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' r VOKDEN, -20íouth.Mlnrtreet, U'1 tr Mich.. wholwalf nd retall deal" SnOMMb. Carpeta ml Grocerlea. ■ lWUf I fw5r5wiDg Machine Tkt are eilent, rfL _ ñsl AI.E, )! Resldencc and Office U"B","r Williams and Thompson StreetB. liar offlee hoare 1 to 3 r. -. -TÜEIÍiTbRAY, Hoofer. Kre and M Í,u7 Prooi. H -! Compoaitlon Gravel ;..i on to order and warranted. BesSdenceon {jJMiSlret, Ann Arbor. _____ u FLX.IS & CO., DroggiBts and dealers R. P.i_t7bil, Ko.2 South Main Street. ijybor. __ ■"bTTÍCKSOSI, Deuílet.íiioccseortoC. B. MarToíh cornsr )i aiu aud Huron streel, ,L.t. oTK.W.Elli C , Ann Arbor, lï. 'nsithetice adminiterl if reqalred. . 'arwon. OIHce, at residen, corner f Hu,4d0"vi.lonStt.t do ut o' Prcby JiJuCbarco, Anu Arbor, Mich. E, ?;Slra dooS. Oentf FurnUhms Good ; Ko í S,lli JUÚi ítreet, Anu Arbor, Mch "TrUKuLAsi WHKBOS, Life nd '. . "' ". ï ACcnt, aud dealerem Baal Bsmte. nm Street. 77ffl C. BISDON, Dealer in Uardware, Lirt. Il."uFrni.-hiug Goodn, 11" Ware.&c. y. i Stiaii Main tíwet. iTírH i ABKI., Dealers in Pry GoS. OroBírk,ic".,NÍ. 26 South Main étreet.Ann HUSO Se SON, Oroceni, Provieion and JlOommmion Merchante, aud áetier in Water tüo,tid Plaeter, and Plaler Paris. No. 16 Eat Iwiitreít. TTbÍdÍÍkÜ Tiaiesale ad Ketail Dealer S.ii ReidT Made ClothinK, Cloth. Cawimeree, Wii.iiidfikiifí FurnUhing Ooode. So. South Streít. ilJL riKB, D-aUr in R-ady Madcnotn1! tlotbi, CMlmere, VwsUnae, Ht. Cape, I HlkTÓÉrpct Bsgs, c. il íouth Main streel. I itLKOBE F1SKK, BookeelU-rs audStabM M.dieal Law ud College Tcxt Booke, I Icd JHncenaneous Booka. No. 3 North Main etít.Orcjsory nixck. Aun Arbor. ni7EY MJWIS, Dealer In Boo's, Shoeg, f Wtem, S ippew, Jtc So. ï Kast Unrun btrcct, I MOAfFw. CHEEVEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! (t wilh E. W. Morpan, Kast sidc of Court Ilouee ((lire. 331 J7f. schaèbekle, Itidior of Mosic. Q'"ee iustructiou on the PIANO, VIOLIN AND GUITAR, ilb! ofllte. No. 57 Sooth Main Ptrcet, (Moorc'8 HüdlDgJ, or at the roideace of the pupil. PIANO TÜNINÖ, Blenpecialitv aud saticfactUxi iaranteed; 1324}' 1 -j hBOCKEK Y. r GLASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & Donnellyj HiKiotoroalargcatockofCrocker},Glae6ware, 1rfWi,i:nt]ery Orocerie, 4c, te., all tobe HÜiIinuiBftHy luw pricen. N 12 Kast Uuruu Street, Ann Arbor. JOHN G. GALL, DEALER I3ST FRESH AND SALT MEATS, l.VHI), S H -4 M.-KS. Etc, 'Jttoiioliclted and promptly filled with thcljeêt at o the market. 31 Eut Waéhlngton street. AinArbor.Sept. 16th, 18. I2S5tf Manufacturor of . - HUUtES, BICVIES, LITIBER W.UiOS, $pri; witans. ( i r i kus, si,f.i;hs. s.f . 5nrltwrranud iiftlu: bcel maiermr. Repair'!uiKirumitlyaud reasonuli . All work warWWtogiveperfectsati'fiiCtlou. Ci Suth Muiii UM. 1343;1 .. .( .. ■ Manutcturcrof Carriáges, Buggies, Wagons, I HííLEIGHSof vay tyle, made of the beet leritl, und warranUd. Horse-sliocing and ReCt one pronijtiy aaU , prices reaeonable. 't Streeti Deur R. R. Dopot, Anu Arbor.MIch. U22yl j JuTb. póiíI'érT" DENTIST. 'theSAVIKÓS BAHKBLOCK, Ann Árbor. Operations on tó Natural Teeth PERFORMED, W1THCARE. ïir8URPASaED FÁCILITIES, AND EXPBRiENCE ÏRlifiv ARTÍFICÍAL TEETH, TO QIVE EÁCH INDIVinOAL; , M I tiprtt$ion. 1844 ()t C. JËÏÏÈINS St BRANDOLPn WIIITÈ, JÍ. D. ÜENTI8TS. Ötdj MAIHÁHD WASHIHGTOlISrS. All Operatíona peifoimed in the Moét Thoróuh and Scientific manner. jjltrpng Oxide Gas constantly on hand, minlstered wlth perfect safety. .___ 18-io.yi. HEN YOU WANT hH PHOTOGRAPHS, GO TO Aw. b. revenaugh. No. 30 Huron'strett. píOPLE'B DRÍJG STOiiEi I R.W.ELLISCO. HU'HHUX CENTRAL KAILUOAI). SUMMEU TIMB TABLE. Passenger trains now leare the serenil tations, as folio: OOINO WKsT. STATIONS. _ W g & -Ö ia & aj ft I A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. Detroit, Icave, 7 00 S 30 4 10 .1 40 9 30 YiimUiiU 8 28 10 2S 5 40 7 0Í 10 40 AnnAftoi. 8 52 10 Í7 6 05 J 40 11 00 Doxter, 9 20 6 35 8 05 ChoUon, 9 40 - 8 25 Oran Liike, 10 07 8 52 A. M. JiickBon, 10 40 12 15 ■ 9 30 12 15 P. M. P. Mi A. M. KAlMftarao, S l 2 55 12 25 Chicngonrrive,____8 JU 8 00 L_ 7 ? OOIHO EAST ïï Til t ! p. M. P. Sf. A. M. A. M. Chicago, loavc, 6 15 900 600900 A. M. P. M. Kulamnzoo, 12 SS 15 11 51 2 00 A. M. P. M. Jackson, 1 55 4 SS 3 no 4 17 rana Lake, 5 0 3 32 (ihelsea, 5 55 A. X. I 58 Dexter, 5 40 7 05 4 15 A.nn Yrbor 2 22 r, 00 7 35 4 42 5 Í4 y "iiMnti, m m it is 1 40 I.,',rfW. i J_ 6 25 6 45 The Dcxtér Train run to Jifkioh Hattirday evcniiiK on "EeninK Express" tinie, and baek Muudny moming oh itown. The "Night Expres" 4oe nut pass evst Monday morning. TheAttantii' nd Pacilic ExpreB run between Jackson and Nile on the Air Line. Dated Not. 35Üi. 1871. ' PORT WAYNE, JACKSON AND Sagina-w RailroadThe moat direct route to PitUbiirg, Philadelpuia, Baltimore, Wanhinuton, and all point soutli and KHitliviMt. Train run by Chicago Time. TBAINB OOING OÜTH. .W.ii7. Exprtst. Angola Ace. Hanov-, 7 55 11 M " Aubuni, IJ Ji Fort Wayne, U 4 5 4S Indisnoplis, 6 S0 P. M. ..■ Cmcinnitia ? 0MA.K. LouávUle, u train ooisq nobth. Aiwvla Ace. Ervrat. ilait. Louisvüle, 30A.M. U 00 p.m. Ann Arbor, 2 . t Jnokwm- ('lose onneetíooB wc made with Michisan Central, JBckon, Lunsing & öaginaw, and Grand SgL5S2Sm 6hore& MichiganSouth"fwïrioo-With Late Shore & Michig.m SouthTLFrOV'kyne-WiUi Tittaburg, Fort JTmm & C1.Uko Totolo. W.W, & Wtcm,and Ft. Wajnc. MuncieÉCincinnati KaUroad,. Hob't. Rillie, Ocn'l. Ticket Ag't. Dec. 11, 1871. - rrHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE IXS. CO. JOHN J BAOLKY. President. JA'OBS F.iKRASl), Vice l'rcsideut. JO11N T. LlOOKTTSfcrrtary. JAMES C. WATSON. Actunry. L. M. THAYKli, General Agent. SA.LISE BOAluToF C0NTK0L For the Towns of Pittsfield, Vork, I.odi, Saline, Ireedom, KriUKCWater, Miiiron and JJIanctoestcr, Oeo. n. Palroer, Atfy. at Law. W. II. Davenport, Banker. O. QoodrDfC. Farmer. ■ Johu Richa.ds. Farmer. George Cue, Farmer, II w. Baimett. Farmer. M V. Koik, Prnipal Unlon School. C Par8"iiB. MerchanL D. LeBaron, Farmer. A.Ü.SttmDcr, Farmer. OITinCKBS : II. W. BASSETT. Tresident. O OO0D1NG, Vice President. W. H. DAVKNPOKT, Treasurer. GF.O. R. PALMER. Atiy. QEO. L. FOOTK, Scc'y and Dist. Agent. Insure wltto the Michigan Mutual because it invests the funds of its Policy Holdeia of this District In the District, under the supervisión of the Boaid, THEREBY A8SI-T1NO TO DEVELOr OUB KESOURCKS Pollfy Hotóers ecure to thcmselree The HighéstRates of Interest Therc is a difference of fully 3 per cent betwecn rates of interest East and West. Jl ,000 nvested anuually for 50 yeatl0percent,mount8lo l,280,00.4O $1,000 iuvetted nnnally !vt M jt', ot t por cent., aint'a to 434,080.00 Differcnce, 845.313;4O The higher the f atès óf interest receiTed the less will be tho cost of insurance and thè larger the dividend. All Polioieá are Non-Foxf eitable afterpömeat of one armUBÍ It pays Dividends on the First Preïnium. ÍT DIO OXE-TWELFTft OF MX THE BIS1E88 DOE i! TH1S STATE Di 1S70, l''ETlX; 1TH 61 CÓ.1IPÍS1ES. It cn Furnish ündoobtkd Assdhanck to Michigan , Mis at Lksb Cost tüan any otuer Compant. The Company is Prohibitefl by Law f rom Speculating in Real Estáte or OtherwiseIt deals In CASH ONLY. "ItUan obvlous principie of Life Anuran! that it eunnot be doue on credit. The article in which the Cowpany öls mnst he i'fiid f jr lu Ca.h l)ffut n can be sup plied." ANN ARBOR BOARD OF CONTROL For tbc City of Ann Arbor, and Tou-na of Ann Arbor, Hjortlificlil, Webster, Scio, Lima, Ocxtor, Sylvan and L.yndon, EACH MEMBER I'SIIRE1) ÍOR 5,000 Hon. Charles Tripp, Elihn B. Pond, DeVolsun Wood, a. k.c. l.Henry I). Bctmatt, Wm. F. Breakey, JL P-, Stepben M. webster, J. Q. A. Scaaion, Lconlmrd (iruner. Warren Tremain, Edmund Blood, OFFICtRS OF THE BOARD i CHARLES TRIPP. President. E Iï POND. Vice Prtisldent. STKPUKN M. WER8TER, Trésinrer. W V BRKAKEY, M. D., Medical Ezamlnor. J Q A. 8B88ION8. Attorneyacd Ain-nt. I OEO. I,. FOOTE, Secretary and DisVrltt Acnl.


Old News
Michigan Argus