. three suooeaafve weeks provious tosaid day (ASueíopy.) III11AM J. 11KAKÏS, 13AS Judge w$ lrbate. GotoR.W.ELLIS&CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints ,Oils , &c .


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Michigan Argus